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Accepted Submiss' School Council Application ✔

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Level 71
IGN: Submiss
Role in School Council: School Council Vice President
Expected activity (out of ten): 10 (Soon to be 8 once school starts, unfortunately.)
RL Age (note that it does not matter how old you are): 15
Previous Applications: Teacher Application (x2 Accepted), Language Application (x1 Denied), Staff Application (x1 Denied).
Motivation for joining: I want to try out many different roles as possible and experience new things, especially because the participation I've had so far has been fun.
What is the School Council?: The School Council is a specially elected group of individuals that stand to embody and recite the voices of the students from the school.
What happens in the School Council?: The members of the School Council gather to discuss and perform certain events and upcoming improvements towards the school, to acknowledge student suggestions and to cast important ideas, to achieve greater success for the students and to make sure that the school's reputation and record stays crisp clean.


You are a councillor, the chairman submits a awful idea, what do you do?: I would obviously tell them because I wouldn't want an awful idea to be worked on as the School Council exists to make the School a better place. An awful idea cannot be further progressed on as it could damage the school.

You submit a idea, everyone hates it, how do you react?: I will firstly try to debate against their opinion but if everyone ends up hating it even more, I have to back down and calmly admit my defeat as everyone else's opinions matter. Without the acknowledgement of others, the idea cannot be assisted with; therefore it can become a total disaster.

You have become the school president, what is your first speech: Greetings. My name is Lele, which carries the meaning 'loyalty'. I will, for now, be your School Council President. I cannot contain my excitement for the upcoming adventure we are about to withstand together. Trust me when I say this, I will put my blood, sweat and tears through this line of work. Thank you so much for having me and I do hope we can all get along like a big merry family.

You fail to attend 5 meetings with the school council, how do you apologise? First of all, I am terribly, terribly apologetic for the recent absence. Problems in my life occurred and that is the only explanation I could give as even the greatest and plausible explanation wouldn't excuse me from this horrid action. Once again, I am so, so sorry.

You are being removed from your position, how do you react? My position would be important to me, so I would try to reason professionally. If the decision is final, sadness would be my first emotion and I would probably weep, no revenge or any stupidity would come out of my sorrow though since I am a peaceful person.

You are writing a letter to the school principal, write why you should be a council member.

Greetings to our dearest principal,
My name is Lele Valentine, you may know me as the infamous Le.
Recently, I have taken interest in the School Council community. I would love to be a part of it.
I believe, with all my might, that I belong in the School Council.
I will state the reasons for you to read.
I am a lovely, loyal and caring person. The school means so much to me, and I have so many great ideas for me to fuse and it would be a shame if I cannot do anything with them as my great mind and intelligence could be of effective help.
I excel in persuasion techniques and with my traits I can overcome any mishaps.
I will now list a few of my suggestions and suggestions I have heard from other students.
- A weekly golden club set up by the School Council. Students can come in to share their thoughts and problems. We can enjoy a cup of tea and biscuits together.
- The 'Help me' box. A sturdy box set in front of the school to act as an anonymous report system. You can write a letter stating your issues and put it in the box for further help and consequences.
- A monthly trip to a homeless shelter (only a few individuals chosen) and start a BBQ party.
These ideas were only a fraction of what I have in mind. I do not find the need to state anymore as just stating these particular ideas would not magically make these happen. Honourably, I can now say my job as an applicant has been fullfilled. In order for my full potential to be released into the world, I may need to be accepted. If not, I will put it on hold for another marvellous opportunity.
Thank you ever so much for taking your time reading this meaningful letter, and you could maybe thank me for writing you one.

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Level 143
You have been accepted, yet to be V.P you would already need to be on the council for me to trust you OOC'ly and IC'ly. You may be accepted to be a councillor treasurer as you have requested that to be the next chosen position
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