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Accepted Sunswife's Rad Private Tutor Application


Level 104

In Game Name: The name of the account I'll be applying for this position is 'sunswife'. I do have only one alternative account, namely 'Mistalee'.

School Employee Role you are Applying For: I'll be applying for the position of a Private-Tutor in this application.

How often do you log onto the server?:
I'm quite prideful at the fact that I log onto the server just about daily, and play for about an hour, or up to six a day! I plan to keep this activity recurring and continual, however, making sure to log and document any possible inactivity I may face in the correct location, this being a possible Discord channel, or directly messaging the Faction Lead, anything to mark where and what I'd be doing, should the occurrence of possible inactivity present itself.

Do you have discord?: Yes, of course, I do! My Discord Tag is 'Knot#3985'. The situation of me changing my Discord-Tag is relatively a rare occurrence, therefore I doubt that this will be invalid by the time this application is reviewed. Should this be the case, however, I'll make sure to edit the application accordingly.

Do you have a microphone?: Affirmative. I indeed have an efficient microphone, with which I'm always prepared to hop into private calls, voice channels or meetings in with.

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: No, I have not! I take immense pride in this factor, as I've always been cautious in regards to following SchoolRP's rules and terminology, a minor mention which I plan to continue in the future, if not for the rest of my stay on the server.

Can you ensure that you will often come on: Yes, yes I can! Despite the fact that I'm applying for this position on an alternative account, I can ensure you that I'd be 100% willing to dedicate a prolonged period of time to work as this position, as determined to actively play on the account itself, roleplaying, working and generally helping out in giving the school a more realistic and lively atmosphere by actively
assisting students, teachers, the general population of Karakura High.

Do you recognize that you can be ICly fired?: Yes, I fully acknowledge this, as well as full-heartedly agree with this. I agree with the condition of being severely punished for any In-Character occurrences which may go against the code of conduct, or general disobeying regulations that school faculty is to abide by.

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee:
As previously mentioned, the role I've chosen to apply for here is the 'Private Tutor' role. Private Tutors are to assist students who are troubled academically, advancing them further by hosting private tutoring lessons for them to practice bettering their stance in a certain subject. For example, a student struggling in a teacher's maths class, looking to better themselves may seek a private tutor, as their sole purpose occupation-wise is to further a student's education, focusing primarily on the particular subjects in which they fail to completely understand a topic, concept, etc

. Private Tutors hold a significant amount of knowledge in each subject they specialize in, ensuring that whichever student who comes by to visit is able to properly be educated by the private tutors, enough to get them back on their feet and allow them to academically advance as usual. Private Tutors are not, however, just to assume that students are seeking their help simply because they don't understand the lesson or topic, didn't pay attention in the lesson in which the topic was discussed or generally lack the intelligence to understand. There are a multitude of scenarios in which a Private-Tutor may be called for despite the obvious, if not a typical scenario. ake for example an exchange student recently moved into town, and they need help catching up on the material which they have not yet had the time to fully read over and understand. Overall, Private Tutors are in charge of enriching the knowledge of students which may already lack somewhat in whichever topic they have immense, or minimal trouble in.

Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?:

Yes, I do! I have past experiences at a school employee, better said am still experiencing; On my alternative account, as I mentioned, I have an account that I consider to be my 'main' account. I play on this most frequently, as it's occupied by a teacher role, a Drama-Teacher role, to be specific. With this role, I have had plenty of time to adjust myself to Karakura High's environment, it's student player base, as well as the unique roleplay situations they present to school faculty. If I may, I believe that experience-wise, I have plenty to share. I've hosted detentions before, therefore I am fully aware as to how to keep a student quiet, obedient in In-Character situations. I've handled difficult situations in terms of attempting to quiet down heaps of students in roleplay at once, where I then, more often than not find myself succeeding quite frequently in!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

In general, I believe that I have quite a lot of experience in terms of roleplay. I've been playing on the server SchoolRP itself for multiple months now, in said months I've had plenty of opportunities to indulge in roleplaying with both friends, and players which I considered to be complete strangers at first! If I'm not mistaken, I've had quite the great deal of experience in regards to roleplaying, as I've not only spent multiple months on the server roleplaying but have also spent an extended amount of time roleplaying on other platforms, Minecraft Servers, all of which I'd prefer not to name for the sake of advertising.

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it:

Absolutely! As mentioned above, the job of a Private Tutor is to help advance students struggling with specific lesson topics or generally help further their academic knowledge in areas they lack. Private Tutors help students feel more comfortable in their academic environment, such as classrooms, as they are to inform the students to a point in which they can feel comfortable to raise their hand when the teacher asks a question, as said Private Tutor would have taught them well enough for them to strive in confident answers when raising their hand. They can willingly write notebooks in which small advertisements for their tutoring can be noted, encouraging students to give their type of lessons a chance, as they may be struggling in a certain subject without even knowing it! Overall, private tutoring brings an optional roleplaying experience, which can involve players in a unique occurrence.


During a workshift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?:

I would immediately asses the situation, confronting the student with a stern and calm tone, ready to scold them for their inappropriate behavior. As I stand my own ground, I would immediately inform the student that their actions are not up to par if they are looking to continue their stay at Karakura High without detention, or even a possible suspension if they decided not to change the path of useless insults they happened to pursue. If they, despite this, decide to continue their disrespectful behavior, immediate detention without another warning is in order. The detention would be a practice of absolute strict discipline, prohibiting the student from interacting with anything against the rules listed in detention. If they decide to continue their path of recklessness and rebellion, an immediate office referral to a Vice-Principal, if not Principal would be in order, where further consequences will seek them out.

You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?:

If the principal of KHS themselves ordered me to follow through with a distinct task, I believe I would have no other choice to comply. Albeit if this request leans over into the non-legal or lethal side, I would immediately deny the request to pursue a certain task and accept the consequences given to me at that point. I understand that school employees are to follow the orders of their superiors at all times, but in terms of risking my own safety and health, a certain boundary in regards to my own comfort zones would be in order.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?:
Depending on what the context of said task would be, my course of action in said situation would vary. Immediately, I would tend to the fellow school employee and question them on what they were doing, why they were doing it and who put them to the task of doing it. If the occurrence turns life-endangering, illegal or generally incredibly dangerous, I would immediately inform them to stop, unless they desperately plead for a form of severe punishment, even if this was a task set out by a Principal, Vice-Principal, School-Inspector, and so on. Should they not heath my warning, I would immediately inform the first available superior of the school employee's actions, letting them know that they are tending to an incredibly dangerous task. From then on, I would wait for said superior of mine to act, leaving the decision of consequences up to them, unless they specify otherwise.


Applicant Name:
Tenshi Akihito.

Chosen Job:
Private Tutor.

Motivation for Joining KHS:

I've heard a multitude of positive comments and reviews of Karakura High, I believe such a high-esteemed and prestige campus would be an absolute honor to work at, as I personally believe working in an environment would present a great highschool experience, for school faculty and students alike. I've looked over multiple Japanese high schools to tutor at, though none stand out just as much as this one in particular. I'm very much willing to share the knowledge which I've studied for years on end with to my students, as I'm incredibly welcome and encourage them to try their absolute best and strive to be better than the best! Overall, I believe that Karakura High would be an incredible experience to tutor at, as I've always adored the concept of helping struggling students which are open enough to trust me to help them advance in the academic field.

Age (Minimum age is 25):
24 years of age.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I work incredibly well in environments involving a variety of individuals on multiple levels, whether this is personality-wise, academically-wise, so on and so forth. I believe that I'd be a genuine asset to the Private-Tutor team, as in my perspective, I would fare quite well in KHS' environment, seeing as my past experience involving children and teenagers takes me a long way in terms of understanding how they act and why they act the way they do, and how to control any out-of-line behavior. Not only this, but I'm incredibly dedicated to my passion, this being educating and assisting students in their need to understand certain lesson topics or overall subjects in general. I'm determined to strive to perform at my absolute peak, always willing to lend a helping hand.

I'd like to briefly mention the age, this being '24', being under the minimum age required to apply for this position. I was given permission by Looper; as Mike had previously asked him if I was in the clear to apply using this age before this application was written. Also, if it's alright with the person reviewing these applications, I do have a few, minor questions I would like to ask if this application does happen to get accepted.


Level 136

- Really good application. DM me on discord for further information regarding your role.

Discord - Loooper#8259

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