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Level 169
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College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Haha, I recognize it. You should maybe not skip school for a school roleplay tho, irl school is a bit more important xD. And i think i saw you on the server today? I play as Liam Q. Dot. Have fun anyways.


Level 143
Hi, I'm Shizai. It's nice to meet you, Augustine / AgressiveGemini, I hope you enjoy your time here nice you been playing for four days already, that must mean you really like it! I'm glad, you do, there's always a #feedback channel on our discord if you ever want to give your feedback or suggestions on what should be implemented or changed on the server, and I'll be your personal friend and helper here if you ever need anything my discord is open 24/7 (Shizai#4562), I've also provided some useful links that will help you since you are new, these will help you get adjusted to roleplay here and are our useful and key information here on the server we use. All of it is down in spoilers, If you want to quickly learn how to get setup /warp tutorial is a perfect thing to do starting out on the server as it teaches you the basics on how to get started on your character, and how to do things.. For the spoilers just click to open them. Glad you've become addicted to the game, but don't skip out on class, make sure you hold your own and do your school work too, so you aren't put in any future danger or trouble. pretty cool to hear you love to roleplay, but of course it's a roleplay server you're surrounded by like-minded friends and others who love it just as much as you do, So Enjoy! I'm sure you'll get adjusted quite well, if you have any questions feel free to ask anytime, hope to get to see you around sometime!


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