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Denied Zida's receptionist application.


Level 21
[OOC section]

In Game Name: Zida.

School Employee Role you are Applying For: Receptionist.

How often do you log onto the server?:
Weekdays - 5-7 hours [approx. 30 minutes before school and 4-7 hours after school]
Weekends - 7- 12 hours

Do you have discord? yes. Zida#9695 and direct messages are always open. Questions are welcome too.

Do you have a microphone? Yes, though it is not great.

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: No, I have never been banned or warned before. Nor have I ever had any close calls with being warned/banned.

Can you ensure that you will often come on: Yes, I will be on every day that I am able to or whenever I have the chance to be on break. Even then, I am always active on Discord and am ready to answer questions and am available to talk. The only reason i may be offline is because of out of school activities I attend on Mondays and Tuesdays, but even after I will come straight online and stay if the current in character time is within the boundaries of the school day.

Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?: Yes, failure to attend the job in character for a certain period of time may result in Zida (the character) being fired. This could also occur if he doesn't act appropriately within the work-place and follow the given guidelines & rules.

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee: A receptionist is someone who works at the front desk of a building, in this case a school, holding records and giving support to those who need it.
They could be holding student's data for parents, greeting new and inexperienced students who may need a tour or guidance to certain locations, or handle emailing and calling information as well. For example, Zida, while doing his job, would first take calls and attend to paperwork needed on student's attendance or other things that need to be filled. Secondly, he might answer questions from a puzzled student and give them guidance on where to go for certain activities or tasks - even informing them in what clubs they may attend. It is a role that involves a lot of communication, which can be important for other teachers or new students who need someone who's good with handling all sorts of paperwork enquiries.

Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?: Yes, one of my previous characters worked as a receptionist of an office building, though this was on discord (this was roleplayed in a literate way). They served the office in a more serious manner and fulfilled the role quite well.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I have been roleplaying for about 7 years now since I was young, it has always been a coping mechanism to help my anxiety so i have had much experience with people of all abilities and wants in roleplaying throughout my years of doing it. I am always up for helping new people adjust, too.

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it: I have volunteered in schools before to help with work. Taking calls from parents is one of the very necessary requirements. There is also the experience of helping new people who might need a tour, answering questions from students, giving out lost and found, taking complaints, greeting people and giving teachers information that they need.


During a workshift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?: Remain calm during the situation, ask them what is wrong and try help according to the student's need. If needed contact a teacher or vice principal to receive help in giving an according punishment [though this would usually be reported afterwards, if the student was being over the top and would not calm down deeming the situation appropriate- a teacher could be immediately called].

You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?: If there was other staff available, I would first advise the principal to double check if there was a person more suited to the job to help out first [if there was, it would be left for them if they were experienced enough]. Though if it was urgent, I would happily attend to help - though using extreme caution and care.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?: At first, ask them what they're doing and if something is wrong. If they are not acting against the rules, help them to calm or finish the task acquiring help if needed. If they are acting against the rules, firstly calm them and get them back into the right state of mind before reporting them to a higher member of staff [if it is out of character, then you'd go to a mod or admin - whoever's available].
If illness is causing a staff member to act poorly, take them to the school nurse - making sure students wont be affected by the situation.

[IC section]
Applicant Name:
Zida 'Mikhailnova' Kotova
Chosen Job: Receptionist

Motivation for Joining KHS: I want to help out the students and teachers of the school and join in helping the community that I am proud to live in. Helping students succeed and teachers share knowledge to the best of their abilities is of high importance. I believe it's important to have people who are sociable and kind to be able to cater to even the most fragile students. I think I could bring something different to the table as I respond to situations differently - which could help if someone else is unable to deal with a situation I could've. I love the community and want to give something back.

Age (Minimum age is 25): 25 years of age.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I have a different way of thinking and have extreme patience when needed. I have the ability to multitask with good charisma, the ability to keep calm and reserved while wanting to help above everything else. I believe I bring a certain kindness and atmosphere that others couldn't bring themselves, above all, I am very active and am always on and around for hours on end - showing high levels of dedication. This is why I believe i could be a good fit for the job, I am always open to answering questions and providing reasons for and because. I hope i could be of use to the staff team, thank you.
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Deleted member 5455

- This is an absolutely lovely application, however, the spots for receptionist are full. I hope to see you apply again, though. I'm sure you'd make a wonderful fit for the team.

Good luck in the future!

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