Aralacus Feb 25, 2017 Is there a new ip for the maze runner server? Because I can't seem to connect to the original ip.
Aralacus Feb 24, 2017 Ooo.... @WildSense This is a tough choice... I mean, which one?!
Ooo.... @WildSense This is a tough choice... I mean, which one?!
Aralacus Feb 24, 2017 Has the maze runner server been down for anyone else? Because I can't seem to get on.
Aralacus Feb 12, 2017 "Socratic method, a form of dialogue based on asking/answering questions to prompt critical thinking and draw out ideas and masked beliefs."
"Socratic method, a form of dialogue based on asking/answering questions to prompt critical thinking and draw out ideas and masked beliefs."
Aralacus Feb 9, 2017 F**king done with biomedical ethics presentation! Now I just have to pitch it... to a bunch of med majors... yaaaay DX
F**king done with biomedical ethics presentation! Now I just have to pitch it... to a bunch of med majors... yaaaay DX
Aralacus Feb 8, 2017 When you have a biomedical ethics presentation due tomorrow and you've barely even started it... DX
Aralacus Feb 6, 2017 When your Oral Comm professor is confusing af with his assignments... or if there are any... or when the class f**king starts.
When your Oral Comm professor is confusing af with his assignments... or if there are any... or when the class f**king starts.
Aralacus Feb 6, 2017 Wake up in the morning, go to class, wake up in the morning in class, ponder the dull throb in the back of your mind, repeat.
Wake up in the morning, go to class, wake up in the morning in class, ponder the dull throb in the back of your mind, repeat.
Aralacus Feb 6, 2017 Just found out my friends tricked me before the Super Bowl began... fuuuuuuuuuuuuu-
Aralacus Feb 5, 2017 Hoping the Bears win the Super Bowl because I made a bet with a friend. If the Bears win he has to shave one eyebrow! xD
Hoping the Bears win the Super Bowl because I made a bet with a friend. If the Bears win he has to shave one eyebrow! xD