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Recent content by Cuddless™

  1. Cuddless™

    Denied Teaching Assistant Application

    [OOC section] In Game Name/IGN: Umemori J. Fukuyami - ElmoTM (This is my alt) School Employee Role you are Applying For: I'm applying for the role of, Teaching Assistant. How often do you log onto the server?: I log on to the server almost everyday for about 2 - 3 hours. With the current...
  2. Cuddless™

    ✿✿ニコ・ナスニカギマ/ Niko N. Nikagima✿✿

    ✿✿Niko N. Nikagima✿✿ (ニコ・ナスニカギマ) Basic Information First Name: ' Nico ' Middle and Surname: ' Nasu Nikagima ' Preferred Name: ' Being a very upper class woman, she believes 'nicknames' were immature and childish. Therefore she goes by her lastname, Nikagima. ' Gender: ' She was born a cis...
  3. Cuddless™

    The biography of 'Cuddles' A. Natsuki

    'Cuddles' A. Natsuki The Basics Fullname: 'Riley A. Natsuki' Preferred Name: 'Cuddles' Gender: 'He, him, his' Age: 'Grade 8, age 14' Height: 'five foot, 2 inches.' Weight: '89LBS or 40.4 KG' Build: 'He'd have quite a small skinny build.' Skin Color: 'Pale.' Eye Color: 'Naturally...