You do get additional player slots when you get Omega and Omega+ without buying playerslots(I believe Omega gets 3 slots and Omega+ gets 5, I could be wrong)
but otherwise, -1
fun fact, Faculty CAN give detentions past 3pm(15:00) if the situation is bad enough or it was ongoing when school was still in session. It is all depends on the situation and who is handling said situation, most of the time faculty doesn't want to deal with it past 3pm as Teachers/Professors...
Hello! HD Teacher here and almost HD for a whole year, Computer Science will be under the DT tab of Teacher Roster and unsure about Proffessor, but I would have to assume the Filler tab!
I agree with Fred, if you do however see something that breaks SRP rules on a post. You can contact a staff member or Tippie himself and they will be able to handle it.
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