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Recent content by DongMoon

  1. DongMoon

    Hannah's Biography

    Hannah!! Cool Bio!!
  2. DongMoon

    [!] a torn out page, found near the lockers...

    sad things make me giggle - but like in an anxiety kind of way - eh hehehehe
  3. DongMoon

    SRP RP Series/Movie

    I'd buy that!
  4. DongMoon

    How to know you have zero bitches, (SIGNS)

    Justice just got SERVEDDDD
  5. DongMoon


    NAME: Scooby Scoob the III RACE: Shiba-Mix BIRTHDAY: Summer of 2018 AGE: 5 years old (35 dog years) GONADS: female CURRENT STATUS: alive BRAIN: ☆☆☆ CUTE: ★★☆ HEALTH: ★★☆ HUNGER: ★★★ RIZZ: ★★★ LOYALTY: ★★★ GOOFY: ★★★ LUCK: ★★☆ PERCEPTION: ★☆☆ Scooby was a family dog once, but her original...
  6. DongMoon

    Gimmie your best pickup lines ;3

    StranGLE mY ORANGES!!
  7. DongMoon

    What would be your character's latest google search?

    how to rizz gangsters babo money rich
  8. DongMoon

    woah woah true genius is usually not acknowledged in their lifetime. but yess, it definitely IS...

    woah woah true genius is usually not acknowledged in their lifetime. but yess, it definitely IS the best one EVER made! ty!!
  9. DongMoon

    Gyaru Characters

    oh wow O _ O nicuu guiduuu!
  10. DongMoon

    Melody Toki-Finster Biography

    You're my favorite goblin! Let me hugggg youuuu!! rrrrrr
  11. DongMoon

    KARAKURA NEWS | Winter's Beaches

    I must show this to Erik. He will definitely appreciate your detailed a n a l y s i s of sand grain migration patterns and the thrilling economics of winterized boardwalk retail. It's like reading a riveting thriller, if the thriller was about watching paint dry in a blizzard....
  12. DongMoon

    temporary goodbye

    you honored us with your presence! o7 farewell!
  13. DongMoon

    if you had to chance to date someone icly who would it be

    ew... although, he gets more social interactions than anyone I know. might reconsider...
  14. DongMoon

    Hana Mori-Finster [Character Introduction]

    Here comes my no-effort art piece! Required no talent, no work, and no morals! THE AI APOCALYPSE IS COMING (so I used Dall-E to create an image of Hanaaaa)