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Recent content by dream_stuff

  1. dream_stuff

    the server is down?

    On mine and the behalf of people who are wondering about what is going on with the serer right now i think we all have the same question. Why is it down? Now i would like to hopefully shed some possible light on this topic my friends. There have been scenarios in the past were this has happened...
  2. dream_stuff

    Dream Group Application

    Hello I am Mr.Dream. I have been working on ideas for a very long time to make this server better and more enjoyable for everybody. I want people to have an infinite amount of fun. And to do that I’m gonna need some people. I call this stage 3 of my plans. Stage #: Bring together a group. If you...
  3. dream_stuff

    YHS Shader Pictures

    These look great. Keep up the good work.
  4. dream_stuff

    sup peeps hope everybody is having a great time on the server I have made this account to help...

    sup peeps hope everybody is having a great time on the server I have made this account to help put dreams of Are's into the server