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enubii's latest activity

  • enubii
    enubii posted the thread third time in Reviewed Requests.
    I need my vehicles back. I lost them when my apartment reset. I thought the items in the chest would not be wiped. My IGN is enubii, and...
    • 1739115105796.png
  • enubii
    enubii posted the thread vehicle in Reviewed Requests.
    hey. I need my vehicles back, Toyota Prius and Red Motorbike. Here's the proof, thanks.
    • 1737931994027.png
  • enubii
    enubii posted the thread help PLS. in Reviewed Requests.
    ok so when i was editing my apartment i had to like to reset it because there a lot of blocks placed and I didn't want to like break...
    • Screenshot (421).png