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Recent content by findouticly

  1. findouticly

    I think I got scammed

    U can get a fishing rod at the fishing pond located on the right side of the Forest.
  2. findouticly

    Purchasing Character Slots

  3. findouticly

    Car doors - CrimeRP

  4. findouticly

    Difficult to play characters

    bitch i've seen u play on like 3 wdym :sob:
  5. findouticly

    Difficult to play characters

    I have. . . 20 characters, and yes, it can get sometimes hard to play my characters. . . help me someone please
  6. findouticly

    Beach & Sewer Updates

    +1 no real reason to -1
  7. findouticly

    The Start of The Androids - Synthars (Re-Imagined)

    This could totally work as an another part of Roleplay Hubs subservers.
  8. findouticly

    Spiked bat rework!

  9. findouticly

    2nd KPD APPLICATION | findouticly

    OUT-OF-CHARACTER SECTION IGN (In-Game Name): findouticly Discord Name & Tag: findouticly Which timezone are you in? GMT+1 List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: Describe your activity on the server: I would consider myself a pretty active person on SchoolRP, tho...
  10. findouticly

    About Realism and Unrealism ...

    Unrealistic behavior like spirits and other things should be allowed, but only with a staff members consent, a good reason behind doing so, and an argument as to how it would improve roleplay and character development. +1 only if it'd work like how I said.
  11. findouticly

    Render Technique Tests

    I love the 3rd one so much!!!
  12. findouticly

    Paintball arena!

    +1 Minecrafts EULA only mentions guns that function like a real weapon. If it were to ban everything that resembles a weapon, dart guns and tasers would also be removed.
  13. findouticly

    The Bird situation

    Aka just look at where their head would be if they werent an animal
  14. findouticly

    Crowbars being legal
