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Recent content by frenzyyy

  1. frenzyyy

    [Youtube] Karakura High - Episode 3 OUT NOW!

    Karakura High - Episode 3 (Abuella's Secret..) As Ben and Felicity navigate their new highschool, they rush to prepare for the upcoming School dance. However, they also find out that Abuella has a dark secret she is hiding.. Could it have anything to do with the events of Classroom 312? In...
  2. frenzyyy

    whats the best day of your life ?

    IRL - One of my all time best days was when I visited Cannes to go jet skiing with someone I was close with. It was incredible, that and one of my nights out in Paris where I came across an underground arcade- Time of my life. SRP - Finally releasing the first Episode of Karakura High and...
  3. frenzyyy

    In this next episode, tears may be shed, secrets get uncovered and partners are found at a...

    In this next episode, tears may be shed, secrets get uncovered and partners are found at a School dance..
  4. frenzyyy

    Karakura High - Episode 3 (Abuella's Secret) As Ben and Felicity navigate their new highschool...

    Karakura High - Episode 3 (Abuella's Secret) As Ben and Felicity navigate their new highschool, they rush to prepare for the upcoming School dance. However, they also find out that Abuella has a dark secret she is hiding.. Could it have anything to do with the events of Classroom 312? Coming...
  5. frenzyyy

    Map expansion.

    -1 I don't particularly see the need for a map expansion at this point in time. There are tons of available apartments for players to use, there are more than enough shops, etc. I think that players should look at roleplaying in other areas or suggesting improvements for areas that are less...
  6. frenzyyy

    good idea or not?

    I would be more than happy to host debate assemblies every once in a while if that's something people are interested in! It would be really cool to make it a thing with rewards for the winner and have different fun topics discussed.
  7. frenzyyy

    We listen we dont judge! SRP edition

    I think we have lost the idea of the game here a little, I want to see more funny stories from SRP. Anyway, here's mine! We listen but we don't judge. I once purposefully shut my friend out to get attacked by a bear in the forest just so they'd have to experience the EMS RecoveryRP time.
  8. frenzyyy

    more speed for track members and swim

    I actually think this is a really nice thought- The idea that being a part of a team would give you a little perk in some way is exciting and fun! It would encourage more to look for different teams for different advantages that they can gain. Additionally, it would help those teams that have a...
  9. frenzyyy


    Try creating a ticket in game to get help with this. They usually just send you to spawn from there, just note that you have to be online for them to do this. /ticket create Helper <message>
  10. frenzyyy

    How has SRP affected you?

    I actually joined SRP due to looking for more ways of roleplaying around and ended up really enjoying it- But I ended up sticking with it by playing a lot when I was going through a breakup in real life and it ended up being a little bit of an escape for me. Ever since then, I have been obsessed...
  11. frenzyyy

    What is your character majoring in?

    Okay wait I love this question! Kaito Akiyama - Screen Acting (this comes from an IRL interest I have, I have been studying acting for about 8 years now) Ben Yamatasha - Social Work (being adopted into a family, he would take on that interest in later years and decide to study it further.) Hugo...
  12. frenzyyy

    best family in srp GO!

  13. frenzyyy

    lobsterrdog's two years

    One of the first people I had the pleasure of detailing my roleplay with! (Also the coolest teacher faction lead that built me a Christmas tree) :D Happy TWO YEARS LOBDOG
  14. frenzyyy

    6'4" and Over

    This is something you can roleplay with /me as said above ^ Personally, I feel as though there are many fun things that could be worked on right now and this is something that wouldn't add much to the server. Additionally, the message would probably be very 'spammy' and I can already see the...
  15. frenzyyy

    follow the SRP tiktok account! @roleplayhubmc :)

    follow the SRP tiktok account! @roleplayhubmc :)