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Recent content by ilovemyplane

  1. ilovemyplane

    Difficult to play characters

    Okay so it wasn’t just me who found it hard to play a character because they moved from college to adult :sob: I’ve been finding it harder to rp out Volya ever since he was moved from college journalist because of this honestly. Like yeah his arc isn’t finished but gah
  2. ilovemyplane

    Difficult to play characters

    I DO have 26 but like it does get difficult to cycle through all of them thanks to #motivation ho
  3. ilovemyplane

    Difficult to play characters

    Soon to be 27 because I have another adult character coming back I fear
  4. ilovemyplane

    Difficult to play characters

    We twinning except I have 26 of them on SRP :sweat: (the rest are lore based characters)
  5. ilovemyplane

    I have a few questions ( I don't know if I posted this in the right place )

    You can! Just right click on the player you want to read the description of and it should show up! As for dying, you can definitely die - but it's typically role-played out if you want your character to actually die. If you fall from, say, the lighthouse or something on accident and die, it...
  6. ilovemyplane

    I have a few questions ( I don't know if I posted this in the right place )

    Yup! You can use Nova Skins (which I do) for the swimsuit part and place it in your wardrobe after applying it in the Java menu using /wardrobe list once in game and adding it from there. As for the books, the librarian gives you them, so you don't have to worry about taking a book out of a...
  7. ilovemyplane

    I have a few questions ( I don't know if I posted this in the right place )

    Hihi! For your first question (since the other two were already answered), you can check out books! This can only happen if 1/ you have a library card (which you can buy) and 2/ there’s a librarian online. In order to get a card, I’d suggest talking to said librarian about it!
  8. ilovemyplane

    Dawn of the Androids - Synthars (Robots)

    Honestly? I like the idea of this, but only if it were to be an alternative universe on the event server — not the main server itself
  9. ilovemyplane

    Why are you a hater

    Why are you a hater
  10. ilovemyplane

    ogplanelover | Shrine Priest Application

    IGN (In-Game Name): The account I am applying with is ogplanelover, my main account is ilovemyplanex2! What is your discord username?: ilovemyplane What is your timezone?: EST Describe your activity on the server: As of late, my activity on the server has been quite prominent! I've been...
  11. ilovemyplane

    Neko Kurosawa | The Cat Lady?

    Oh my God Zen's there
  12. ilovemyplane

    Oh, dearest SchoolRP...

    Didn’t really get to hang out with you much but I hope you have a good one, man. It was nice having you here!
  13. ilovemyplane

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Karakura High’s Attitude Problem

    I mean - yeah, this is pretty common enough to where people don’t often ask WHY it’s even that way but like, that’s exactly why I’m writing this! Some people in the school are WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too confident in being like that and it’s like …??? What’s the reason? I mean, other than probable...
  14. ilovemyplane

    The Akiyama Family | 秋山

    Akiyama's lowkey goated Unless your name starts with Cat and ends with 10 (jokes)
  15. ilovemyplane

    SRP time checker [Is There Such A Thing?]

    Yeah! It is pretty useful