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Recent content by mushymarshmellow

  1. mushymarshmellow

    My guitar application was accepted around a week ago, but I have not gotten my guitar. My...

    My guitar application was accepted around a week ago, but I have not gotten my guitar. My username is XInstantKarmaX.
  2. mushymarshmellow


    Today was the one day I had nothing to do after school. So right when I got home, I got on my computer to find out the server was offline........
  3. mushymarshmellow

    Roses are red, violets are blu- WAIT......aren't violets....violet? MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE!

    Roses are red, violets are blu- WAIT......aren't violets....violet? MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE!
  4. mushymarshmellow

    Hi welcome to McDonald's, what would you like as your diabetic meal today?

    Hi welcome to McDonald's, what would you like as your diabetic meal today?
  5. mushymarshmellow

    Why am I still in grade 8?

    I have been playing on this server since last year, and I play on it a lot. But for some reason, I am still in grade 8. I have been grade 8 for almost 7 months. Also in chat my name looks different. I dont have a number or "sophomore" next to my name like everyone else does. Can you please help me?
  6. mushymarshmellow

    Rank Help

    I have been playing on this server for at least a year and i have been playing every single day. But for some reason, I'm still grade 8 and I don't have the word sophomore or the age next to my name like everyone else does. Does anyone know why I'm not ranking up in grade?