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Recent content by Neeryu

  1. Neeryu


  2. Neeryu


  3. Neeryu

    Lost Item | Neeryu

    IGN: Neeryu Item: Bundle of Herbs Screenshots: Additional information: The item unfortunately broke when I was in editmode... Dorm location (if necessary?) - 1776 | 33 | 1140
  4. Neeryu

    Lost Items | Neeryu

    IGN: Neeryu Items: - Kitsune Mask "Knowledge" - Kitsune Mask "Soul" - Kitsune Mask "Truth" - Masquerade Mask "Anubis" - Hard Candy "Weird" - Chalice "Vampire" - Bouquet "Bundle of Endearment" - Cursed Doll (Placeable Furniture) Screenshot: Additional Information: Those...
  5. Neeryu

    What type of god would your character be?

    Name and gender 「三浦 鳴」 - 'Mei Miura' Means 'ring, echo' and 'three creeks' respectively Male Title of their god version 「賢明」 - 'Kenmei' Means 'wisdom, prudence, intelligence, knowledge, learning, sapience' Godly form Nine-tailed Kitsune Attitude Trickster, Mature Alignment True Neutral -...
  6. Neeryu


    I don't like this lady.
  7. Neeryu

    Lost Item | Neeryu

    IGN: Neeryu Item: Bokken "Trinity" Additional Information: The item disappeared as I used the /am command for a dojo scene. Had heard cases of item disappearing before so I took a screenshot right before- Screenshot:
  8. Neeryu

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Get Involved With Clubs

    SLANDER we are the ones being targeted by cursed dolls specifically because we refused to do this >:(
  9. Neeryu

    (More) IC Clickable Signs to Lore Forums

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Neeryu What's the title of your suggestion?: (More) IC Clickable Signs to Lore Forums What's your suggestion?: Adding IC clickable signs scattered around the City Library (so that everyone can access, not only students/faculty). If you are unsure what I am...
  10. Neeryu


    Life is fleeting, yap is eternal. Primrose's legacy shall go on to all of SRP Greenies as her name and Shintoism yap will be passed down for generations to come. "So, this is a story told by a very kind Maiden... Remember it: her name was Primrose."
  11. Neeryu

    Lost Furniture | Neeryu

    IGN: Neeryu Apartment: Complex D - 204 Coordinates: 1764 43 1362 Furniture names: - Ouija Board [Screenshot 1] - Occult Club Poster [Screenshot 1] - Bonsai Tree [Screenshot 2] - Teapot [Screenshot 3] - Occult Club Poster "Ringu" [Screenshot 4] Screenshots: Additional Information: They...
  12. Neeryu

    Lost Item | Neeryu

    IGN: Neeryu Item: Bag "Randoseru Brown" Screenshot: Additional Information: This happened with the current bug where right clicking with an item in your off-hand swaps it in your current hand. If you do this with the school planner in hand, as this is an item that cannot be moved, your current...
  13. Neeryu

    Road map for the servers bug fixes

    Hello there! You can already find what is currently being worked on right here:
  14. Neeryu

    Location rebrand to america

    -1 Massive no for all of the lore, unfortunately. Perhaps you are not familiar with how deep shintoism (japan's indigenous religion) runs in the server lore, so I would recommend roleplaying with Shrine members! They have many, many stories to share and it opens an incredible amount of...
  15. Neeryu

    New language | Ainuic (Hokkaido Ainu)

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Neeryu What's the title of your suggestion?: New language | Ainuic (Hokkaido Ainu) What's your suggestion?: I believe a short explanation about Ainuic would be helpful! About Ainuic The Ainu languages (/ˈaɪnuː/ EYE-noo), sometimes known as Ainuic, are a...