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Recent content by pepsae

  1. pepsae

    car req

    IGN: uouu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: the red lancer revolution car EVIDENCE: images and clip - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: As known, there had been a glitch among other of my friends as well, where their...
  2. pepsae

    car request

    IGN: uouu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: the red lancer revolution car EVIDENCE: img ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: previously it turned into an ''item'' with the parts and description gone, couldn't place it down and now it turned into a brick.. i believe
  3. pepsae

    What is it about the new SRP shading style that feels so much more pleasing compared to the old one?

    could anyone post an example of this ''gradient'' thing or is it just the new highlighted shading
  4. pepsae

    What is it about the new SRP shading style that feels so much more pleasing compared to the old one?

    and yea even masks looked so much better, just looks at this comparison, but I guess it's because of the file size terms
  5. pepsae

    What is it about the new SRP shading style that feels so much more pleasing compared to the old one?

    The new one is unsaturated, barely shaded, doesnt look distinguishable/the style looks the exact same to every single tailor with color palettes and shading being the same/re-used.. same with patterns and outfits. The new colors are much ''softer'', I have noticed people doing the base of a...
  6. pepsae


    yeah maybe over there
  7. pepsae

    uouu item(s) request

    IGN: uouu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: A whole lot of bugged items. EVIDENCE: Image below ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I figured a chest is easier since there's quite a bunch. Located in my apartment by the IGN uouu - coords; 1313 54 834
  8. pepsae

    item request

    IGN: uouu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Piano ''Golden Grand'' EVIDENCE: Image below. Additionally I can send a full clip if needed ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 2 seconds later, I right click on the ground to place the furniture and it just disappeared saying 'You cannot place that block there.'
  9. pepsae

    yo is the break over?

    yo is the break over?
  10. pepsae

    uouu's KPD application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): uouu (applying on/main acc) herway Discord Name & Tag: mayswag Which timezone are you in?: CEST / GMT+1 List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: ACCEPTED 2020 [KPD] 2020 [EMS] DENIED 2023 [EMS] Describe your activity on...
  11. pepsae

    Official [Video-Guide] A Guide For Greenies!

    im a professional assistant if u need help in further videos
  12. pepsae

    You Left or Right handed? [Poll]

    ik these ppl be lying
  13. pepsae

    forums suggestions

    I tried it, looks weird not gonna lie. Words or attachments get purple (permanently) once u click them. If they can do it on onrain, i dont see why they cant on forums
  14. pepsae

    forums suggestions

    Ok please keep things relevant. (vote me for president) Share your genuine opinion.
  15. pepsae

    forums suggestions

    What's your Minecraft Username?: uouu What's the title of your suggestion?: forums suggestions What's your suggestion?: add dark mode on forums, just like how onrain functions between bright mode and dark mode. the forums isn't all bad for me but i believe it'd be nice to settle with a...