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Remy ツ

Hey hey heyyy people! I tis Remy ツ! Don't mind me, I'm just abit of an anime freak (WHAT do people have against anime anyway, Dattebayo??? (ó﹏ò。) ) and can't ever seem to stop listening to music. BUT. I took a personality test, and if you want SOME kind of clue to what I might be like, I am an isfp-a. ( •᷄ᴗ•́) I love these little doods that you can find all over my posts, like
(ᵕ—ᴗ—) this guy ( i constantly use this guy if referring to myself, cause I look far down at myself ) Now, more about myself and less rambling. I am ₊˚⊹⋆Catholic₊˚⊹⋆, I can almost never seem to shut up ( so true lol ) when talking about stuff I like, aaand I am Hufflepuff. I hope that gives you a clue at me if you are a Harry Potter fan (It just means I'm loyal and don't really fit in anywhere exept at home lol ) and I am VeRy AnNoYiNg the more fond I am of you. Don't ask me, I'm just the lovable resident you can't remember the name of.

(Also tysm for bothering to read this, an even bigger thanks to if you could manage to read the whole thing ( ≧ᗜ≦) )
May 10
⋆⭒˚.⋆Space⋆⭒˚.⋆ (No, I'm NOT an alien :|)


To Be ReMeMbErEd By SoMeOnE


Hi, I'm Remy! My IGN is RemyIQ22, but call me rem! I'm always open to /friend requests, so you can friend me if you wanna! >ᴗ<

[Grade-12] Diana "Dia" Night
[Grade-12] Shoko Hasegawa

