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Recent content by Rip_Fluccss

  1. Rip_Fluccss

    Not this guy

    Not this guy
  2. Rip_Fluccss

    Denied Rip_Fluccss's Physical Education Teacher Application

    About Me What's your Minecraft Username?: Rip_Fluccss (Applying On) Fluccssaawa (Alt) What's your Discord username?: rip_fluccss What's your Time Zone?: GMT Provide any link(s) to previous applications: JSL Language Application (Accepted) Romanian Language Application (Accepted) Latin...
  3. Rip_Fluccss

    Denied 80sFluccss || Psychiatrist Application

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): 80sFluccss (Applying on) Fluccssaawa (Alt) What is your discord username? rip_fluccss Describe your activity on the server: If I had to put my activity on a scale of 1-10, I’d put it at a solid 7.5 to 8. Despite...
  4. Rip_Fluccss

    My thoughts about school faculty faction and FearRP

    Cope I guess, if you wear a onesie it's classed as costume by SRP rules
  5. Rip_Fluccss

    You stink

    You stink
  6. Rip_Fluccss

    KPD Application || Rip_Fluccss

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Rip_Fluccss(Applying On) Fluccssaawa Discord Name & Tag: rip_fluccss Which timezone are you in? GMT List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: Professor Application (Accepted) Councillor Application (Denied) Describe your...
  7. Rip_Fluccss

    The Devil of the DeLucas | Ezio Calderòn-DeLuca Biography

    I’m sad ren isn’t on this
  8. Rip_Fluccss

    Denied Caretaker Application || Rip_Fluccss

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Main: Rip_Fluccss (Applying on) Alt: Fluccssaawa Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): rip_fluccss How old are you? (Optional): I am 18 What is your time zone?: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Describe your...
  9. Rip_Fluccss

    Yuiko M. Kageyama || Biography <3

    I'm the fav tee hee
  10. Rip_Fluccss

    Accepted Rip_Fluccss | World History Professor

    OOC SECTION What is your Minecraft username?: Rip_Fluccss What is your time zone?: GMT What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats) rip_fluccss Link all previous applications you made on the server: JSL Application (Accepted) Romanian Application (Accepted) Romanian Application (Denied)...
  11. Rip_Fluccss

    My whole inventory

    IGN: Rip_Fluccss VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: The custom bike is called R1250 "The Katayama", The custom car is called Mclarry P1 GTR "Farsin", Bently Jeep, Two ID's, A Sakura phone, The other smartphone is called “Emoticon Heart”, Cat ears EVIDENCE: Below is the screenshot of my inventory, ADDITIONAL...
  12. Rip_Fluccss

    Rip_Fluccss | Custom vehicle

    IGN: Rip_Fluccss VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Mclarry P1 GTR "Farsin" ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I am unsure if it matters but it said the owner is my older username mistakeno4
  13. Rip_Fluccss

    Missing vehicle

    IGN: MistakeNo4 ITEM NAME: R1250 "The Katayama" EVIDENCE: It poofed from my inventory sadly
  14. Rip_Fluccss

    Jubasim Jett-Aiuchi | Biography

    But she is scared of Ren ;-;