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Recent content by rtyhgfgrthyhrtg

  1. R

    6tc | Host Club

    INFORMATION IGN of Club Leader: 6tc RPName of Club Leader: Lonan O’Shea Discord Tag: daeyang21 Club name of the club you are apply for the leadership position: Host club Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the...
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    Lonan O'Shea | BIO

    More coming soon. . .
  3. R

    Item Request

    IGN: NoSkillLOL VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Lighting Laptop EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It's a furniture item but I did not get ss in the current apartment in which I lost it. I placed it down on a trapdoor and broke the trapdoor. (this is an old ss with me having it and an old place)
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    Lost items from removal of team houses

    IGN: 6tc VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 2 tables, fireplace, bed, lighting laptop, computer monitor, teapot, xbox360 EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Items were lost because team house became unrentable before I could retrieve them. I ss'ed the tables and fireplace before placing them incase housing...
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    Broken window

    USERNAME: 6tc APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1759 45 1352 ISSUE: I accidently broke my friend's window by misplacing a furniture item on the block below the window. We need the window to be put back. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
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    Furniture Disappearing

    USERNAME: 6tc APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1479 11 551 ISSUE: Some furniture I had went poof, I waited a couple weeks for it to come back because I know some friends who had the same issue and the items came back over time but it never did ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Items lost: Lightning...
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    Unable to place blocks in certain places

    USERNAME: 6tc APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1426 57 1242 ISSUE: Some blocks within the apartment, I cannot place blocks in, thus leaving holes and gaps within walls ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I've already built in it a bit but idm if the build needs to be cleared for the issue to be fixed
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    Inactive Apartment Owner

    USERNAME: 6tc APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1772 31 716 ISSUE: The player, StormyBrightDay has been offline for 30+ days and I would like their apartment unclaimed please ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
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    Inactive Apartment Owner

    USERNAME: 6tc APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1720 82 1349 ISSUE: The player, ScorpionShans13 has been offline for 30+ days and I would like their apartment unclaimed please ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
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    Inactive Apartment Owner

    USERNAME: 6tc APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1875 43 1350 ISSUE: JediWolphy has been offline for 30+ days and I would like their apartment unowned please ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
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    Inactive Apartment Owner

    USERNAME: 6tc APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1569 44 638 ISSUE: oAmfaii has been offline for 30+ days and I would like their apartment unowned please ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
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    Inactive Apartment Owner

    USERNAME: 6tc APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1621 44 680 ISSUE: yfma__ has been offline for 30+ days and I would like their apartment unowned please ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
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    Inactive Apartment Owner

    USERNAME: 6tc APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1655 31 734 ISSUE: TankGamer360 has been offline for 30+ days and I would like their apartment unowned please ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
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    Missing computer

    IGN: 6tc VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Lighting Gaming Peripherals EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It was only this one item that went missing. My friend has had a similar thing happen in the same day where the item in their first inventory slot in the big menu had disappeared but it was not a...
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    Furniture disappeared

    USERNAME: 6tc APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1234 45 861 ISSUE: There was a computer there, but it disappeared overnight. I do not believe it could have been stolen by anyone due to limited edit permissions and access to the floor. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: