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Recent content by sir meow

  1. sir meow

    Allow Hospital Medkits to be used with the new backpack update

  2. sir meow

    Giant Plushie "Garfield" Copy Request

    Username: sir meow What is your Minecraft username? memerchan Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-70633324a86100-87ee9a What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Giant Plushie "Garfield" What type of item are you...
  3. sir meow

    happy new year guys ^u^

    happy new year guys ^u^
  4. sir meow

    Furniture Lost | Z0mbi3chan

    IGN: Z0mbi3chan VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Dress Mannequin EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was trying to delete a carpet to later fix, when the block for the Mannequin was caught in the crossfire
  5. sir meow

    Favourite Characters of 2024

    I giggled seeing myself on naiya and sak's list, so I'll start this one off with my wife - YAQI QU!!! - Tokito Miyazawa - Qing Li evil emoji - Icarus Devereux - Oritsumaru Akihito short list.. ahah.. (i probably have more, but forgor..)
  6. sir meow

    Glitched Vehicle

    IGN: memerchan VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Black Mercedes (Open) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It's been like this since the rollback from all the chests loosing their permissions, and I just now remembered to get it fixed
  7. sir meow

    Hand Fan "Beauty" Copy Request

    Username: sir meow What is your Minecraft username? memerchan Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-16933324a1653-363cd8 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Hand Fan "Beauty" What type of item are you...
  8. sir meow

    Missing Items

    IGN: Z0mb3ichan VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Smart Phone "Pink Ribbon" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The /am invisible bow has claimed another victim. (Me, I am the victim)
  9. sir meow

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween?

    i think i might know who her angel will be.. hehe
  10. sir meow

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween?

    You can talk about your own costume in regards to OOC or talk about your own IC characters costume! For Halloween I'm going as Nick Wilde while my friend is goes as Judy Hopps from Zootopia, what about you?
  11. sir meow

    Accepted Otter Plushie "Wotterson" Copy Request

    Username: sir meow What is your Minecraft username? memerchan Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-56930223a12213-6e2aa7 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Otter Plushie "Wotterson" What type of item are you...
  12. sir meow

    Missing Items

    IGN: Z0mb3ichan VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Otter Plushie "Wotterson" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had him in my offhand and tried to use the /am command but it glitched out and the invisible bow replaced him..
  13. sir meow

    Missing Items

    IGN: Z0mbi3chan VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Bebsi Bottle (x2), Mango Drink Can (x5), Otter Plushie "Wotterson" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: These items used to be stacked, but once I was transferring my items to a chest they all separated and when I tried to re-stack them they all vanished...
  14. sir meow

    Missing Items

    IGN: memerchan VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Kpop Earnings EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I lost the earnings which were on my head due to me trying to check the Planner with a plush in my off-hand, due to the current bug the Plush was moved from my offhand and swapped to my head, leaving the...
  15. sir meow

    New language | Ainuic (Hokkaido Ainu)

    +1 I love suggestions regarding the Japanese aspect of this server, and personally I think this language would be fun to see, specially when used between the shrine members (Of course only if they wish to have it!).