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Recent content by TwirlyScalesRP

  1. TwirlyScalesRP

    Difficult to play characters

    i need to rp with all of you now :3 with my challenging chars.
  2. TwirlyScalesRP

    Difficult to play characters

    lol i am a woman with like so many male chars. I think i add parts which feel problematic sometimes to feel really connected, but what I don't get is... the drive of protection, or at least I think I don't, idk.
  3. TwirlyScalesRP

    Angel Yamashita - The vampire with no heart

    updated - new lore and friendships
  4. TwirlyScalesRP

    Difficult to play characters

    Oh yeah totally i get massive whiplash between Kai and Zayven lol.
  5. TwirlyScalesRP

    GuitaristRP | Priest Application

    OOC INFORMATION IGN (In-Game Name) GuitaristRP (alt - twirlyscalesRP) What is your Discord username? therainbowlemon What is your timezone? +5:30Hrs GMT Describe your activity on the server Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 - 2 Hours 1 - 2 Hours 1 - 2...
  6. TwirlyScalesRP

    Difficult to play characters

    My partner has OCD, so i kinda take advice from her. I am sorry you have OCD though, it really does suck.
  7. TwirlyScalesRP

    What's your take on my character?

    My dead chars really loved Asami, Currently Zayven thinks Asami is an adult in the body of a child, with a childish need for validation. Think when the whole vannie and Mirai thing happened, the whole need for validation kinda made Zayven feel sorry for her, but also dislike how she had...
  8. TwirlyScalesRP

    Difficult to play characters

    Oh yeah the whole thing about not wanting your character hurt. It’s a tricky balance my friend
  9. TwirlyScalesRP

    Difficult to play characters

    For me it's Angel and Zayven. Angel is kinda essentially very very evil, which kinda can get challenging, alongside her complexities. Playing her requires a lot of research. While I do play Zayven regularly, his whole OCD, and personality requires a lot of research so as to not misrepresent...
  10. TwirlyScalesRP

    Difficult to play characters

    So I've been on SRP for like a bit now, and ive made tons of characters by this point. I've always found that whenever I am rping there are certain characters that can come naturally to me, and certain characters that are difficult to play! What are your difficult to play characters? and whyyy?
  11. TwirlyScalesRP

    Angel Yamashita - The vampire with no heart

    *Song suggested by ToshiCadt which matches her vibe. Be sure to listen to it when you meet her ICLY. (im kinda still working on it, and all this is OOCLY, nobody knows angel icly)
  12. TwirlyScalesRP

    The Akiyama Family | 秋山

    ....... yes?
  13. TwirlyScalesRP

    why do people barely comment on here anymore?--

    to be honest i feel like most people hang in discord and talk, however forums in general are supposed to be long term guides and advice