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Recent content by wethecreature

  1. wethecreature

    YES!! apply for professor and become our GREMLINS.

    YES!! apply for professor and become our GREMLINS.
  2. wethecreature

    Difficult to play characters

    this is very real. sometimes after rping a lot of irwin i'll be on my serious character and get the sudden feeling that i should be saying something heinous or literature-related
  3. wethecreature

    The Start of The Androids - Synthars (Re-Imagined)

    This is super creative! I'd love to read a story about this and I'd certainly RP on a server with this story (as I've not seen a lot of Science Fiction, original RP servers before), however, this probably wouldn't work (to the same extent) in SRP. I could see the idea of making a slightly...
  4. wethecreature

    Oh, dearest SchoolRP...

    o7 I remember your characters back in 2022, and it was so fun to hang around with you. I wish you the best!
  5. wethecreature

    I think this could've been worded a little better - but I see the intent. We love NoZinth and...

    I think this could've been worded a little better - but I see the intent. We love NoZinth and all the work he does!
  6. wethecreature

    Map expansion.

    +1 to having these locations available for events only - not as permanent locations
  7. wethecreature

    Adding a science room

    +1 I understand in the past that certain rooms have remained unused - but from my knowledge of science professors and teachers, they would really benefit from a lab, especially since editing a classroom to a lab for professors isn't really an option for most of us.
  8. wethecreature

    Difficult to play characters

    I would say playing most of my characters comes naturally to me (my current ones) but from my current mains I'll list the aspects I struggle with: Abe Irwin Irwin, as a professor of literature, canonically has a lot of knowledge about movies, books, poems, etc. His cultural knowledge greatly...
  9. wethecreature

    why do people barely comment on here anymore?--

    Personally, I don't always know what to say to a piece of art, but I still appreciate it so I'd like to give some sort of recognition to the artist, if that makes sense
  10. wethecreature

    We listen we dont judge! SRP edition

    also btw when u make the sandwich (you will) tell me so you can inform me how delicious it was. ALSO ADD MAYO. I forgot about that.
  11. wethecreature

    We listen we dont judge! SRP edition

    we listen and we don't judge the best, simple sandwich: bread of your choice mustard pickles ham no cheese. the cheese will most likely overpower the textures of the pickles and ham and will make the mustard less.... powerful. don't judge my taste until you make it, okay?
  12. wethecreature

    [Suggestion] Servants / Maids & Butlers

    +1 to encouraging lore families to have more external involvement from players ( as staff, most likely, or just to explore parts of the estate). -1 to a new faction, only because I think it'd be more suited for a business or for something managed by estate owners themselves
  13. wethecreature

    About Realism and Unrealism ...

    I would personally say you're not taking all the context of the rules into account. The FailRP rule is specifically targeted towards people who don't follow other RP rules and who fail to RP properly - less so people who RP without all the realism. I personally don't see it that the two rules...
  14. wethecreature

    We listen we dont judge! SRP edition

    I remember seeing Graves for the first time and thinking that his skin was probably the most creative I've seen. There's definitely something rewarding about having your own style for whatever art you're doing