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Recent content by xcqu

  1. xcqu

  2. xcqu

    Madara Volkonsky meme collection

  3. xcqu


    You can go though the school system which recently got an update making it possible to get college role via completing 50 homework tasks. Now that you've got your college tag, you'll need to participate in the next college exam to get a chance at getting into College Bachelor and another exam to...
  4. xcqu

    xcqu | Psychiatrist Application

    ↪IGN (In-Game Name): xcqu ↪What is your discord username? xcqu ↪Describe your activity on the server: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday -Free after 10AM. -Free after 10AM. -Free after 12AM. -Free after 12AM. -Free after 5PM. -Depends on OOC. Free after...
  5. xcqu

    Difficult to play characters

    For me, it's gotta be Madara Volkonsky. He's my main character, but he's no less easier to play than the last. Let's just say that Madara is a combination of many, and this also plays into his character. His past without giving too much away is tragic, he was brainwashed at an early age by his...
  6. xcqu

    Neon 'Mizu' Hayasaka - The Karakura lost puppy | ネオン「水」早坂.

    NWS LOL no pressure ofc you don't gotta do it
  7. xcqu

    Neon 'Mizu' Hayasaka - The Karakura lost puppy | ネオン「水」早坂.

    WHERE AM I IN THE RELATIONS- all that I've done for you waa
  8. xcqu

    Creating More Diverse Gang RP Options

  9. xcqu

    why do people barely comment on here anymore?--

    I guess it's because people don't usually come onto the forums as much as they used to. There is only a select amount of players who actually take the time to check though people's posts and the most you'll see on average is about 17 to 20 people on at any given time. There are spikes of...
  10. xcqu

    Unban Request?

    You'll need to scroll down on the forum till you see the community managment section and look for ban appeals, click on that and click on the red button that says submit appeal. Then fill it out and make sure you select the Schoolrp discord option. Once you've filled it out, submit it and wait...
  11. xcqu


  12. xcqu

    I wish that were true :frown:

    I wish that were true :frown:
  13. xcqu

    No baddies??

    No baddies??
  14. xcqu

    The Akiyama Family | 秋山

    Volkonsky x Akiyama when?? Seriously tho, Akiyama has much potential and I'm honestly happy to see another active family, keep up the good work!
  15. xcqu

    We listen we dont judge! SRP edition

    The first one got my reminiscing :sobs: