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Recent content by xiraxu

  1. xiraxu

    Unbreakable Blocks

    USERNAME: zephvern APARTMENT CORDS: 1457 45 483 ISSUE: There are 8 chests that myself nor my roommate can break due to them being privated by the previous owners. Ontop of that there are also Light Gray Concrete blocks that are sticking out from the left hand top corner (facing the balcony) that...
  2. xiraxu

    Housing Issue

    USERNAME: Property Owner: VoidlingDW Myself IGN: zephvern APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1799 31 516 ISSUE: Inactive penthouse owner for penthouse 112 on row a2, requesting that the property be disowned :) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: for some reason someone made this some big over the top...
  3. xiraxu

    Inactive Penthouse Owner

    USERNAME: zephvern APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1799 31 516 ISSUE: Owner of the penthouse 112 on row A2 has been inactive for 30 days, would like the property to be disowned please ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Thank you :)