players online

Recent content by yazure

  1. yazure

    AMA / Ask me anything | yazure edition

    i do! they're very silly
  2. yazure

    Oh, dearest SchoolRP...

  3. yazure

    Discord alternative

    -1 just... download discord?
  4. yazure


  5. yazure

    whats the best day of your life ?

    best day will be when im gonna go to ado's concert and get a gf on srp it might be the day i joined vb/build team. they were both my dreams ueueue
  6. yazure

    Wind effect reduced while in GMC/editmode

    While flying the plugin looks completely broken. It doesn't slow you down, it completely stops your movements, which has been a mess for us builders more than once Truth is, they did slow it down and for a common player, it's not even that bad, even I can resist while walking or you could just...
  7. yazure

    Wind effect reduced while in GMC/editmode

    What's your Minecraft Username?: yazure What's the title of your suggestion?: Wind effect reduced while in GMC/editmode What's your suggestion?: This is mostly in favor of the build team but, in some cases, also of people who regularly use editmode. My suggestion is to lower the wind's...
  8. yazure

    We listen we dont judge! SRP edition

    okay, we listen we dont judge! we needed money so badly that we decided to go around and tell people to give funds for college vb in the 2026 olympics and we almost got the cops called on us
  9. yazure

    We listen we dont judge! SRP edition

    out of topic but MAFUYU PFP!!
  10. yazure

    How has SRP affected you?

    srp got me into architeture and ill never be able to thank this server enough it also improved my english A LOT. as a non-native i found a lot of words hard and i couldnt really keep a simple conversation with anyone, but srp literally made me that confident with my english that im doing a...
  11. yazure

    Usernames for viewing descriptions

  12. yazure


    try to download the resource pack and put it on beforehand before u join the server, also disable the automatic resource pack download
  13. yazure

    best family in srp GO!
