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Recent content by ZekeEnvy

  1. ZekeEnvy


    Delete. Quitting.
  2. ZekeEnvy

    ZekeEnvy's Item request.

    Okay so- This happened on 09/29/2024 at 12:35 PM PST time and I completely forgot about it till now. I really need the 4 spray cans back and would rather not spend more money on more when I got other stuff to spend my IC money on! IGN; ZekeEnvy Discord; CricketEnvy (zekeenvy)...
  3. ZekeEnvy

    Dark Mode for the Forum website of SRP. .

    What's your Minecraft Username?: ZekeEnvy What's the title of your suggestion?: Dark Mode for the Forum website of SRP. . What's your suggestion?: SchoolRP Website Dark Mode; When I am going through the SchoolRP website, JESUS does it hurt my eyes from the bright screen. Opposite of my dark...
  4. ZekeEnvy


    Deleted. Quitting.
  5. ZekeEnvy


    Deleted! Reapplying.
  6. ZekeEnvy

    ZekeEnvy's KPD Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): ZekeEnvy Discord name & Tag: CricketEnvy (zekeenvy) Which timezone are you in? I am in the PST time zone List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: Priest Application Tutor Application Reporter Application Describe your...
  7. ZekeEnvy

    Bail or release notification

    -1 In all seriousness, it really isn't the hardest thing to just go to the front desk of the Station. Like DarkxWalker said, something so small, but complicated would be a struggle to implement and keep up-to-date, especially with the amount of arrests that happen almost daily. I've resorted to...
  8. ZekeEnvy

    ZekeEnvy's Reporter Application

    OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts: ZekeEnvy Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: I do indeed have a microphone that I speak into. My Discord is CricketEnvy List your timezone...
  9. ZekeEnvy

    Denied ZekeEnvy's Priest Application.

    SHINSEI SEINARU MONASTERY APPLICATION ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── IN-GAME NAME (IGN): - ZekeEnvy DISCORD NAME & TAG: - CricketEnvy <zekeenvy> WHAT IS YOUR TIMEZONE?: - I am in the PST time zone. DO YOU HAVE A MICROPHONE?: - I do have a...
  10. ZekeEnvy

    Eun-Hee Chae | Biography

    ..I cannot comprehend. My brain is NOT this big, not even half. . Its really good though! Love the format and way you made it. I can tell you'll be fun to detailrp with!
  11. ZekeEnvy

    ZekeEnvy's Missing Item Request!

    The server had a restart while I was building in my apartment and this is what It looks like now. This was my inventory before the server crashed (Most recent ss I can get.) IF I could get some help with this that'd be great.
  12. ZekeEnvy

    UVG/VG Tournament,

    I'm kind of leaning on both sides to be honest. There are a few issues I see here, But a main one is that rolling is mainly just- Luck. If you were to get a bad roll ONCE and lose the entire round or even the finals, Thats just cheating you out of an entire UVG spot. Your gang could be at the...
  13. ZekeEnvy

    SRP | ZekeEnvy's Item Report.

    When I was banned, I asked a friend if they could hold onto my weapons and bali's, Along with several chests of cosmetics and toys. The person that WAS holding onto my weapons (Chello96789) Moved all of my items into this persons house by the name of ImPuggyBTW. I had messaged Chello regarding...
  14. ZekeEnvy


    He ate KFC before this incident.
  15. ZekeEnvy

    Denied DELETE
