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NEWS REPORT | Karakura Animals


Level 13

Karakura Animals

Furry Friends!


Top of the morning to you, Karakura! I hope you're all doing swell and staying in the best of health! But. . What about the animals?

How are the animals of Karakura being treated today? I hope they're all being treated as amazing as they are! Same goes for the. . Humans of Karakura, of course.

Anywho. . I'll be going over some issues I've witnessed regarding the ways animals have been being treated and how to improve upon said issues!


Animal's Comfort Zone

I often find that animals are forced outside of their comfort zones. Rather it's people forcing pets on them or even chasing them around the streets. It may not be the enforcer's intention, but sometimes the message sent is different than the message received.

To elaborate further on this, let's say you just wanted to offer an animal some pets out of fondness for animals. This could be taken the wrong way by said animal, and it'll set them on guard, alert them. This may be different if the animal is fond of you or can recognize your scent.


Some ways to not alert or startle the animal is by offering them your hand first. This way, they have a chance to smell you and familiarize themselves with your scent.

If they are still not submitting, do not try to force it on them. It'll only scare them in the opposite direction. Bonds between humans and animals take time to develop.


Animal Abuse

This is a touchy one. . It may seem odd, rare, or practically non-existent, though it does happen. People on the streets kick animals, sometimes even cut them, or pull weapons on them.

There isn't a proper solution to this one, this is more so to spread awareness of animal abuse.

Please do not bring harm to animals. They mean no harm to anyone. It may be amusing to you, but it is miserable for them.


Taking Advantage

Sometimes people take it for granted when an animal trusts them. They think it's okay to force their own will upon an animal. Though, it is never okay to do so.

Animals are as subjected to PTSD as a human is.



People sometimes see animals as "property" or an object they own. Though, that's not the way to raise an animal. When you adopt an animal, they become a part of your family. They breathe, they drink, and they eat just as we do. Therefore, they're no more an object than we are.


As this one has more to do with morality and personal opinion, you have to be open-minded to the fact that animals are just as living as we are. You have to keep it in mind that animals do have feelings too.


That's all I have to say regarding this topic! I hope it will impact the overall manner in which animals are treated in Karakura!

I hope you enjoyed reading! Stay safe!


Credits to RandomlyAccepted for taking the following photos
And credits to bratphobia for allowing me to use them!

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