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Level 204
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Employee Lead
Gang Lead

“To be free is to be informed.”


IKIGAI is the latest of the Karakura’s anonymous platforms; acting as an underground forum page, users may chat freely throughout the related threads. That being said, there are no limitations to what members may post. Think of it as the ‘dark web’ — The only moderation is by the site admins and you cannot even locate it through web search engines.

Gossip? Go for it! The newest katana in your collection? Show it off. Or… maybe you just want to talk about your favorite (secret) hobbies. The possibilities on the platform are close to endless, whether it be communicating in-character from behind a handle or even all the way to utilizing it for publicity. You can even pitch your own ideas, like that underground party that you’ve been thinking about.


You’re only a moment away from a different side of Karakura. The site is tucked away from the public eye, also meaning that a password is required to get in. Obtaining the password is a breeze as long as you know the right people!

Acquiring the password must be done completely in-character, so metagaming (ex. DMing your friend the password, /f msging another player the password, etc) is prohibited! A blatant spray on a wall might give it all away or you’ll come face-to-face with a riddle. You can even share the password yourself! Be cautious, though. . .

Input the password into the #enter-password channel, read through #tutorial & #rules to create your first user, and. . .the rest is up to you. You might even want to check out #involvement if you find a great interest in the forum, and keep an eye on #announcements for related events & more!


"Merely one other link seems to give a hint to referring to the site. But all upon it is a rather peculiar riddle.

Karakurans may recall what came before
But was all said and done, or is it time for one more?
This town has its flaws like Achilles his heel
So is it time for one more ordeal?
Think a little longer about such mythology
Weave the webs of your ideology
That’s what she did.
Expose the ‘gods’, expose what they did.

Who is she? Who is she? You must see.
To be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free to be free"

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