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Karakura News | Winter is coming!


Level 79


Tomochin Uemara

Happy final day of November, and happy final Tuesday!

This report has come out early for all of you internet sleuths stalking the news branch, because we’re going to talk about all things winter and all things Christmas! It seems like Karakura has already adapted to the chilly season, and the festive season at that! Decorations have already been put outside of the Spartan Household and the Bowling Alley, two staples of the public school and community college’s rivalry. . . Tis’ the season to get INTERESTING!

Today marks the third day of Hanukkah, which is celebrated by Jewish people worldwide! Japan has an extremely low population of those who practice Judaism, but that means nothing in Karakura for we’re welcoming to anyone of any ethnicity, religion and identity! In other news, the inevitable Christmas season is on it’s way! Very obnoxious, but arguably pretty decorations are popping up all over town - and it’s very likely that we’ll be seeing a white Christmas. . Yep, LOTS OF SNOW!!!!

Karakura has seen snowy Winters almost every single year, and the island is blessed with very accurate seasonal weather. Many have theories on if global warming will be affecting the turnout of weather this year, but a lot disproves that Karakura’s climate will change entirely. Some hope that due to the prior phenomenon of constant rain, our December may see constant snow! This could be an absolute win for school students, as it’d be very likely that we could get snowed in.

So, enjoy the weather while it lasts - and hold your dearest close to you. Keep your eyes peeled for decorations and special events hosted by the townspeople… Happy Holidays!


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