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Denied znia | Event Team App


Level 38
I have multiple accounts however my main is znia!
My other accounts are seikiyo, meiqsi, meiskio and kugia.

Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:
I play SRP every day and if I’m not online then I’ll usually do something SRP related such as tailoring, working on club related things

I have been banned from the server twice, both have been resolved and took place almost a year ago now.

The more recent one took place in November last year, The situation had been discussed in DMs which is why it is marked as denied.

The earlier was about 6 months prior for different reasons.

I do not intend whatsoever to receive any more in future as I have learnt from my actions and matured since.

Please provide any previous applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:




Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:
My discord is meii#0013 however if it changes before this is viewed then it can be found in my signature! I also do have a microphone.

What is your timezone and country of residence?:
My timezone is BST and I am from England.

What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:

This also includes roles and things I have had in other servers and real life <<

Club Leader
More recently I have become a Club Leader within the server and although the club is new we are still looking to the future and planning possible events we wish to have within the club.

As you likely know, Clubs are expected to hold events for the server every once in a while so it is part of what I do already on the server and I’d like to do it more. By the time this is reviewed, depending on how long, you might even get the chance to see an event I have helped come up with and plan along with my club members!

Although at the moment there are not many cases I was fortunate enough to have worked on that and it has helped me become more organise and learn how to plan ahead of time rather than diving in clueless to an event.

The case I had worked on also happened to be an actual event (Preston & Nicholei’s case), which means I also have experience first-hand in participating in an event.

Sport Teams
I have been a part of three sports teams, Highschool-Dodgeball, College-Swim and Highschool-Swim. I am currently only in high school swim but during my time on these teams, I have learnt and improved upon my teamwork skills which I believe heavily contribute to the event team as you’re required to work together to expand upon and create ideas together.

Whilst on the server I have had the chance to work in stores such as Shinboshi Sakaya, Suu~Itobea, Joyoung, Tsuki Kissaten and Mozukai. These stores have helped me see first-hand the different techniques people use to help bring their teams together and how different people run things. Although it is very different to an event team some elements are similar and still apply which helps me get an idea of how it might be run or handled. Along with this, being an employee on the server has helped in a way to show me how to treat others, whether or not a customer is being annoying, and I believe that is an important quality since E.T needs to set an example for not only themselves but staff in general. It’s no secret that staff on the server don’t have the best image as many don’t take into consideration or respect how much effort can be put in which can be frustrating if you have a short fuse.

Other Server Roles
I have worked on a server that recently had to close due to staff inactivity however during my time there I had helped with both event and lore teams as well as builder. I have helped plan events there which means I have the experience that most other applicants won’t have with an actual event team!

Although I am not the only person on the planet with creativity I like to think I have a lot of it. In my free time, I enjoy participating in a few creative subjects especially art! Art is something I have always loved doing since I was young and I am grateful it has stuck with me as throughout the years it has helped evolve my creativity and allowed me to express that through something as small as a canvas. Creativity is a huge factor to the event team because it allows you to help think outside the box with events and how it will work in something as simple as a block game.

I could ramble forever about how much more amazing I am than other applicants however since it is getting long I will let my ideas speak for themselves.

Please provide three (3) event suggestions which would work for our server:

Illegal Street Racing!
“If you are in control, you’re not going fast enough.”

This event could either go like a flash event or a server-wide announced one. The people attending wouldn’t actually be allowed to participate however they will be given the chance to bet on the winner. They would possibly be allowed to bet on the racers and who they think will win, I will explain the possible mechanism for this below. At the event, there would be small stands for refreshments as well as another stand, in which you could buy a button to show who you voted for.

The voting/bets would be taken at a booth run by a trusted person. They would track the username of everybody who voted. You could only submit a bid of maybe 2k or 5k to keep it affordable but still a chance to receive a decent reward. Voting will close before the race to assure there is no cheating of course. Everybody who placed a bet will receive a piece of paper in-game with the name of the person they had bet on to verify their vote. They will then receive double the price of whatever the decided bidding price is, for example, if it was 5k they’d receive 10k.

The bets could obviously be improved but it’s just a small thing that could be added to the event to bring some extra fun to it. For those who want to attend. Drivers could also get out at the end to talk to those around.

This event would be held in the parking lot of the bowling alley and the finish/starting line will just be outside of the parking lot and stands would be inside of it just.

Towards the end of the event, there would be a /event going along the lines of,
/event Sirens could be heard from the distance, approaching the bowling alley and shopping district quickly.

All in the area would be told to leave quickly before the police arrive, they will be given a few minutes after the /event and the drivers or people running the stands will help yell icly to tell people they need to leave. I think this is a small part that could help bring the thrill of a real street race to life.

Date: N/A
Location: Bowling Alley
Event Type: Server Wide/Flash

A Royal Banquet
“I think the king is but a man, as am I.”

Karakura may be a lot of things, but royal certainly is not one of them! The Royal Banquet would welcome any and all citizens wishing for a night to wine and dine like only the finest of Royals would. The banquet would have a range of the finest foods, the only requirement to enter would be a formal-wear outfit to fit the occasion! A simple dress and suit skin will be provided for those who don’t make skins or aren’t able to get one in time for the event.

There could also be sections for dancing and such just cleared out in the middle of the gymnasium along with music that could be played but not necessary as it can make some people crash and such. Food will likely be free with workers working around the banquet so they can give it out to avoid people stealing all the food from chests.

The banquet could also possibly be sponsored by stores like Koribureku, Kissako, Ukiyo, LCN and just anywhere selling their own food. In return for their service and so that they are profiting there could possibly be a small entry fee that would be split among any who do decide to sell their food there since people wouldn’t be charged for it or the price could be calculated and then paid directly ahead of time.

This event is fairly simple and there isn’t much I’d personally add to it other than what’s above, there are many improvements and technicalities that would need to be discussed.

Date: N/A
Location: School Gymnasium
Event Type: Server Wide

Gliding through Ice
“As free as a Bird, As graceful as an Angel.”

During the wintertime of last year I, unfortunately, wasn’t around to see the frozen over waters and I believe an event for this could be a really good opportunity for both myself and the rest of the server. This event would be focused on Ice Skating!

There’d be two separate competitions, One of which would be for the skating itself, hosted at the Swimming Pool on the Beach. The iced-over water would be closed off by a fence to ensure there are not too many people there at once due to the limited space. Participants would action out skating or even a form of dance routine on the ice and judges would wander the ice to observe these actions and see who they believe is the best.

First Prize: 100k, Possibly some form of custom trophy?
Second Prize: 50k
Third Prize: 25k

The second competition would be an outfit competition, the winner would be whoever is best dressed in the judges’ favourite outfit! It wouldn’t require any specific actions however if you wish to participate you would simply go to the stand and whoever is running it will take a quick picture and store it in a group chat with those helping with the event or judging the specific stand. It will then be judged and towards the end, it will be announced. The prizes for this may be slightly less as many would likely just order skins from tailors and you don’t always know if they made it themself.

First Prize: 75k
Second Prize: 45k
Third Prize: 20k

This event could also take place around February in celebration of the Japanese ice and snow festival, Sapporo.

Date: N/A
Location: Swimming Pool (beach)
Event Type: Server Wide

Pirates Bay
“It is a blessing for a man to have a hand in determining his own fate.”

/event A mysterious ship could be seen along the beach, close enough to hear the yelling of a group of strange figures in search of treasure.
/event The pirates had been found out to be on the hunt for a secret treasure, and with a great reward for that who brings it to him first.

During this event, there would be a ship near the beach event team members or people helping would be dressed as pirates each with different names. Once people start to gather to see the event of the pirates it will continue further and there will be a little more context.

The pirates will be talking about the treasure hidden on the beach of Karakura that they are hunting and will begin to exit the ship and swim to the land in a hurry, or they will already be on land by the time people arrive.

At the moment I don’t know if it would be better to have a section of the beach closed off so it doesn’t get flooded with people during the event and instead watch from a distance. If we did put this in place though there could be a pirate or two at the event warning others to stay back because the treasure is theirs.

To make the event more interesting, once the treasure has been found one of the pirates could run away with a specific item to take it for themself so in return, the other pirates could ask for the help of citizens around to find the Pirate who escaped and whoever retrieved the item would be able to keep it if they wish as long with a money prize of 100k+. The technicalities could be discussed further and that goes for pretty much all of these as they are fairly vague to allow it to be expanded upon if you wish.

Date: N/A
Location: Beach
Event Type: Flash Event

Fall Festival
“Fall fresh in the lap of a Crimson Rose.”

The fall festival would be open to any and all who wish to come! It would be held around the shopping district and forest, Booths would be set up throughout the shopping district around the entrance of the forest sponsored by different stores. Shop owners could either be there themselves or have an employee or manager work it for them.

There would be multiple sections such as an area for storytelling at the campsite which could be worked on alongside the lore team to write up scary stories, legends and folklore type things to be told by either themselves or team members who are running the event! I think this could help create more excitement around lore aspects of the server as they are not always apparent and if the event went well it could lead to another event possible in the future based on said story.

The next section I would add is the barbeque, somebody would run it and others would be allowed to buy snacks and drinks from there, this wouldn’t be the main part of the event just another area that others could get snacks if they wish, possibly custom-limited snacks for the autumn time!

Additionally, if there wasn’t already enough to do there could also be smaller activities like a tour around the trail or tea in the mountain house.

Rather than students or adults helping it’s also possible that people could be acting forest rangers for said event to help bring it to life more. I’m unsure if the forest ranger station itself was intended to be abandoned but since there are currently no forest rangers it could be a good way to introduce them even if it is just for the event.

I think this event would be great for the server because it gives us a chance to appreciate the nature around us during the autumn. Alongside this, players would get the chance to add small elements of character development that they could use in future to roleplay. Even simple things like, “My parents always used to take me to the Fall Festival as a kid!”Can really add to the roleplay and server as a whole.

Date: N/A
Location: Forest / Shopping District
Event Type: Server Wide

Lumber “JACK”
"Ready, Set, SWING!"

/event A strange man with a bushy beard and red flannel was seen wandering the forest with an axe and some rope, seemingly looking for something as he left trails of interrupted dirt and footprints
This event would take place near Christmas and it would be a flash event! It wouldn’t be a long event but rather something people could go see and possibly assist with. Due to the nature of this event, many may not come due to being busy or offline which actually works well in this case.

It would only be a short event in which people could go investigate, once they find the man in the forest if they choose to interact they will soon find out that the man had only been looking for a Christmas tree for himself and his family who had recently moved into the area.

/me the man would carefully inspect the trees, seemingly trying to . . . guess its height. His face would be concentrated as he whistled around.

If anybody decided to approach the man would ask for help choosing a tree out of two, then to cut it down. The tree would be world edit cut down by somebody and fall, the man would then thank whoever helped him and greet them goodbye, claiming to pick up the tree later once his truck was ready and he had proper equipment however, the tree could simply be removed or returned to its previous standing position or even just left.

Date: N/A
Location: Forest
Event Type: Flash Event

School Feild Trip
"Time amongst the trees is never wasted."
The school has taken field trips in the past however I have not myself been able to attend one yet which is part of the reason I think this would be cool. Students would sign up to help keep it organised but if cabins were not full or people dropped out then people could join or even just come for the first part rather than an overnight stay.

Teachers and School Faculty would be there to overwatch students as well as teach them throughout the trip as they of course must be learning for it to logically be accepted as a trip.

The first thing to be taught throughout this trip is how to light a fire, the students may be given a piece of paper to light as well as sticks or rocks although those would likely be ItemRP’d as I don’t believe they are in the game. Teachers will lead them through it step by step, giving them tips on how to light it best like how much pressure should be applied or what angle is best to strike it at.

The biggest and, in my opinion, best activity at the camp could be a possible trip upwards into the mountains to meet with the Shrine’s Maidens who can teach the students about the religion, why it’s so hugely followed, and much more. Personally, I think this would be very beneficial as it helps give other players more understanding of the server and assists them to accurately roleplay if they follow this religion ICly. I would love to learn about the religion and I’m sure many others would to however sit at a computer for hours can be extremely boring and since many people on the server clearly like RP, this would be a great way to help teach about it!

The smaller activities could also include things like building tents, roasting marshmallows, learning about seasons and how it affects nature, observing small scall ecosystems within the forest and much more that can help the students learn more and have fun on this trip. Due to the length of this event, If allowed teachers could possibly count this towards their monthly quotas as they are still teaching and supervising the event.

Like I mentioned before, students could sign up to stay in the cabin overnight so that we are able to make use of the cabins in the forest however not all will be able to stay if too many come. It might be beneficial to just let those who wish to stay use the cabins towards the end of the event. A small /event could run as a closing to the event, they finally will either leave or go to the cabin for the remainder of the night.

/event As the night comes to a close the stars fade and the sun peaks at the edges of the sky, students are welcome to stay in cabins along with faculty until school the next day. Sharing steamy hot chocolate and yummy marshmallows as they lay their head to rest.

Date: N/A
Location: Forest
Event Type: Serverwide

Other Events
Less planned out event ideas for the server!
- Team Competitions (like the volleyball competition a while ago etc,)
- Charity Bake Sale/General Sale
- Total Wipe Out!: Karakura
- Flower Festival
- Music Festival (Live Aid)
- Funfair on the Pier
- Career Day
- Court Case Drama
- General Themed Parties
- New Years event

Japanese Events
Events that are actually celebrated in Japan!
- Shunbun No Hi (festival of spring)
- Showa No Hi (honours the birthday of Emporer Showa Hirohito)
- Summer Solstice (when the sun is at its highest)
- Kenkoku Kinen no Hi (national foundation day)
- Hinamatsuri (dolls/girls day)
- Sapporo (Ice & snow festival)

My Final Notes
All of these ideas can also be expanded upon further as well and could include more or less than what has been mentioned depending on size and resources. I’d also like to add that, although I am by no means a 3d modeller, I’ve been learning how to model for a while and wouldn’t mind helping mind custom items to be used during these events such as treasure for the pirates, custom food for banquets etc.

Just another note but I noticed that while I’ve been working on this somebody posted an app with a similar event to mine, the ice-skating one, however, I decided to keep it in along with extra events to showcase more ideas and show that I’m not just trying to reword somebody else’s app.​


Level 111

As a staff member, you're automatically allowed to be involved with event team. Ask for the event team role in the Staff Discord if you're still interested, however you will not be listed on the roster.​

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