Level 115
Good day Citizens of Karakura, today I bring you a news report regarding the occult club and a special interview I have conducted with Sone Takeshi himself.
The Occult Club
A couple of weeks ago, old newspapers dating back to 1987 regarding the famous Occult Club, established within the Karakura’s highschool in 1967. The Club originally was created by Tagawa suki in the company of his best friend Sone Takeshi. The Occult Club was famous for being one of Karakura’s weirdest clubs. They focused on studying and worshiping the supernatural as well as practicing occultism, with various beliefs and theories. It was all hidden away from the Karakura’s highschool principal. The first new member was recruited the next year; Yanagi Katsu. The 3 of them started having weekly meetings in the school's hidden boiler room, lock picking the door to get themselves access into it. After 7 more members got recruited to the Occult club in total, tragedy struck.
The tragedy that no one wanted
This is a summary of the released newspapers, which are accessible for the public.
On the 22nd of February, 1987 the official news report was released regarding the tragedy that struck a few days before. Highschool caretaker Mitsurugi Sugimori found the 9 students around a circle of 100 candles, all sadly had passed. The caretaker immediately contacted the Karakura Police Department once they found the students. The students then got taken to the hospital where they were identified and their families were contacted about the tragedy. The Karakura highschool released a public statement about the tragedy denying all involvement from the school itself, and putting it more towards the general statement of ‘this could have been avoided’. Within the same day as the tragedy theories started to pop up about the tenth student.
Sone Takeshi, the second ever member of the occult club was the only student who wasn’t involved in the tragedy, but was missing. People speculated he might possibly be still alive or, he entirely got swallowed whole by the flames responsible for the other students' deaths. Other theories also blame Sone Takeshi himself for the tragedy.
After 40 years without an answer to what actually happened, how it happened, and 40 years of Sone Takeshi being missing. A couple days ago I received a very interesting phone call to the news station.
From none other than Sone Takeshi himself.
[!] A tape recording was attached to the report of the following interview [!]
SZ: “So.. to just start off with the basics, what is your full name?”
[!] Someone could be heard shuffling around a bit on a couch, getting closer to the microphone
SE: “My name is Sone Takeshi”
SZ: “So, Mr. Takeshi, to start with the obvious here. You were involved with The Occult Club right? Could you possibly clarify some more about that?”
SE: “The founder of the club, Tagawa Suki and I were best friends. We started the club together in order to.. I guess I should study the supernatural. I mean we were curious about it all, and then once we gained a few more members, it picked up into something. We had weekly meetings just as every other club but would.. We kept secrets about what we did from school. It wasn’t the most loved of clubs.”
SZ: “And what did you guys exactly do during the meetings you had in, supposedly the boiler room of the school?”
SE: “I mean.. we studied like I said! But.. we also had said meetings in the boiler room.. after lock picking the door to the elevator and then the one to the room we met in. But, we were smart. We found the blueprints for the school and used them accordingly. There were a few times that we played Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, also known as the Game of 100 Ghost Stories, or the Gathering of 100 Supernatural Tales. You set up 100 candles in a circle, light them, and then sit around and tell mythical stories of the supernatural. I mean we were kids, we were just trying to have fun and be interested in something.”
SZ: “Of course, but then everything took a turn for the worst, is there anything you could tell us about the tragic event, Mr. Takeshi?”
SE: “Right… uhm, Tagawa wanted us to have another meeting but in a different room so that it was darker and, I don’t know, worked better somehow? But it felt off… The room itself was directly under a gas pipe in the school. So I didn’t go with them. I stayed before but once I didn’t hear from Tagawa or anyone else that night I knew something was wrong but I…”
[!] A long pause.
SE: “I didn’t know what to do. What we were doing was technically illegal, breaking in there but- none of them deserved to die.”
SZ: “I agree, they didn’t deserve to get their life taken away so early. But what did you do after you heard about the death of the students, Mr. Takeshi?”
SE: “Well if I’m honest? I placed myself in my home and didn’t leave. I didn’t know what to do, or say, or how to feel. I was only twenty-three and everyone I had surrounded myself with was now dead. And I knew that they had been there, I felt like I had been partly to blame for how long it took to find them. I left Karakura after that for some time and tried to get myself together, but seeing the post on Onrain? I had to come back and explain that there is more to this than the school is letting on.”
[!] A small pause, with some deep breaths.
SE: “Of course there is more. There’s always more to every story. The school blamed us, the victims of the situation, for doing something dangerous. Of course there was a risk, but if they would have kept up with their upkeep then this wouldn’t have happened. They know exactly what they did and I hope those who are keeping the secrets are ashamed of themselves.
[!] another moment of silence
SZ: “uhm.. what connection of the tragedy is there with the school's upkeep, Mr. Takeshi?”
[!] Sone let out a small huff of air.
SE: “It’s what the school won’t tell you about the time of the incident. I’ve seen the picture of the incident, those candles? And the way the fire just.. consumed their bodies? The only thing that would cause that is a carbon monoxide leak.”
SZ: “So you are saying that… a gas leak caused the tragic deaths and the school has always kept it quiet?”
SE: “Yes. I am. I know what the school did and they do too, and this needs to come to light eventually. It’s unfair that my friends got blamed and have gotten no justice to their name. And I’m here to achieve that, and I won’t stop until they get their justice.”
SZ: “Well I’m sure this will bring some light to it all, and I hope you’ll achieve justice for your old friends. Thank you for your time, and for sharing your story Mr. Takeshi.”
The Occult Club
A couple of weeks ago, old newspapers dating back to 1987 regarding the famous Occult Club, established within the Karakura’s highschool in 1967. The Club originally was created by Tagawa suki in the company of his best friend Sone Takeshi. The Occult Club was famous for being one of Karakura’s weirdest clubs. They focused on studying and worshiping the supernatural as well as practicing occultism, with various beliefs and theories. It was all hidden away from the Karakura’s highschool principal. The first new member was recruited the next year; Yanagi Katsu. The 3 of them started having weekly meetings in the school's hidden boiler room, lock picking the door to get themselves access into it. After 7 more members got recruited to the Occult club in total, tragedy struck.
The tragedy that no one wanted
This is a summary of the released newspapers, which are accessible for the public.
On the 22nd of February, 1987 the official news report was released regarding the tragedy that struck a few days before. Highschool caretaker Mitsurugi Sugimori found the 9 students around a circle of 100 candles, all sadly had passed. The caretaker immediately contacted the Karakura Police Department once they found the students. The students then got taken to the hospital where they were identified and their families were contacted about the tragedy. The Karakura highschool released a public statement about the tragedy denying all involvement from the school itself, and putting it more towards the general statement of ‘this could have been avoided’. Within the same day as the tragedy theories started to pop up about the tenth student.
Sone Takeshi, the second ever member of the occult club was the only student who wasn’t involved in the tragedy, but was missing. People speculated he might possibly be still alive or, he entirely got swallowed whole by the flames responsible for the other students' deaths. Other theories also blame Sone Takeshi himself for the tragedy.
After 40 years without an answer to what actually happened, how it happened, and 40 years of Sone Takeshi being missing. A couple days ago I received a very interesting phone call to the news station.
From none other than Sone Takeshi himself.
[!] A tape recording was attached to the report of the following interview [!]
SZ: “So.. to just start off with the basics, what is your full name?”
[!] Someone could be heard shuffling around a bit on a couch, getting closer to the microphone
SE: “My name is Sone Takeshi”
SZ: “So, Mr. Takeshi, to start with the obvious here. You were involved with The Occult Club right? Could you possibly clarify some more about that?”
SE: “The founder of the club, Tagawa Suki and I were best friends. We started the club together in order to.. I guess I should study the supernatural. I mean we were curious about it all, and then once we gained a few more members, it picked up into something. We had weekly meetings just as every other club but would.. We kept secrets about what we did from school. It wasn’t the most loved of clubs.”
SZ: “And what did you guys exactly do during the meetings you had in, supposedly the boiler room of the school?”
SE: “I mean.. we studied like I said! But.. we also had said meetings in the boiler room.. after lock picking the door to the elevator and then the one to the room we met in. But, we were smart. We found the blueprints for the school and used them accordingly. There were a few times that we played Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, also known as the Game of 100 Ghost Stories, or the Gathering of 100 Supernatural Tales. You set up 100 candles in a circle, light them, and then sit around and tell mythical stories of the supernatural. I mean we were kids, we were just trying to have fun and be interested in something.”
SZ: “Of course, but then everything took a turn for the worst, is there anything you could tell us about the tragic event, Mr. Takeshi?”
SE: “Right… uhm, Tagawa wanted us to have another meeting but in a different room so that it was darker and, I don’t know, worked better somehow? But it felt off… The room itself was directly under a gas pipe in the school. So I didn’t go with them. I stayed before but once I didn’t hear from Tagawa or anyone else that night I knew something was wrong but I…”
[!] A long pause.
SE: “I didn’t know what to do. What we were doing was technically illegal, breaking in there but- none of them deserved to die.”
SZ: “I agree, they didn’t deserve to get their life taken away so early. But what did you do after you heard about the death of the students, Mr. Takeshi?”
SE: “Well if I’m honest? I placed myself in my home and didn’t leave. I didn’t know what to do, or say, or how to feel. I was only twenty-three and everyone I had surrounded myself with was now dead. And I knew that they had been there, I felt like I had been partly to blame for how long it took to find them. I left Karakura after that for some time and tried to get myself together, but seeing the post on Onrain? I had to come back and explain that there is more to this than the school is letting on.”
[!] A small pause, with some deep breaths.
SE: “Of course there is more. There’s always more to every story. The school blamed us, the victims of the situation, for doing something dangerous. Of course there was a risk, but if they would have kept up with their upkeep then this wouldn’t have happened. They know exactly what they did and I hope those who are keeping the secrets are ashamed of themselves.
[!] another moment of silence
SZ: “uhm.. what connection of the tragedy is there with the school's upkeep, Mr. Takeshi?”
[!] Sone let out a small huff of air.
SE: “It’s what the school won’t tell you about the time of the incident. I’ve seen the picture of the incident, those candles? And the way the fire just.. consumed their bodies? The only thing that would cause that is a carbon monoxide leak.”
SZ: “So you are saying that… a gas leak caused the tragic deaths and the school has always kept it quiet?”
SE: “Yes. I am. I know what the school did and they do too, and this needs to come to light eventually. It’s unfair that my friends got blamed and have gotten no justice to their name. And I’m here to achieve that, and I won’t stop until they get their justice.”
SZ: “Well I’m sure this will bring some light to it all, and I hope you’ll achieve justice for your old friends. Thank you for your time, and for sharing your story Mr. Takeshi.”
[!] The tape recording would end there.
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