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KARAKURA NEWS | Daisuki Yohin's Co-owner: Aki Masahiko


Level 1

Daisuki Yohin: a newly established department store located parallel to Karakura's famous seashore. has opened to a roaring economic success. But what separates Daisuki Yohin from the new wave of shopping establishments? What is their work ethic? what do they strive for as a collective? that's what we intend to discover today.

/it standing in front of Daisuki Yohin: Rocky Thompson would be sat alongside (Daisuki Yohin's famed co-owner) Aki Masahiko, calmly awaiting Rocky's questions. swiftly taking a drag of his cigarette, Rocky would proceed with the report.

With a gritty tone, Rocky would sporadically begin listing off questions: "So, Mr. Masahiko what can 'people expect from Daisuki Yohin?" pointing the mic towards Masahiko's direction.

"Nice ta' see you too, pal." Aki says sarcastically, immediately laughing at his own comment. "Good question... Lemme' think here." He looks up, placing two fingers on his temples. "Good service... Good items... N' good prices." He leans back in his chair, content with his answer.

Nodding along with Aki's answer, Rocky would clear his throat before proceeding
"What's in 'hot commodity right now?" brutishly scratches his beard.

"I think we're gettin' a shipment of water-guns soon. Those are seasonal items, n' my instincts are tellin' me that they're gonna' sell like f#@!in' hot-cakes." Aki taps his forehead, pulling an intense face.

"What are the future plans for your 'position in Daisuki?" smirking at Mr. Masahiko's 'professionalism'.

"It's hard to say." Aki crosses one leg over the other, slicking his hair back. He holds his stubbled and scarred jaw in his hands. "Well.., for me, I'd like ta' focus on bringin' partner-ships and collaborations in." Aki clears his throat. "I mean, that's what I've always been good at, rather than workin' the tills. Well.., that and security.."

"What can you tell us about Mr. Thao Daisuki?"

"The boss is hard-core. But, in a good way." He pauses, considering his words. "It's cool workin' under someone like that again, who I'm proud ta' pledge my loyalty to." Aki says nonchalantly, leaning forward in his chair. "Even if the circumstances are wildly different."

Furrowing his eyebrows, Rocky would find the additional comment of 'again' peculiar. clearing his throat maintaining his professionalism. "What are your goals 'an expectations for this shop?"

Aki lets out a long breath, scratching at the back of his head, searching for an answer. Finally, he finds one, and just by looking at him, you can tell it's gonna' be a good answer. "I dunno', man." W..- What the hell!? Was that ALL he had to say?! Judging by the look on his stoic face, he thought that answer alone was good enough and was waiting for Rocky to move on!

Dumbfounded: could this guy be serious? Rocky would stutter for a moment in a feeling that can only be described as shell shock. "W-what can people- uhm... purchase at Daisuki?"

"Beer.. Tobacco..." Aki was visibly listed out the products, each finger of his hand corresponding to an item. "I mean, itsa' general store. Whateva' ya' can buy at yer' average 11/7, n' more." Aki takes out a cigarette from his pocket, placing it tightly between his teeth. He mumbles out: "Good prices, too. Good prices fer' good sh!t, ya' know?"

Nodding along with Aki's comments "What separates Daisuki Yohin from every other shop in the local area?"

"I think... The overall' care n' sh!t the boss puts towards the store n' its' employees. Now I aint' sayin' that other shop-keepers don't care for their joint, blah-blah-blah, but hey man, does every store in Karakura have an individual office for each worker?" He leans forward, the cigarette dangling from his scarred lips. "Not ta' mention, a f#@?in' employee bar?" Aki lights his cigarette, taking a long drag. He places it against a near-by ashtray, letting out a loud yawn. "Oh yeah, and a snooker-table."

/it the footage cuts rather abruptly

In conclusion, Daisuki Yohin is a great place for all your general needs. Though the management appears scarily kooky. their genius in marketing is definitely of note, furthermore, their inclusion of a sushi bar thoroughly sets Daisuki Yohin's establishment apart from their contemporaries. Daisuki's work ethic seems rather comparable to other nearby establishments, nothing truly sets them apart in that aspect. Daisuki's goals are unclear... however, it is safe to say that Daisuki is here to stay.

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Level 88
As your reporter coworker, owner of Daisuki yohin AND local rocky Thompson fan, I'm in awe, disbelief, and sobbing that you didn't interview me as well !!!!!!

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