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「 ✦ J. ‘Karl’ M. P. Stark ✦ 」


Level 93

┈─ table of contents ❜៹

▸ basics
▸ appearance
▸ personality
▸ backstory
▸ relationships
▸ theme songs
▸ credits

┈─ basics. [ ] ❜៹

꒰ name ꒱
▸ Jericho Mikhailovich Park-Stark

꒰ age ꒱
▸ 20

꒰ gender ꒱
▸ Trans male

꒰ sexuality ꒱
▸ Gay, polyam

꒰ pronouns ꒱
▸ He/him

꒰ nationality ꒱
▸ Japanese

꒰ languages ꒱
▸ Russian, Japanese, English (however it’s . . . not the best), JSL, and Korean

꒰ other ꒱
▸ He has a few other nicknames he goes by, such as Jet or Karl. Karl was his previous legal name turned nickname now!
There are also many aliases that he has. He is best known as ‘CAGE’ in Fight Club. Another name he has is ‘ATHANASIA’ on Ikigai, the only place he uses such a name.

┈─ appearance. [ ] ❜៹

꒰ overview ꒱

▸ A young Russian man 20 years of age, Karl’s normalities pretty much stopped there. The young male had a large burn scar situated on the left side of his face, multiple scars (some that were deeper than others) etched into many different places along his face. Notably scars along his eyes and a now faded carving on the right side. His light blue and grey eyes followed the person examining him with an air of confidence, but there definitely was something else behind that. Looking even further, you would notice that the faded carving spelt out a name, ‘Josiah’. There also happened to be a hearing aid situated in his left ear, something he commonly wore thanks to being half-deaf.

Looking beyond the man’s face, you would notice that he had plenty more scars to go. Two along his neck, and even more scars on his chest and shoulders. One deep enough that it looked like a nagi or katana had been driven through it, several actually. These scars told the story that he was not willing to share, of what hardships he had gone through. There also happened to be a prosthetic arm and leg that he had where his left limbs would be. The man often covered these up with loose, baggy clothing. Then, looking at his other hand, you would notice what seemed to be multiple stitches around his hand. Some more yet around where his pinkie was, signaling reattachment. Up from there was even more burn scars, unfortunately.

These amounts of injuries clearly told what the man had gotten into. Enough to scare some people, at least previously. Now? Now he usually has a relatively friendly, if self-centered, behavior about him. Could be the mental and physical trauma, maybe. Definitely not the person most knew years ago.

꒰ height ꒱
▸ 5’4

꒰ weight ꒱
▸ 134

꒰ skin color ꒱
▸ Pale white

꒰ eye color ꒱
▸ Heterochromia. One light blue eye, one light grey.

꒰ birthmarks ꒱
▸ N/A

꒰ scars ꒱
▸ He has a large burn scar across one side of his face, as well as several scars on the other. He had many others on his neck, as well as a large, faded burn scar trailing down his right arm. There were many scars that littered his arm alongside that burn. Jericho also has top surgery scars, as well as many other scars that are all over his body.
More recent scars are also littered on his body, like a few stab wounds in his back that resemble a cartoony frown. His hand bears a fresh stab wound, on top of an older burn one. Above that would be a clock shaped carving, then a few more scars that littered his face and neck. One was situated on his neck, trailing down to his collarbone. A few stitched up wounds would be present as well, such as a gunshot that proved he had gotten shot in the stomach as well as one that hinted at the fact that a bullet has come that close to his face.

꒰ accessories ꒱
▸ Jericho usually wears shades! Either that or some sort of hat, entirely depending.

꒰ physical disease(s) ꒱
▸ Jericho is deaf in his left ear, often wearing the hearing aid for this very reason.


┈─ personality. [ ] ❜៹
꒰ overview ꒱

▸ His personality, to say the least, is quite all over the place. Karl can go from being overly enthusiastic about things to an absolute mess. His kindness and friendliness are two things that many people know about him, as he's often very much both to people that he meets. This also comes hand-in-hand with his open-minded behavior as he is often open to most people and offers what support he can if they're close enough to him, which - of course - comes in with his intelligence as well.

However there always is the bad side of things when it comes to everyone, and Karl is no exception. His childish and unforgiving nature can be quite troubling for the man as he will often blow up on others if his loved ones are insulted enough. He's rather stubborn too, often not backing out of something even if suggested to. Karl thinks that doing that is 'weak' in some sense, especially in fights. This is also having to do with how feral he can and will get, unfortunately for those who have to deal with his behavior.

꒰ positive traits ꒱
▸ Loyal, however, this can be a bit of a problem when it comes to sorting out problems between those he loves.
▸ Open-mindedness
▸ Intelligence
▸ Kindness to a degree
▸ A sense of justice and morality, despite his past.
▸ Friendliness

꒰ negative traits ꒱
▸ Stubborn
▸ Somewhat childish
▸ Quick to anger
▸ Unforgiving, often holding grudges for longer than necessary.
▸ Quite feral

꒰ likes ꒱
▸ Crows
▸ Robotics
▸ Cartoons + Sanrio
▸ Soup
▸ Cats

꒰ dislikes ꒱
▸ Excessively loud noises
▸ Not having a say-so in things
▸ Wasps
▸ Beetles
▸ Pistachios

꒰ hobbies ꒱
▸ Playing guitar
▸ Watching cartoons
▸ Listening to music
▸ Playing video games
▸ Spending time with his partners, if that counts

꒰ phobias ꒱
▸ Hemophobia
▸ Scopophobia
▸ Atychiphobia
▸ Tomophobia
▸ Athazagoraphobia

꒰ mental disease(s) ꒱
▸ Severe depression
▸ Some sort of dissociative disorder, not diagnosed
▸ Schizophrenia
▸ Possibly ADHD, not diagnosed
▸ Possibly narcolepsy, not diagnosed

┈─ backstory. [ ] ❜៹

꒰ overview ꒱


┈─ relationships. [ ] ❜៹

꒰ mother(s) ꒱
▸ Chatrin K. Ivanova - DEAD (NPC)
One of the most positive relationships he has, despite her passing. Karl holds this woman in the deepest regards and wishes her the best in the next life for being there for him and his siblings when she was needed most.

▸ Jane Sinclair - ALIVE (NPC)
The ex-girlfriend of his mother, a woman who raised him alongside Chatrin, Karl absolutely adores her. She is his favorite person that he can remember from his family and will remain such.

▸ Maribelle Santaromania-Buono - ALIVE (Is his ex-adoptive mother)
Someone he hardly remembers, but they still had quite a sweet relationship. Always there for each other when needed, it was a surprise when Karl left the family. A much-needed break, one that never broke the bonds these two had.

꒰ father(s) ꒱
▸ Liam P. Ivanov - DEAD (NPC)
Another one that he absolutely despises, this man was who turned his back on his own flesh and blood. A man Karl will never forgive nor forget, one that he wishes he could to spare himself the pain of it.

▸ Vanna I. Stark - ALIVE
Vanna is an interesting one. Karl neither loves nor hates them, he wishes to give them another chance in his life. They are unpredictable but that’s not why he has a neutral opinion on them.

▸ William J. Acton - MIA, assumed dead.
Even more daddy issues, this one gave him. Karl hates this man as well for what he has done to Maribelle, but he cannot remember why else he hates him. Maybe he will find out soon?

▸ Dakari Altaha - ALIVE (NPC)
Finally, one of the better parents Karl has had! Dakari is not technically his father legally, but he treats him as his own flesh and blood. Karl adores this man with everything in him and wishes to prove himself to him.

꒰ siblings ꒱
▸ Kenjiro Park - ALIVE
Karl has since become closer to Kenjiro and sees him as an actual older brother figure! Though he still does clash with him occasionally - he is rather off-put by rumors he has heard lately but doesn't wish to make Kenjiro aware of such.

▸ Emelia M. Corella-Kaneko - DEAD
While they lack in long conversations, Karl adores Emelia with everything in him. She saved his life as well as their family’s and he will never be able to return that favor. At least, so he believes.
And he never did.

▸ Lapis Kaneko - ALIVE
More distance, of course, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t value Lapis. He adores her and always will.

▸ Damon H. Raedz-Kaneko - ALIVE
They have never interacted.

▸ Xia Kaneko - ALIVE
They have only interacted a single time, not enough for Karl to gain an opinion on her.

▸ Akame K. Kaneko-Yumeku - ALIVE
They have interacted only momentarily, as he has with most Kaneko siblings. Not much of an opinion is held on Akame.

▸ Judith L. Kaneko - ALIVE
He doesn’t remember her too much, so there is not much of an opinion on her either.

▸ H. 'Myeongwol' Park - ALIVE
This woman he absolutely adores with everything he has in him, he still sees her as a little sister. She means the absolute world to him and he would die for her, forever and always.

▸ Karma S. Tanaka - DEAD
He, alongside Surya, are his favorite siblings. Karl and Karma have been together, involved in crime, for however long and he seriously misses having his little brother at his side.

▸ Surya Stark-Tanaka - ALIVE
Karl’s opinion on Surya is the same as Karma, especially since this man has daved

▸ Alyx Stark - DEAD
While he doesn’t remember much of them to have an opinion, he still loves them. They died for his sake and he feels immensely guilty for it when reminded.

▸ Chibi T. Stark - ALIVE (NPC)
A man he could never forget, that’s who Chibi is. This man, his elder brother, saved his life not only once but three times, and with that he has his most immense respect for him.

▸ Kazuko V. Altaha-Stark - ALIVE (NPC)
His twin sister, Kazuko and Karl are the closest out of everyone. Hardly one to miss her brother’s troubles, Karl often calls for her when he needs to rant about something to someone that he knows won’t judge him.

▸ Pierre T. Ivanov - ALIVE
Another person Karl despises, one he refuses to speak of. Pierre and the younger man have never gotten along and never will, especially after Chatrin’s murder.

▸ Suzuka A. H. T. Stark - ALIVE
His sister, one of the closest people to Karl, is one that he also holds in high regards. He adores her, looks up to her even. While he often acts goofy around her, Karl absolutely wants to have her respect him as he does her.

▸ Lennox Sinclair - ALIVE
Adoration, that’s what Karl has for Lennox. She’s there when he needs her, but that has faded recently. He misses her and always will.

▸ Laurance Sinclair - ALIVE (NPC)
Laurance, or ‘Lancer’ as Karl calls him, is pretty much a best friend to Karl! They often mess around with each other when Karl’s out of town and hang out often. They’re one of the most chaotic duos, however. But that’s what makes them awesome.

▸ Dakota Altaha - ALIVE (NPC)
A man that has immense kindness to not only Karl but everyone else around him, the blond can’t help but admire him as well. He wishes that he could be similar to Dakota and wants to try to do what he does, however hard it is for the naturally hot-headed Karl to do so.

꒰ romantic partner(s) ꒱

▸ Allen S. Kyoshiro - ALIVE
Allen is Karl’s soulmate; these two met years back and have bonded since, never seen without the other. They are inseparable but also quite co-dependent. Karl adores him above all else and would do anything for him, and the feeling is mutual.

꒰ children ꒱

▸ Alice Stark - DEAD
He believes that she should stop getting into so much trouble, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her as he does the rest of his daughters. He always will love Alice and that won’t change, even with the possibility of her being dead and gone now.

▸ Aoao Ceilee Stark - ALIVE
The two of them have a decent relationship, but since they hardly anymore Karl does miss them a lot.

꒰ friends ꒱
▸ Johnny Reeves - ALIVE
These two are twin flames; when together, there’s pretty much nothing they can’t do. Karl and Johnny are extremely close and the former, while he may never admit it, looks up to Johnny a lot!

▸ Eeveelyn Satoshi-Moon - ALIVE
She is a mother figure almost to him, despite being younger. Karl loves her and feels immensely guilty for what pain she has gone through, a feeling that is not unlike how he feels for his own biological mother.

▸ Coraline Caparelli - ALIVE
They may not be so close anymore, but Karl thinks she’s fun enough to be around! And a bit off topic but who isn’t?

▸ Elyana Lavigne - ALIVE
Karl absolutely LOVES Elyana, even if he believes she’s a bit odd sometimes thanks to behavior! He would never replace her though, despite this.

▸ Hae-ryung Shin - ALIVE
Don’t even get Karl started on Hae-ryung, he adores her as well. She means the absolute world to him and he wishes he could help her more because of the massive amount of pain she goes through that he knows of.

▸ Avery S. Fushiguro - ALIVE
He and Avery don’t speak much anymore, but he still sees her as a friend!

▸ Amelia Venanzi - ALIVE
They hardly speak, but ever since their first interaction Karl sees her as a good person and therefore someone he should befriend.

▸ ‘Dyno’ Chou - ALIVE
Adorable, if a bit odd, is what Karl thinks of Dyno! He loves the kid as much as he does his own and is highly protective of him.

▸ Lucas V. Celestiasume - ALIVE
While they may not speak anymore, Karl loves this kid and would like to speak to him once more.

▸ 'Letty' Alaire - ALIVE
This one is a MUCH newer friend to Karl, but he still loves her with everything in him. He finds her absolutely stunning, but also pretty fun to be around!

▸ Lexus Oceané - ALIVE
She's quite nice to be around! Karl sees her as a breath of fresh air every once in a while, as well as someone interesting to talk and plan stuff out with! Maybe they could be even better friends down the line, who knows?

▸ 'Bao' Khanh - ALIVE
It's a one-sided friendship, more so, but that's mostly because Karl is a bit oblivious at times! He sees Bao as a good friend despite an odd feeling he may have about the man, but it's okay.

▸ Riwoo Yeun - ALIVE
Karl might not know much about Riwoo as of present, but he’s definitely interested in getting to know him more!

▸ Alexzandria Chiyami - ALIVE
Oh God, another mother figure type friend. They may have only had one session officially, but Karl and her interactions even after that make him consider her such.

▸ Amelia T. Sato - ALIVE
A relatively new friend, Amelia is! He absolutely adores her and thinks she’s one of the prettiest women he’s ever met, an admiration he has about her because of how she behaves as well. Karl has a puppy-dog type of admiration for her.

▸ Korasi Sosuke - ALIVE
They might not talk much at this point, but they are still really good friends. Karl and Korasi often talk for hours if that’s even the time frame they’re given to spend with each other.

▸ Melora Monroe - ALIVE
Another really good friend, Melora is! He sees her as a very comforting person and super sweet, which is why he loves having her as a friend!

▸ Eun-He "Erin" Jong - ALIVE
This one is . . . confusing, to say the least. Karl sees him as a good friend but the romantic interest that Eun-He has in him is one-sided. Karl still hangs out with the kid anyway because he doesn't think that those feelings should get in the way of their friendship.

▸ 'Baihe' X. Kyoshiro - ALIVE
A new friend of his, Karl adores her energy. It's usually matched, of course, and that's how they even became friends!

꒰ enemies ꒱
▸ Franca Corella - ALIVE
Karl sees her as a threat to his and Allen’s relationship, often picking fights for her or straight up insulting her. The hatred is mutual and it won’t be going away anytime soon.

▸ Romeo Miyahara - ALIVE
Karl hardly remembers Romeo, but the things he has done to the poor man is basically unforgivable. Let’s hope Romeo doesn’t recognize the new Karl when he comes back, if he does.

▸ Red H. Semma - ALIVE
A newer person he hates, Karl has no feelings of remorse for him. The only reason for this disdain is thanks to the fact that Red injured his husband, something Karl finds unforgivable.

▸ Agana T. Kiyoshi - ALIVE
Once someone Karl was friendly with, now someone he absolutely despises. All in all, the only reason for his hatred is because of her harming a loved one despite how old the dispute was. That, of course, he wasn’t told and believes it’s recent. Oh well!

▸ Kira Andreev - ALIVE
Kira was another person he had perceived as a friend, although rather strange. He noted some odd behavior about her and eventually ended up questioning her after an in-law’s murder. This whole situation led to it spiraling from there, Kira eventually torturing Karl for his investigation. But all he knows for sure is that he killed the man, this much is enough to cause a large amount of hatred for her.

▸ Lucian Martinez - ALIVE
To be fair, Karl doesn’t hate him as much as he does any of the others on this list. But he doesn’t like Lucian either. He just sees him as rather annoying, especially since Lucian seems to dislike him for no reason whatsoever.

▸ And a lot of others. . . Not putting them all here!

┈─ theme song(s). [ ] ❜៹

┈─ credits. ❜៹
template by :: sakura on Amino
Last edited:

The FJ

Level 94
i didnt read it but he looks like he says thank you after someone tells him they love him idk i hvaent talked to him in months


Level 93
Thread starter
MASSIVE update!!!! Relationships have been heavily updated, as have a few other sections! And there’s new pictures too


Level 104
▸ Hae-ryung Shin - ALIVE
Don’t even get Karl started on Hae-ryung, he adores her as well. She means the absolute world to him and he wishes he could help her more because of the massive amount of pain she goes through that he knows of.


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