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Karakura News: Euphoria Valentine's Magazine


Level 14

It’s been over 10 days since the release of the magazine, but who’s stopping me from making a report out of it either way! It’s never too late for anything as long as you put your mind to it.

Come and check out Euphoria's Valentine Magazine through the link below!

We also have some reviews and feedback from people that have seen the Valentine's Magazine!

Llorenç V. Petit created an audible thinking sound from his throat before responding, “I have a few favourites, that being 'Cupid' and the female version of Forever Sweethearts' bundle! I think they look downright adorable but everyone seems to go a bit crazy when it comes to them."

Molly Mellark says "Yes, I saw it, I saw Valentina Cruz on it and she looked so hot in all the pieces."
"I'd buy the um she was a ballerina orrrr the sweetheart serenade attire.”

Kaede C. Gallardo says "Hearts look the best, I'm buying it for me and Molly."

And guess what?! We are also joined by our special guest; who was one of the few people that were behind the production of the latest Euphoria Valentine’s Magazine...


Maia Steele answered rather easily, as it's literally about her.
"Of course. My name is Maia Steele, I'm currently 18. I am a manager, tailor, and one-half of the magazine director for Euphoria." - "As for the récent Valentine's release, I'm the person behind some of the photography and the actual designer of the pages. So all of the silly layouts you see from page-to-page? That's me!"

Ophelia Montague says, "First question, what was the process that took to make this magazine happen?"

Maia Steele hummed, taking note of the silly little microphone and phone. Of course, Steele couldn't deny their heartbeat skipping a few beats out of nerves, but she's a cheerleader: she's performed in bigger crowds than just a casual newsroom. "It's all good. The process was pretty simple in my eyes, since I had help from my co-director, Kehlani, and the CEO, Vivienne. We have this big Onrain group chat regarding our ideas and quote-on-quote vibes we're going for."- "For our latest release, Cupid's Closet, we wanted to go for all things Valentine's day related.. so you can only imagine how many heart emojis and love reaction pictures we all spammed." Steele giggled out.

Ophelia Montague silently listened before giving out a firm nod of understanding!
"Yeah! I've gone through the pleasure of looking through the magazine myself after the release, and I must say! I can see the amount of effort, and detail that was put into it."
. . .
"Speaking of! How long can you say it took you to prepare, as well as encourage other tailors to put in collaborative effort into the magazine? And, what can you say to those that have participated in the production?"

Maia Steele tucked a strand or air behind her pierced ear, having live-feedback of such a large task like the magazine having a nice ring. "Thank you, I'm glad you're able to see the little details we put into it, such as color scheme and photo placements." Steele answered, before crossing one of her legs over the other, "Normally, we give our tailors around a month or so to create pieces regarding the theme, since making such incredible and unique pieces like some in the past can't just happen overnight." - "For motivation, we don't force it. I believe in creative freedom, so making someone to create, I believe, limits their potential and causes unneeded stress. If the tailor wishes to participate we work with them. If they do not, the same applies." Steele paused, taking a breath.
"Everyone that has participated in the magazine, post and pre production, are people I highly respect. Every clothing piece is different from the last, and it takes desire to keep testing the limits, if that makes sense?"

Ophelia Montague attentively listened to Maia! Actively nodding in subtle ways in return, as they awaited for them to fully finish. They clasps their hands gently together with the microphone still in hand, and the phone resting on the desk. "This seems to be a massive passion project with a lot of time, and planning into it! With a lot of patience as well! Which is really impressive. What can you say is your main motivator in being apart of creating such a huge project?"

Maia Steele began to drum her acrylic nails on her knee, trying to put her scatterbrained thoughts on a metaphorical paper. "Motivation from me can easily differ between all of the magazine staff, so it's subjective. However, I'll speak about my own. Ever since I was a teen, around fifteen, I always tuned into the MET Gala to see all of my idols show outfits that broke the typical jeans-and-t-shirt box."- "Maybe my motivation to see so many designers unite under a cohesive theme, but with their own twists to allow personality might be a big reason. But it's also really cool to see outfits and pieces you personally put effort into around the plaza."

Ophelia Montague awaited for them to finish before letting out a mellow hum, with a friendly ol’ grin. They twirled the microphone around in their hand, "Mhm! I see! It's really good to take pride in your work especially when people themselves enjoyed it too! It's a really good feeling that I believe most tailors, and other people alike can share! Anywho.. Moving on! Will Euphoria have similar magazine projects to be expected in the near future? Or the coming near months perhaps?"

Maia Steele offered a grin towards Ophelia, as the girl rarely spoke about her Euphoria contributions all that often. As the question was asked, the girl only perked up a bit more. Her acrylic finger stopped drumming, and went up to her lips, and was so close to doing the mew movement - but it was the wrong damn place. "Of course we have a few tricks up our sleeve, our group chat is one of my more active ones, but broadcasting our ideas? That would ruin the surprise elements we have, darling." Steele joked, and shot a wink. "I suggest to subscribe to our magazine to figure out what releases next, as only time will tell."

Ophelia Montague nodded in understanding, after all, not everything should be spoiled to the public! "I see! Well that's very understandable, and I'm sure people that are interested would tune in more, and subscribe to the magazine." - "Anywho! This may be a question that a lot of people may be interested in! Especially those that are aspiring to be in the magazine. When it comes to models, what is it that you are mainly looking for? Do you guys have a rather strict criteria with appearances? And how people present themselves? Does Euphoria have any strict standards or rules over picking people to represent, and be the face for the magazine?"

Maia Steele let a small chuckle escape her lips, her finger going back down to rest on her lap. "Ah, our models. To be honest, we don't really have a set-in-stone criteria. When we review our applications, we mainly look for the passion behind their words. It's like..” Steele trailed off, trying to form her words correctly. "Yes, you can have the hair, the eyes, the smile, be a cheerleader or be a casual college student, but if you don't have the drive, what's the point?" - "We just want to showcase both our models and tailors in their well-deserved spotlight. If you like fashion, can work with our somewhat manageable schedule, and have the motivation: there's no reason to worry what a person looks like physically."

Ophelia Montague says "And, lastly, do you have any last words for the people of Karakura before I end this recording?"

Maia Steele says "Follow my Onrain, at symbol steele, Spelt S-T-E-E-L-E, and subscribe to Euphoria's magazine stuff! We'll be releasing cool stuff soon!!"

Do you have something you'd like to report or be reported on?
Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487 or message us on Onrain @KaNews

sir meow

Level 39
Llorenç V. Petit created an audible thinking sound from his throat before responding, “I have a few favourites, that being 'Cupid' and the female version of Forever Sweethearts' bundle! I think they look downright adorable but everyone seems to go a bit crazy when it comes to them."
mom look i made it on the news, TWICE!!!!!!!

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