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Nature Preservation
A Wild-life Report by Leo Volante
February 29th, 2024.

Hey, ever thought about the animals present in Karakura? And both in the city and within the Ochiba Forest?

In today’s report, I will be diving deep into the Ochiba Forest and the animals that live in Karakura, be it urban animals and wild animals, and I will be featuring a couple of guests, who some have exceptional knowledge when it comes to Animals, and also Wild Animal Preservation in general.

Ch 1: Top Layer problems and solution

Now before we dive deeper into the topic, Let’s talk about… Animal interactions with Humans in Karakura. Now as far as my research goes… Interactions of Animals with Humans outside of the Ochiba forest is fairly great, the usual urban animals you see are all interacting nicely with citizens, such as Dogs, Cats, Foxes and even Raccoon, However things are much different within the Ochiba forest. Local gangs are uncommon to be seen attacking brown bears within the forest for what can only be described ‘Petty Reasons’, They invade a Bear’s living room and get angry when they decide to try and evict them. This really causes a big problem for the Wild-Life in Ochiba forest, as they will start considering Humans are direct threats, which relates to more negative interaction with humans. However these incidents can be avoided by simply making a part of the Ochiba forest a Preservation area for Animals, which means the place is monitored closely with Cameras and made sure nobody tresspasses within the Preservation parameter.

Ch 2: Main Issue and Solution

Another issue I’ve come to find out was actually brought up to me by a friend and also a gentleman (?) I’ve interviewed who was a Teacher for the Karakura High School and happens to have prolonged experiences in working alongside and with wild animals, The Individual’s name is Wyatt Czar, a former Culinary teacher in Karakura High, he was also a Warden for a Wildlife Reserve in Germany, He stated that the lack of Medium Game Animals such as Deers (specifically Japan’s native Sika Deers), Boars and even Japanese Serows causes an imbalance within the bear Population’s food chain, causing them to rely on small games and fish, which doesn’t really nourish them much, which in dire needs, they ended up resorting to Cannibalism.

Mr. Czar also stated that he’s quite surprised that the bear population hasn’t turned urban yet, as there are Black Bears within the Ochiba forest, a species of Bears that are not shy of entering urban areas to scavenge from garbage bins and such.

(Japanese Sika Deer)

(Japanese Boars)

(Japanese Serow)

The Government can help with this problem and prevent urbanization of the more wild and dangerous animals from entering urban area by stabilizing the ecosystem within the forest by simply introducing Sika Deers or Boars into the Ochiba forest, and maybe even introducing more and more mountain goats into the hiking trail, as to provide proper ecosystem to support the Bears, support the other wild-life, and preserve their existence in Karakura.

Ch 3: Final Part and persuasion for a cause

Despite the imbalance within the Ecosystem, surprisingly urban wild-lifes in Karakura is pretty balanced, even so that animals are often seemingly act friendly towards each other. I’ve managed to take a few pictures of Urban cats hanging out around the Ochiba’s entrances.

This really shows how no matter how badly stabilized the ecosystem is, Nature finds a way to surprise us with wholesomeness. However, if you believe that Introducing Deers and Boars within the Ochiba forest to balance the existence of bears in the Ochiba forest, and make sure they negatively interact less with humans, you can pitch the idea to the Karakura Town Hall, and tell them Leo and Wyatt Czar sent ya. Personally I’m a big fan of the idea for stabilizing the Ochiba forest further, and making sure that the Karakura forest is well-preserved and well-kept. And not to mention, to make sure that the Bear Population doesn’t become out of hand and have another Sankebetsu Bear Incident.

This is yet again another short report, but… I hope this sparks a movement to try and make Ochiba forest better than what it is right now. This is Leo Volante, signing out.

Do you have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487 or message us on Onrain @KaNews


Level 28
Nature Preservation
A Wild-life Report by Leo Volante
February 29th, 2024.

Hey, ever thought about the animals present in Karakura? And both in the city and within the Ochiba Forest?

In today’s report, I will be diving deep into the Ochiba Forest and the animals that live in Karakura, be it urban animals and wild animals, and I will be featuring a couple of guests, who some have exceptional knowledge when it comes to Animals, and also Wild Animal Preservation in general.

Ch 1: Top Layer problems and solution

Now before we dive deeper into the topic, Let’s talk about… Animal interactions with Humans in Karakura. Now as far as my research goes… Interactions of Animals with Humans outside of the Ochiba forest is fairly great, the usual urban animals you see are all interacting nicely with citizens, such as Dogs, Cats, Foxes and even Raccoon, However things are much different within the Ochiba forest. Local gangs are uncommon to be seen attacking brown bears within the forest for what can only be described ‘Petty Reasons’, They invade a Bear’s living room and get angry when they decide to try and evict them. This really causes a big problem for the Wild-Life in Ochiba forest, as they will start considering Humans are direct threats, which relates to more negative interaction with humans. However these incidents can be avoided by simply making a part of the Ochiba forest a Preservation area for Animals, which means the place is monitored closely with Cameras and made sure nobody tresspasses within the Preservation parameter.

Ch 2: Main Issue and Solution

Another issue I’ve come to find out was actually brought up to me by a friend and also a gentleman (?) I’ve interviewed who was a Teacher for the Karakura High School and happens to have prolonged experiences in working alongside and with wild animals, The Individual’s name is Wyatt Czar, a former Culinary teacher in Karakura High, he was also a Warden for a Wildlife Reserve in Germany, He stated that the lack of Medium Game Animals such as Deers (specifically Japan’s native Sika Deers), Boars and even Japanese Serows causes an imbalance within the bear Population’s food chain, causing them to rely on small games and fish, which doesn’t really nourish them much, which in dire needs, they ended up resorting to Cannibalism.

Mr. Czar also stated that he’s quite surprised that the bear population hasn’t turned urban yet, as there are Black Bears within the Ochiba forest, a species of Bears that are not shy of entering urban areas to scavenge from garbage bins and such.

(Japanese Sika Deer)

(Japanese Boars)

(Japanese Serow)

The Government can help with this problem and prevent urbanization of the more wild and dangerous animals from entering urban area by stabilizing the ecosystem within the forest by simply introducing Sika Deers or Boars into the Ochiba forest, and maybe even introducing more and more mountain goats into the hiking trail, as to provide proper ecosystem to support the Bears, support the other wild-life, and preserve their existence in Karakura.

Ch 3: Final Part and persuasion for a cause

Despite the imbalance within the Ecosystem, surprisingly urban wild-lifes in Karakura is pretty balanced, even so that animals are often seemingly act friendly towards each other. I’ve managed to take a few pictures of Urban cats hanging out around the Ochiba’s entrances.

This really shows how no matter how badly stabilized the ecosystem is, Nature finds a way to surprise us with wholesomeness. However, if you believe that Introducing Deers and Boars within the Ochiba forest to balance the existence of bears in the Ochiba forest, and make sure they negatively interact less with humans, you can pitch the idea to the Karakura Town Hall, and tell them Leo and Wyatt Czar sent ya. Personally I’m a big fan of the idea for stabilizing the Ochiba forest further, and making sure that the Karakura forest is well-preserved and well-kept. And not to mention, to make sure that the Bear Population doesn’t become out of hand and have another Sankebetsu Bear Incident.

This is yet again another short report, but… I hope this sparks a movement to try and make Ochiba forest better than what it is right now. This is Leo Volante, signing out.

Do you have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487 or message us on Onrain @KaNews
woo! go Hunter! great report, i especially liked the part about the issue of urbanization :3

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