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Level 73
"Shift the gears in the right place, and maybe you'll make it out in time."



PRELUDE | The Cogwheel

Defined as a curse of Karakura, Laohu Zhuang, a French man, despite the name, was buried in secrets. Possessing a large, bulky build with a tattoo decorating his right arm, he maintained a serious demeanor that never dropped. Secrecy danced around the man, with no history tied to him. He was quite the mystery in Karakura, even when he was a doctor and former EMS worker. Beware, for Dr. Zhuang has been titled as dangerous. Without further ado, let the introduction take place.

Laohu Zhuang, an individual shrouded by mystery, is a character of many complexities. His display of a multiplex, indicative, and authoritative personality in all of his professions and within or outside of professional settings would be considered spine-chilling for the average foe in the city. This was all influenced by the Mechanic's criminal experiences diverging from France, Japan, and Italy. A male that shares a humble yet egotistical mindset, a sensical yet twisted moral code for your stereotypical criminal in Karakura.

The Mechanic, a physically prominent strategist, is one with a keen eye. He is extremely observant, with extraordinary capabilities of coming up with various strategies on the spot. A formidable persona that can consistently rival criminals within the hierarchy and the Karakura Police Department. Although the Mechanic has a constantly whirling brain similarly to that of a functional gearwheel, the French criminal is one with an inability to form emotional attachments and genuine connections.

Laohu Zhuang's psyche changed him as a person entirely, known for his intense and complex façades that befit him according to the situation at hand. Your average foe can never decipher between his actual personality, and his façades in genuinity, making him invulnerable to people who control or influence others in a clever or unscrupulous way, manipulation.

Laohu Zhuang, firmly known as a man of a hundred identities, can never be connected to his original persona outside of Japan. However, the Mechanic's complex identities allowed him to throw off the authoritative forces within Japan's prefectures, France, and the city of Karakura. A brittle perfectionist in his crimes, yet a man with a thousand indecipherable flaws. A man of a complex dynamic, and a sense of determination and desire for success and contribution.

Once a kindhearted male, the Mechanic's persona has been influenced by his past, causing him to share a few mental abnormalities that throw psychiatrists off the track. Laohu Zhuang's attempts at diagnostics and therapy sessions have resulted in certain hospitals discontinuing him from future visitations and henceforth blacklisting his entire presence from their vicinity. That is the Mechanic, Karakura's modern age's most complex and indecipherable criminal.

A certain individual whose origins are recorded from Europe, France. His name remains unmentioned. A man whose potential sparkled under the glistening night sky, full of opportunity. Laohu Zhuang was an opportunistic person from a young age, going as young as four years old. His aristocratic family heritage alongside his capabilities allowed him the freedom to choose his future in the political scene. Whilst the Mechanic's mindset had originally gone from wanting to become a Politician, an Academic Perfectionist, and the Patriarch of his household to becoming a criminal mastermind within the underground, his determination hadn't faltered after many years.

His strategic mindset alongside his ruthlessness, tactics, and intelligence allowed him to climb from the bottom of the chain to the very top within a short period of time. Such a required specialty, the Mechanic stood out from most other criminals. He had an unseen sense of pride and humility, traits that not many criminals shared. Most criminals sought fame, Laohu Zhuang did not. However, the Mechanic would have never been unique and outstanding without the aspect of building himself. Trial and Error.

Laohu Zhuang, the Mechanic, the Crown, and the Surgeon of Death, was an interesting character. His traits contradicting one another. His pride and ego contradicted his humility. His mental prowess contradicted his his incompetence in certain thesis. A male whose brain allowed him to operate with excellence, surpassing most criminals and leaving a legacy for the criminal underworld to remember.

Prelude, over.
Signing Out.

PREQUEL I: The Legal Introduction

▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

Matsuo Martinez
→ Matsuo Martinez, originally known as Matsuo Shigeo, was a recently integrated immigrant from France under the presumed identity of 'Blanchar Mamino,' where he later changed his name to Matsuo Shigeo as a befitting French named and later adopted himself within the dissolved Togomi family as Matsuo Togomi. Matsuo was later adopted into the Martinez family by Rose Martinez before abandoning the Togomi family surname for endangering speculations. His alias was recognised as ‘KURAUN’ at the time, the Crown handled his work with recklessness, carelessness, and dumbfounded bravery.

Caisin Martinez
→ Caisin Martinez was his newly adopted name after his association with the black market had been officialized. This is where he had begun his rather slow adaptation to being recognized within the criminal underworld as ‘Mekanikku,’ an alias that was the Japanese pronunciation of the word Mechanic. Such a name was carried when he had been the reason behind the mysterious kidnappings of Hospital Workers Moriko Kudo, Naomi Inoue, and Callista Mavros.

Sarani Martinez
→ Sarani Martinez was an altered identity, one that was adopted and untracked by the government after the Callista Mavros and Naomi Inoue kidnappings. This was to ensure that nothing would lead back to the Caisin Martinez name, which had been an efficient fool-proof plan that worked effectively. As for his crimes with that name, they remain undisclosed.

Lucian Martinez
→ Another misued identity with multiple goals, throwing the Martinez family off his track, throwing the ex-Commissioner off his track, and disallowing his previous victims from connecting the initial dots with the kidnappings. However, this identity had to be changed later on due to one of his victims, sergeant Yong-sun Seong, snaking him out to a news station reporter known as Ezio Calderon. A male infamous for identity fraud, ‘Lucian Martinez’ was the one who committed the crimes behind the kidnapping of Yaban Heddo, Yong-sun Seong, and the extortion of the former Commissioner Ernesto Martinez.

⇛ Matsuo
⇛ Mat
⇛ Raisin

⇛ France, Lyon; 19th of February 2001.

This was his native language. He learnt French through different tutors, videos apparent on social media, flashcards, private school, so on and so forth.

He learnt this language after abandoning the ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇, the Lapointe family, and integrating within Japan and making direct contact with one of Hiroshima’s major criminal organizations; the ▇▇▇▇▇▇ deep within the criminal underground with the assistance of his French associates.

A title that was formally known as the Japanese pronunciation for the word ‘Crown,’ a display of Matsuo Martinez’s once egotistical mindset that would have eventually led to his demise if he hadn’t matured sooner than before. A continuous sequence of attacks on individuals such as Karl Stark and Riwoo Yeun could be more recognisable from this alias.

Mekanikku had been the Japanese pronunciation for Mechanic, a slow integration to becoming more known across the Karakuran Criminal Underground, allowing himself to conduct more illicit attacks against the government; including hospital workers and police officers. Caisin Martinez had adapted more slyness, stealthiness, and efficiency within his attacks as a whole.


Kyogoku-Shiryo Higherup
He had taken over the stealth division from another higher up shortly after they were arrested known as ‘AMANADIEL,’ resulting in the simultaneous strengthening of the division and the criminal organization as a whole. Unfortunately, due to decisions by the big three within the criminal organization, the gang had dissolved shortly after due to outside involvement from the Karakura Police Department, Anarchy, and Valhalla.

Shinriki Higherup


Black Market Associate
His inaugural profession within Karakura. He had originally worked under the command of a former black-market dealer, ‘FORTUNE,’ before his mysterious disappearance. With the help of Laohu Zhuang, a new individual had integrated into the city under the alias ‘PRISONER.’ whom recognized Laohu Zhuang as a business partner. He is no longer a black-market associate due to his integration to the criminal underworld in the Shizuoka prefecture.

Mefisuto Higher-up
The Mechanic hadn't made a name for himself until shortly after he became a higherup within the dissolved organization due to his marvelous work in stealth expeditions, his attacks that landed like a bombshell on the oppositions, and his quick thinking on his feet. This, with the combination of kidnapping multiple government workers, had resulted in the Mechanic gaining respect by every member within Mefisuto.

SEQUEL | The Gearwheel

You may decipher whether or not a person is unique from your first interaction, a predicament led in life is proving yourself worthy and changing the entire notion of being a stereotypical criminal. A person has to reach for the skies and attempt to be different, change the norms. Truly, many do attempt these types of sequences. However, they are forgotten over time due to their incapabilities, and their lackluster commitment and determination. Such criminals are deemed unworthy of being mentioned or recalled. Many people recall Mike Akihito, one that had constructed history for the city and for himself. You question and inquire whether or not you can really do the same.

To be unique, every fibre of your being has to be different from others. How can you be different and profound from hundreds or thousands of other criminals trying to reach the same achievements in life? Such is the impending doom, the impending reality for every crime-affiliated civilian in Karakura. However, this person named Laohu Zhuang did not fall for such discouragement. His motivation, determination, and persistence deemed him different from most. He wanted to be contrasting, to not gather other people's attention, but to be amused by his development as a character.

Trial and Error is an inevitable sequence. You will definitely fail if you do not try, you might fail if you do. However, you cannot be a master of your own craft if you do not attempt and fail, over, and over again. Of course, failure has its fair share of consequences. That is the risk in life that is carried around everyone. A risk that each and every criminal takes in their illicit route within the underground. Some of them fall too deep within the pit and never recover. Had the Mechanic, Laohu Zhuang, fallen witin the premises of this pit or had he succeeded?

Laohu Zhuang is a certified nobody among the residents of Karakura City. A person that remained off the grid and came recently within the city’s vicinity, yet not much is known about them. Across the criminal underworld, this individual is known by his criminal alias: “The Mechanic.’’

Currently sitting at the age of twenty-three, Laohu Zhuang is a resident accustomed to the Karakura Police Department as a good ol’ law-abiding citizen. However, something is mistakenly uncanny with his presence, although you can never pinpoint what that is. His stoicism and cold distant persona allow him to build a facade that over time allows him to get ‘softer’ and ‘closer’ to his companions for personal use. Laohu Zhuang, according to himself, graduated with a degree in Criminology and Medicine in a Chinese university within recent years, previously taught psychology as a substitute teacher in Karakura High, was previously a doctor in Karakura Hospital, and is now self-employed.

SEQUEL II: The Unethical Codex

⇛ Laohu Zhuang

⇛ Luci
⇛ Lao
⇛ Laohu
⇛ Nic
⇛ Nicotine

⇛ Nayao Zhuang, announced missing in action.


Crime Clinician (Shizuoka Prefecture)

⇛ Mechanic
⇛ Chirurgien (translated as surgeon in French, only recognized in Shizuoka.)

⇛ Gang Affiliation
⇛ 1st Degree Murder
⇛ Extortion, blackmail
⇛ Corruption, in a sense
⇛ Obstruction of Justice
⇛ Possession of Illegal Weaponry
⇛ Assault on Government Officials
⇛ Illegal Services, weapon trafficking
⇛ Trespassing, breaking and entering
⇛ Kidnapping; multitude, government officials
⇛ Assault, and it’s variety (with a weapon, deadly or not)
⇛ Stalking; government officials, member of the national affairs
⇛ Blackmail; government officials, member of the national affairs
⇛ Conspiracy to commit a felony; drives from kidnapping, major harm, etc.

SEQUEL III: Classification and Caliber

The Mechanic had gone through serious doubts as to whether he had failed his assignments or not. He went through strenuous training, requiring extreme discipline in the process, other individuals' constructive criticism was also taken in consideration. He was a special individual, one that caught the attention of many within and outside of Karakura. Through the fatiguing persistence, there were noticeable achievements. With that being conclusive, the man shared qualities that could only be seen as abysmal and abnormal.

“Power, real power doesn't come to those who were born the strongest, or fastest, or those who were born the smartest,
It came to those who would do anything to achieve it.’’


He might be an egotistical person. Although he never makes it obvious, he may also be narcissistic. That being said, he remains a figure with highly remarkable conscience. Yes, there are instances in which he may completely dismiss the great worth of this quality. Nonetheless, he generally keeps his temper and uses logic. Reasoning can only be explained as the key lock to insert logic, which is essential. They are, in a sense, related to one another, interconnected.


His combat intelligence is something to watch out for. He is a very strategic individual with the ability to think quick on his feet. That carries out his highly valued capability in fighting, labelling him as a jack of all trades and a wild card in most conflicts he's involved in. He is known to be a good coordinator among his peers, or at least, what's left of them. He managed to escape the police department on multiple occasions, escaping a multitude of gang members chasing him down multiple times as well. His ability to configure a plan that would result in victory, or a fateful draw was nothing short of extraordinary.


You would be shocked at how loyal he is! But what sort of loyalty are we discussing here? Would he be more devoted to his black market affiliates, his loved ones, or his organization? Exactly every single one of them. He doesn't intend to pay attention to anyone else who comes his way if he is in a relationship. He will not accept an accommodation offer from another criminal organization until his current one dissolves. He won't squeal about the black market if he is ever imprisoned and offered freedom on the condition that he does. Very faithful man, yet sometimes a man has to be disloyal because he blunders and flops.


This is left for interpretation. He could either be dressed in lavish clothes manufactured exclusively for him and no one else, or he might be dressed in filthy attire. That being said, it genuinely varies. The Mechanic does, however, typically have a formal sense of style because he dresses in suits and carries a cane, an out-of-touch umbrella, and a watch. His voice is really calm and serene. Something that's actually rather unnerving for the many façades he bears.


He's certainly not a scholar, that's guaranteed. Although not all of his intelligence derives from academic achievements, there are other factors taken in such as mental intelligence, emotional intelligence, logical and physical intelligence, and so on. His intelligence procures mostly from logic, and mentality. You may see that as ordinary, however, in Karakura, criminals are seen as completely unemotional. Regardless, there will always be a time when someone breaks down from the tremendous pressure, that individual is not Laohu Zhuang, nor is he the Mechanic.


He's a very persistent individual in general. His intentions will remain as is, and the Mechanic intends to get his way whenever he warrants it. Of course, there are times when he's unlucky and doesn't get the privilege of getting his way through continuous persistence. Nevertheless, he's a very unusual, and diligent person with quite the astonishing resolute to accomplish all of his goals through persistence.


He's fairly persuasive. His serene tone is very convincing, having gotten out of multiple situations that would have cost him a lot of expenditure and arrests over a long period. He's not the most persuasive, nor does he intend to be manipulative. Give that title to Darius Ikemori, Koizumi Saiky, or Nathaniel Blackwell. Regardless, he's still quite something. Whilst this may not be an outstanding trait, it is still a special one that can be improved.


His physical strength derives from multiple factors altogether. The Mechanic had been born with extraordinary genetics, accompanied by the genes from both of his biological parental figures. However, plugging in other factors, such as difficult labors, the Mechanic had built a sense of generalized strength in many factors. Martial arts weren't out of the question, as they were a necessity that led Laohu Zhuang to indulge in them from a young age. He only struck out with only one of four martial arts. His physical strength was once prominent, although he had gotten significantly weaker over the past year due to unforeseen circumstances.


There are two clear sources of this: combat intelligence combined with logic and reasoning. After all, how you fight an opponent in the first place depends in part on your capacity to create a strategy to outwit and defeat them. This man, the Mechanic, had phenomenal abilities and had vanquished every opponent he faced. He was just a fighting machine. He was a human, after all, and eventually he gives in to his own ego and acknowledges defeat—or at least comes dangerously close to it.


Do you really believe that an organized criminal with his level of responsibility would wish to accept risks and lack of accountability? Naturally, not the case. In case it wasn't already established, he also has a life. He can be incredibly careless or disorganized at times. It really depends on how he behaves and the identity he portrays. This is the man of a hundred identities, after all.


A trait like that with a tragically average value. You would think that he would have a far greater ability to communicate. He doesn't need to though. In actuality, he is also fairly introverted. Nonetheless, he does seem to be highly social and talkative across multiple different personas. Even though he's not the best at communicating, he enjoys having discussions and debates with his friends and accomplices. Despite all of the crimes he committed, he is still able to communicate, so you don't need to dehumanize him yet.


His agility is extremely lackluster, quite frankly. It's a bad trait for someone who spent a portion of his life practicing martial arts often. His large frame partially hinders his ability to move around with ease. He can jump fairly high. How much good would that do him, though? He can still avoid some strikes, given that he can anticipate them ahead of time. He won't be able to escape them all the time, though, placing him in a poor position for defense.


His moral code is not something public, not even the closest acquaintances and associates recognize his moral codex. It remains a secret. Nevertheless, the Mechanic is still a criminal that physically and psychologically traumatizes his victims. A certain code falls into place, however, ▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇. This is off limits, and there are seldom circumstances that can override this.


The fugitive and notorious criminal, Laohu Zhuang, would never fall to gullibility. He's very cynical, stereotypical stunts tend to be predictable in his eye. He can also perceive the honesty within people's words. Something that does fall out of place, however, is that he could never perceive Darius Ikemori till after the news station incident. This incident left the Mechanic with a more open eye to individuals similarly to the ex-reporter.


Sympathy is a very humorous topic for sociopaths, as much as that sounds awful. Laohu Zhuang, although reasonable, lacks the ability to feel sympathy and empathy for others. He never sought for fame, yet his unsympathetic and tyrannous acts made it seem like that was the case. Nevertheless, he felt sympathy for only one individual, ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇. There are circumstances that led to this falling into place.

POSTSCRIPT I - Personality, Appearance

Quite interesting, who was this guy?

Standing in the bright sunlight in the plaza—an area that seemed to be crowded with people of many varieties—was a person you would hardly ever recognise. Defined as a curse of Karakura, Laohu Zhuang, a French man, despite the Chinese name, was buried in many secrets. Possessing a large, bulky build with a tattoo decorating his right arm and abdomen, the redhead maintained a serious demeanor that never dropped. Secrecy danced around the man, with no history tied to him. He was quite the mystery in Karakura, even when he was a doctor and former EMS worker. He seemed entirely unapproachable, standing over a minority of the crowd. At all times, Laohu kept to himself with a reserved attitude and reproach. The reticent male depicted a formal, old-school aesthetic with the suits he wore. Beware, for Dr. Zhuang has been titled as dangerous.
credits to gncme/oli.

Beneath the criminal underworld, a place filled with chaos, one that led to terror spreading throughout the city, was an individual known as the Mechanic who wore a particularly infamous Kitsune mask. Once an admired higherup of the Mefisuto syndicate, he transformed into a fearsome criminal that terrorises the government. His black hair was slicked backwards, a typical stereotype to prevent anyone from deciphering who was behind that mask. Naturally, there was no tranquility anywhere he had went in the city. Regardless, he was a very reasonable, quiet, and reserved individual with a particularly bizarre and eerie atmosphere surrounding him. There were times when he was as stationary as an unyielding cactus. He was very proficient at obscuring his intentions from anyone, not even a cunning individual could truly get through him. His fighting techniques were amusing and unpredictable.

The Mechanic, the individual behind the unsettling Kitsune mask, was a maniacal yet reserved persona. His apparel was unique and had both enormous benefits and drawbacks to it. He wore a heavy vest that matched his upper torso and a utility belt that held his spiked glove and sheathed katana on certain occasions. This looked eerily similar to the outfit worn by corporals within the police department. A saying goes as, if you can't beat them, join them. That kind of apparel and gear certainly hindered his movement and agility, yet did a man who relied solely on strength and precision need it?

Today, the Mechanic is nowhere to be seen in Karakura city. Many assume that he remains hidden under a new identity or in the criminal underworld. Nevertheless, Laohu Zhuang currently resides as a faraway persona distant from Karakura City. He lives in harmony and serenity away in one of the distant prefectures, Shizuoka, working as a senior technician in his own mechanic garage, and as a crime clinician in the criminal underworld's biggest operated organization with the information he had learnt over a long time.

POSTSCRIPT II - Criminal Aliases

Kuraun was the Mechanic's first criminal alias in Karakura. Unfortunately, this does not entail what happened in France, Italy, nor Hiroshima. Whether or not this man truly had any other aliases outside of the city was left for interpretation. Kuraun, recognized as Matsuo Martinez, was originally adopted by Blaire Togomi under the premise of being a close figure to her and the Togomi household. A family that consisted of criminals, delinquents, felons, and intellectuals; maybe not. This was prior to getting adopted by Rose Martinez, giving him the name 'Matsuo Togomi,' seeing as he had no family in Karakura, and this was an eye opening moment for him.

Kuraun in Japanese pronunciation is recognized as the word 'Crown,' identifying Matsuo as the King or the Sovereign in the city across his reign. Quite an egotistical mindset at the time, although that was Matsuo Togomi for you: a narcissist. At the time, Kuraun was committing crimes away from security cameras without a mask and faced no consequences for it. He escaped gang members, criminal organizations, and the Karakura Police Department for some time. Unfortunately, he got arrested early on for felony charges by patrol officer Yong-sun Seong. A change of alias and identity was warranted as soon as he bailed out. This was labelled as the prologue of his reputable life as a criminal within the city, but it was certainly not the end. Matsuo Martinez, a dead identity, was considered a Reckless one.


Recognised by the name Caisin Martinez, a secluded member of the Martinez family, Mekanikku was the beginning stage for his recognition by the criminal organization that he rejoiced in: the Black Market and Mefisuto. Of course, this meant he had to now conceal his identity and veil it from his own organization. He was far too reckless in the past, disallowing him from pulling his public stunts like before. He laid low for some time. His new alias, Mekanikku, derived from the Japanese pronunciation of Mechanic- relative to his occupation in Shizuoka, a technician in a mechanic garage.

Mekanikku had derived his mission from attacking other rivaling gang members to focusing on government officials, primarily police officers. After all, how else would he gain that recognition that he wanted before? Quite disgraceful, and now he understood that over time. Unfortunately, not many government officials were targeted with the exclusion of former senior psychiatrist Moriko Kudo. She was his first victim as a result of her getting him a felonious record prior to a therapy session they had. Shortly, this alias died out and was replaced with the more simplistic and niche 'Mechanic' alias.

This is where all hell goes loose. Mechanic had become a celebrity across IKIGAI due to his stunts recognized by both the news station and the Karakura Police Department itself. Of course, his celebrity status on IKIGAI could be redeemed for having an unnerving attitude on the anonymous forum of a wise, old man. It could, otherwise, be a result of the article released by Darius Ikemori during their interview in one of the sewage hallways. Regardless, this was the fame that Kuraun sought, not the Mechanic. Through the span of months, there had been countless victims such as ex-clinical supervisor Callista Mavrios, clinical supervisor Naomi Inoue, where both victims were tortured physically and psychologically, left malnourished, starved, and on the brink of death. These actions seared fear within the hearts of other hospital workers.

Conclusively, Naomi Inoue and Callista Mavros were not the only victims. Laohu Zhuang, previously known as Lucian Martinez, had kidnapped SGT. Yaban Heddo and SGT. Yong-sun Seong two weeks after the initial hospital kidnapping with the assistance of black market dealer, Nayao Zhuang, otherwise recognized as Huoyan. They had been taken to a similar location where they were getting tortured predominantly by Huoyan, after the Mechanic's mysterious disappearance in another incident. They were shortly released after nine days, a result of the police department sending most of its forces to find both individuals. He placed both of them in an undisclosed location, pressing the alert button on Yong-sun Seong's radio, and leaving through the sewers.

He was safe until the former Commissioner, Ernesto Martinez, figured his identity which unsettled Lucian Martinez. Today, the Mechanic changed his identity once again to escape the Commissioner after attacking Yaban Heddo, and threatening Yong-sun Seong. His location remains unknown, although he's an active fugitive that presumably escaped the city and went to the mainland's.

POSTSCRIPT III - Relationships

The Mechanic's presence and stunts caused him to gain the attention of two black market dealers. He was given the opportunity to be assigned as a black market associate. He took the offer, now working as an associate to 'FORTUNE,' a rich and hypocritical individual. This new change in profession and rank had a vibrating effect within the underground. This was something that would have originally stroked Kuraun's ego. However, the Mechanic was a man of humility and composure that did not carry the same level of foolish narcissism. Unfortunately, due to the Mechanic not recognizing his lesser authority resulted in him disrespecting his employer, causing some unfavourable consequences. However, the Mechanic had grown accustomed to his affiliates- one of the dealers, to be precise.



The Mechanic is well-known for being a renowned criminal who abducted several government officials, traumatizing each of them cruelly in retribution. This resulted in numerous government workers of more seniority being impacted either directly or indirectly. He never wanted attention or fame for his kidnappings. He once made a mistake of accepting the Gambler's request. The Mechanic had attempted to mend his relationship with his victims in the past, but the sense of retiring and redemption had vanished. A viable move around, but one that had fallen short because of sergeant Yong-sun Seong's inadvertent blunder. There were attempts at amending his mistakes, but they were in vain.


Their endless disputes could have been stopped if the Mechanic had refused to do their initial interview about the kidnappings of Naomi Inoue and Callista Mavros. It eventually escalated to a point where Darius Ikemori partially held leverage over Laohu Zhuang, forcing him to threaten the reporter to back off. Eventually, the Mechanic had cut ties with the Commissioner, Ernesto Martinez, deciding it was fit to pull the strings in the news station to announce his corruption. He used Darius Ikemori, breaking into his office in the news station and brutally injuring him before forcing him to read off a script in front of the entire city, live on air, causing Darius Ikemori to seek for retribution by almost killing the Mechanic in the sewers, resulting in permanent tissue damage.

⚙️ 'HUOYAN' ⚙️
Nayao Zhuang, a person that he had a genuine emotional connection with. She was the older sibling, yet he was the more mature and composed one unlike her. Originally, the Mechanic figured out her identity under unfavorable terms after the Commissioner threatened to arrest him. Huoyan and the Mechanic were dissimilar, yet they had a special bond as sibling figures and an unduplicated dynamic. The two of them used to insult each other, bicker back and forth, yet it was all a mockery of sibling disputes. They truly appreciated each other's presences; her death pronounced his retirement from the black market and departure from Karakura City.

⚙️ 'PRISONER' ⚙️
'PRISONER' is an individual thaat he met on another anonymous forum in the past. Their companionship as partners in crime allowed 'PRISONER,' formally known as Iwai Mitake, to integrate into the Karakura Black Market as the Mechanic's partner, replacing 'FORTUNE.' Although they share similar traits, Iwai Mitake is a persona with a much more aggressive, unsettling, and philosophical approach. On a recent expedition, they had caused a massive quandary that left the country of Japan unsettled. Although they are still partners, Laohu Zhuang is no longer 'PRISONER's black-market associate.

During the days of him stalking Darius Ikemori's intensive care unit, the Mechanic noticed the constant reappearance of a certain visitor going by the name of Koizumi Saiky. He firmly understood that there was a level of companionship between them or something much deeper, allowing himself to use Koizumi Saiky as leverage for the reporter. However, on an unpredictable and unfruitful night, the Mechanic came across the Viper face to face whilst she was accompanying someone else. He was aggravated, equipping his gauntlet as he noticed her sheathe. A fight ensued, lasting hours with the conclusion being the Mechanic killing one of her vipers whilst being poisoned on multiple occasions, and a fight that ended with Koizumi Saiky's stamina giving in. Every interaction after this resulted in Koizumi Saiky taking a firm drawback whenever she recognised the Mechanic's Kitsune mask.

Initially seen as a reputable Heddo, the Mechanic saw something with more depth to it. She was a close friend with the Commissioner at the time, Ernesto Martinez, allowing her safety to be used as leverage. One random night, the Mechanic used a burner phone to contact the emergency hotline, coincidentally whilst Yaban Heddo and Ernesto Martinez were in the same office. He threatened Yaban Heddo's safety in return for the release of a prisoner that had a life sentence with no parole. The commissioner flatly refused, which resulted in the kidnapping of Yaban Heddo and Yong-sun Seong, the same officer that had arrested the Mechanic's former identity, Matsuo Martinez. This escalated into Yaban Heddo becoming an officer and working on his case so she could get closer to arresting him. As a result of this, Nayao Zhuang, his sister and partner in crime, was arrested which he speculates is the reasoning behind her death.

Originally a fledged patrol officer, Yong-sun Seong had arrested the Mechanic's former identity, Matsuo Martinez, in front of former-psychiatrist Moriko Kudo. This, alongside her presence in the vicinity of Yaban Heddo at the time of the planned abduction, resulted in the Mechanic taking her with them to the cave. She was a very persistent individual, resisting even after being tied up and cruelly beaten up. All eight days they were placed in involuntary hold, the officer kept trying to resist the torture till she couldn't anymore. Eventually, she was released at a nearby tent in the forest. The Police Department found her after the Mechanic had already left through the sewers. She then ratted the Mechanic's identity out to a reporter, resulting in him seething angrily. On a later encounter, she had gone to the forest where the Mechanic was, causing him to sneak up on her and hold a weapon to her throat as they slowly hiked back to that same cave, torturing her yet again, until corporal Kosuke Ishioka came to save her later on.



On a fruity hour of darkness, a snowy night that had collided with the warmth of one’s breath. As the footprints of many residents were covered by the meticulous snow, a mission was planned ahead of time. A mission that could not be failed by any circumstance, one that would have to be done flawlessly to succeed on their expedition. What was this? A hefty operation handed by one of Mefisuto’s infamous higher ups, Glory. He had commanded the most refined members of the criminal organization to assist him with a certain undertaking pursuit.

So with that being said, the men gathered in a crowd with ambition. To take down Black Dragon’s leader, ‘ZERO’. And so the men for this expedition were as the following; Rockstar, Giggles, Wrld, Hoax, Mouse, and most importantly to the storyline. . Kuraun. So they came to a conclusion, the leader of the expedition’s group had decided to take ‘ZERO’s arm, and so the array of men made their move. With the clanging of metal, and the sound of footsteps, the expedition came to a beginning. Such a pursuit undertaken would be no simple task, the men were ones of expertise.

And so their research had led them elsewhere, to a lousy house that contained many cheerleaders among the Takada family. An image had been printed on the Mefisuto array’s minds, a sausage party at best. Such could be so unfortunate, but with that being said, the cadre had begun their move by breaking into the house with Rockstar’s machete. Nonsensical screams, and the bawling of many cheerleaders as they cornered themselves and locked themselves into their retrospective rooms. As for the Takada family, and the Black Dragon organization, they had no choice but to enclose themselves within the plight of the bathroom. A sense of necessity and hurry, as Mefisuto acknowledged that the police department had been called. It was only a moment before the organization would take the fall to the legal authorities. So with the masked Mefisuto men, they broke into the bathroom and began fighting off the Takada family members.

Of course, that was no easy mission. The Takada family had heavily outnumbered Mefisuto’s expedition, but this was the reason for choosing such a team. They were remarkable, and recognizable for their impeccable efforts. Each, and every individual had worn a mask to conceal their identity, but Kuraun entered the house with a sense of immortality, invulnerability, and bravery without a mask and without a weapon. As soon as he entered the bathroom, his strikes were formidable in comparison to his opponents. In a sense of fury and need, Matsuo Togomi also known as Kuraun, had knocked two out to assist the rest of the expedition in taking ‘ZERO’s arm.

The Mission was a success, and it was only a matter of minutes before the sirens of the police department could be heard from a distance. They were short on time, and the Takada family had tried to stop the expedition in a sense of desperation whilst they tried to escape the confinement of the bathroom. Of course, each and every Mefisuto member escaped after their dented metal collided with the skulls of their enemies, a sight to recall. ‘ZERO’s arm had been taken, and the police department came to the house to find the unconscious men on top of each other on the ceramic ground of the bathroom, whilst the cheerleaders hid with a fearsome expression. KURAUN, alongside ROCKSTAR’s combined efforts in this mission, had appalled everyone.

So that concluded the mission for each Mefisuto member within the expedition, the troupe had separated for the time being. However, Kuraun’s time had not come to an end quite yet. He still had a hassle to deal with, an endless predicament. A thousand eyes laid on him as he walked the streets of Karakura City, his original mistake was to take an influential leader’s arm unmasked. On the same day of the expedition, a group of Black Dragon members and Tenjiku members had gathered upon Kuraun to take vengeance. A group of five men against one, and Kuraun had fought off every single one of them- not in an attempt to knock them out, but to hurriedly escape. And that is precisely what he had done, escaping their grasp within a matter of seconds and reaching an area with high surveillance in a matter of a minute.

Truly, a traumatic and despairing situation. He had continued his move, the man refused to wear a mask. Truly, the foolishness of one could be unveiled from his narcissism. Over the next few days, he would sight the clear Black Dragon and Tenjiku members waiting for the perfect opportunity. However, the Crown had decided to include the previous Mefisuto expedition to assist him, which led the high pressure of Tenjiku and Black Dragon to splinter in a matter of days. A week after the attack on ‘ZERO’, the Takada family, Tenjiku, and Black Dragon, the renowned gang known as Tenjiku had dissolved under unknown circumstances.

Penned on the 23rd of December, 2023.
~ Kuraun; Mechanic.


How did such a grudge arise in the first place, something that was dating back to a fairly long time ago. Moriko Kudo, one of his victims, was originally Kuraun’s psychiatrist for a short-lived amount of time. As a result, Matsuo couldn’t maintain his composure and started lashing out in their first therapy session. Moriko’s advice was to ‘calm down, and stop having a child tantrum.’ Of course, this didn’t sit right with Kuraun. He stood there like a stationary cactus, unaware of his own next move. ‘Is that so? I see. Understandable.’ One of his infamous quotations, as his fingers intertwined; clutching his hand into a tight fist, in a short period of time, he hit Moriko’s face directly.

This caused Moriko Kudo’s nose to shatter instantaneously, whilst her glasses were in the crossfire and snapped in half. A display of his impeccable strength, feeling slightly bad for pulling such a stunt. However, Moriko Kudo attempted to take out her haloperidol syringe to inject him with it. He had to act fast, causing him to steal her keys to the psychiatric ward as he made a run for it. He then exited the hospital, watching from the sidelines as he saw Head Doctor Callista Mavros take care of Moriko’s shattered nose. After the psychiatrist came out of the treatment ward, Matsuo looked her directly in the eye. ‘Watch yourself, Mr. Togomi.’ She spoke, brave words spoken by a cowardly specimen. He nodded, walking away bluntly with disrespectful- or a lack of respect.

Over time, Matsuo always came back to taunt Moriko Kudo. His intentions were to terrorize her to his fullest extent, whilst intending to cause her to fear him over a period of time. A set of intricately planned techniques that were more than effective. As a result of his recent stunts, he was arrested in front of Moriko Kudo by a now-corporal Yong-sun Seong for assault on a government official, and other unrelated charges such as kidnapping. He spent quite a while in jail, a sense of fury dawning over him as he now had a felonious record in his name.

A result of other unrelated and inconvenient topics caused him to go through a complete identity overhaul. He changed his phone, name, and identity whilst abandoning those he accounted for as acquaintances, friends, and even family. He had now gone by the name of Caisin Martinez, with the Mekanikku alias. As established, Moriko Kudo would not recognise Caisin nor would she decipher that he was Matsuo either. His plan was to get her in a location where she would be vulnerable. Caisin popped a conversation with the senior psychiatrist, even taking her to the psychiatric ward to converse about a disorder he may have had.

A short while later with the continuous rambling, he noticed that this was not going to go anywhere. He instead opted to take his loss, and walked out of the psychiatric ward and left the vicinity of the hospital. However, his eyesight never abandoned the senior psychiatrist. She was guarded, but she lowered her guard for a moment and left the hospital. He then masked up and involuntarily took her as he dragged her along the streets and then to the sewers where their tracks would be unseen by the CCTV cameras. No footage, no nothing.

Minutes pass, as he takes her to a cave in the Itsbyoshi forest. He began torturing her with his iconic weapon, his naginata that shone beautifully like the sky in the midst of the morning. His intention was to ask for the hospital layout, and psychologically damage her to the point of no repair. He knew that wouldn’t work however, Moriko Kudo had strong resolve, drive, and commitment. So he only opted to torture her, whilst the goal of getting the hospital layout was in mind.

Sooner than later, he had landed an awful blow that caused her to go limp. She was conscious, but in a state of subconsciousness at the same time. She couldn’t do anything physically, and was at her most vulnerable state where her psychiatric uniform had been ripped and ruined. Her radio was not in her custody and was in fact turned off, and she was defenseless. She could only twitch her eyes, but she couldn’t make up any responses. He found her to be useless, so with a mere carving that signified his alias; a gear symbol, He took her behind the 11-7 market before pressing code zero and announcing her location to both the Karakura Police Department and the Hospital.

He shortly left the vicinity of the forest and market, entering the sewers before the government workers could come by to save Moriko Kudo. He left no tracks, and this was his first official government kidnapping under the ‘Mekanikku’ alias. Of course, one could question if all of these stunts were necessary. Others could say no, and others with ruthlessness and hatred in their hearts would say absolutely. There was only one note of the situation, Moriko Kudo’s traumatic experience led her to forget the entire altercation.

Penned on the 25th of January, 2024.
~ Kuraun, Mekanikku; Mechanic







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Level 73
Thread starter
This is much shorter than anticipated because I had to deal with two people pressured with KPD applications and someone singing me a lullaby. I have so many regrets, and I did not enjoy making this biography. (I will add personality, backstory, appearance, yada yada later on.)


Level 73
Thread starter
- +Added specifics to the Classifications and Calibre.
- +Added the Aliases, and their lore.
- +Summarised the appearance, and personality.

If you believe you played an important role in this character's development, you may also ask for a relationship addition. . Totally.

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