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What are your characters’ goals?


Level 59
Kurai has a few big ones
1. To be the best father and husband he can be (he feels like he's failing at both)
2. To learn as many things as he can (so he can show his kids what he's learned to make himself seem cool and hopefully show them a lesson too)
3. Make bank (he wants to spoil the people be loves and he can't do that if he's a broke boy)
4. To have a meaningful conversation with all his kids (mainly cause he feels he isn't there enough for them so he wants to talk to them and really understand them)

Will I do my other characters? Probably not, too lazy.


Level 178

The pursuit of knowledge!

It's a noble goal for the betterment of mankind!


Level 18
Originally from Osaka, Japan, Itomi Hinaji is focused on experiencing what life has to offer. May it be through talking with people from different backgrounds or trying something new, Itomi is here for a fun time. To achieve this goal, she is currently focused on trying to join the student council to interact with different people, but to also help create a community that everyone is comfortable and proud to be a part of!

Now I haven't fully thought through my other character, Yeom Seulgi, but I want to follow the theme of not wanting to be forgotten. She's going to be focused on making sure that she has a lasting impact on this world, a positive one I hope. I'm thinking about making her get a PhD at the college and maybe (hopefully) join the KPD! I know that for most police professions you just need a Masters, but I really want to try the PhD program.
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Level 174
Sally Z. Santos:
become the mayor and tax people 100% of their monthly income so he becomes the richest man in the world

Hanae Domen:
get tf out of jail

Sophia D. Hanazono:
See above for more info


Level 178
Sally Z. Santos:
become the mayor and tax people 100% of their monthly income so he becomes the richest man in the world

Hanae Domen:
get tf out of jail

Sophia D. Hanazono:
See above for more info
I shall bestow the title of Sally "Silly Billy" Santos
every political candidate should have a pet nick name


Level 27
Community Team
Event Team
[QP][Professor] Alois Tullybellton's dreams/goals:
  • Ensuring every single apartment block in Karakura has [1] Adult Priest employed by the Archdiocese of Karakura.
  • Matrimony
  • Some semblance of democracy/accountability processes in Karakura's Government as well as wide-scale law reform.
Reasoning: He's had dreadful encounters with government officials and media figures. This, combined with his position as a Law Professor positions him especially well to criticize the status quo in Karakura. His religious upbringing leads him to believe that faith will help build solidarity among the community, as well as bring people closer to the divine, providing peace, building character, etc. As for MATRIMONY... well, his relationship and personal life have been very rocky and complicated due to external forces, so he's hopeful for some evidence of long-term commitment.

[Grade-12] Teresa Keating's dreams/goals:
  • One day owning an apartment above the shopping district train station when she is older so she can 'run an Abbey' inside of it.
  • Establishing a healthy relationship
  • Performing a miracle. Like, a literal miracle. With witnesses.
Reasoning: (1) Because she aspires to a position of religious leadership over a dedicated order of religious sisters: she quite likes being surrounded by do-gooders, it does spark joy. (2) Because many of her romances have ended in tragedy/death/failure. (3) She has had dreams of performing miracles and has a very romantic idea of what this might be like. She strongly believes Karakura needs miracles.


Level 51
His goal is to become a better man. . literally. So far he has been living like a whore, fucking people up for fun and having sadistic delight in .. anything.. really.. as long as he sees blood, he's happy.
while those aren't the aspects he wants to change about himself- . . its just the things that make him unhinged. which he is. what he wants to change about himself is his approach to relationships and friendships, he wants to have people he can trust in his life. especially since his trust has been shattered by his second-relationships . . quite literally shattered.

[ ALISTOR RAPP - 18 - trying to be active on him ;sob; || _IMHERE4YOU_]
He just wants to know what its like to be .. intimate and love someone. Alistor has an extreme fear and anxiety from being vulnerable or / and intimate with someone in any manner. He automatically rejects affection and care from people due his fear! ..

To be a better father and family-member.
control his temper . .
to him, if he can be a good dad- a great father to his son kurashima, he would be more than happy at life. Seeing he grew up with terrible parents that did nothing but abuse him- and knowing Kurahsima's mother hurt kurashima.. he wants nothing but to offer and give Kurahsima the best life he can. . hoping its not too late.

and the temper one is obvious. . lmao. he doesn't wanna lose his temper around his loved once and snap .

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