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Chihiro 'Katsuko' Aleksandra


Level 24
First Name
"My first name is uhhh.. Chihiro"
"Katsuko nothing else just Katsuko."
Preferred Name
"Just Chihiro works. Unless it's formal for business then just call me Katsuko."
I am 30 years old.. finally getting my life together after 30 years.
A strong 5'6! Despite what people tell you that is very tall.
I like to think I'm thin and many people call me thin too!
I like to just wear nice clothes! But really anything I can find as long as it looks good is fine with me!
I have uhhh.. Vi-Vitili- Vililigo however you pronounce it.
Date of Birth
I was born in 1994 on February 28th.
Place of Birth
I was born in Finland.
Sexual Orientation
I am uhh.. Lesbian
Religious Beliefs
I am just an atheist
Political Beliefs
Not important.
General Appearance

She dresses in nice clothes usually not caring how much of her body is shown in it. She has her hair tied up most of the time considering its length. Most of the time unless off duty she wears doctor scrubs with gloves. She has scars over most of her face going over both eyes it's a wonder she can see. She is 5'6.
She is very shy when it comes to talking to people. However, if she is talking to a patient she usually puts the awkwardness to the side focusing on nothing else besides the treatment to the point of sometimes ignoring others during it. She can talk to others she works with better than regular people but some people scare her. She is usually nervous but if someone tests her patience or is overall annoying she shows her real side not being the nicest person around. Other than that she is a friendly person to interact with if you get past the awkwardness and don't go out of your way to annoy her.
She has her pink phone or shark phone that she always carries with her. Aside from that she doesn't carry much else on her.
Treating people. Besides that the rest of her hobbies aren't known or are in the past.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities
She is super anxious afraid to question most peoples decisions and will even go out of her way to agree if it means not getting in an argument unless she is absolutely sure she is right. She is also very short tempered around people she doesn't know. She has no disorders she is currently aware of not that she would ever go to a the****** about one anyway.
Her skill is treating people and drawing she tends to never actually draw for others ever but she can draw better than most people!

A = Alive
D = Dead
U = Unknown
(A) Oliwia Iwaskiewicz - Girlfriend
"I love you. I meant it that day when I said I would die if it meant you lived. I hope it never comes down to that but you are the best thing in this world. The reason I haven't given up on this idea of change. You are the only person I truly feel safe around. I will do everything to make sure you stay safe even if it means I get hurt in the process. Funny had it not been for you I would have been far away from Karakura in Finland having no clue what I missed out on. You are how I met so many of my amazing friends even if you didn't directly introduce me to them you encourage me to talk to people. And I even saw Ide Pepper spray you that day."
(A) Valpuri Aleksandra - Mother
"It's not your fault what happened mother. I'm sorry for what happened to me and my sister. I will be better than her like you always hoped I would be. I am the better child I will make up for what happened. I even got a job as a doctor! I really wish you were proud of us."
(A) Abriana Takahara - Best Friend
"You helped me ask out Oliwia. Or at least gave me advice on how even if I was horrible at it. You are one of my best friends honestly. I enjoyed the night out with the 4 of us drinking. Even if we drank way too much. And please for the love of god never cook with me again those cookies were so bad. Just terrible. I'm sure Kilya would agree with that. But really though, thank you."
(A) Magnolia Lavinci - Best Friend
"Pretty sure we will both have flashbacks anytime someone mentions mold. You are by far one of the smartest doctors I've ever met throughout my time here. I enjoyed the night out with you and the other 2. Avoid sinks from now on. Please. But really though. You are one of my best friends just for being one of the smartest people I know. Along with being nice to me even if you struggle with being nice to certain patients but it's not like I'm much better."
(A) Kilya Krovopuskov - Friend
"You have a serious drinking problem. It's pretty bad but you are still cool. I enjoy my time with you. You should work on that relationship it's seriously bad I wish you luck with it. Also you really need to control your drinking more than the rest of us it's a bit unhealthy at this point. I wish you luck in the future as both a psychiatrist and regular person."
(A) Xiaoyu Santiagora - Friend
"You and Dr. Arai have to be the strangest people I've ever met. Yet still I care for you we haven't talked much but I do support your relationship with Arai. I may have limited experience with relationships and have one of the healthier relationships in Karakura but I still believe your relationship will work out with Arai. You two are cute together. Even if you dress up as a door sometimes. What happens in the cubical stays in the cubical."
(A) Atsuko Arai - Friend
"Dr. Arai! I won't lie I haven't interacted with you as much as Dr. Santiagora but doesn't mean we aren't friends. Or at least I see you as a friend. You and Dr. Santiagora will be great together. invite me to your marriage when it happens. And also please learn how to cook the burnt eggs are really not good. Like at all. I will continue to throw them in the trashcan until you learn how to actually cook them."
(A) Hikari Hojo - Friend
"You were there when we were connecting Dr. Arai and Dr. Santiagora you and I really gave them the push to ask each other out I don't know if we are exactly friends or not but I am glad you are enjoying your job as a doctor. I see you as a friend even if you don't see me as one. You will go far Dr. Hojo."
(A) Ezio Whateveryourlastnameis - Friend
"Call me Chichi one more time and we are going to have a problem. Jokes aside you are probably injured the most out of anyone I've seen. It's shocking really how you are still going. I see you as a friend because you are an interesting person and I'm better at talking to you than I am other citizens so for that, I see you as a friend. And stop being good at guessing my relationships."
(A) Ide Zaiaku - Co-Worker
"STOP. LEAVING. ME. AT. KPD. You have done it twice now!!!! But really you are the coolest higher-up I know. Even if I made jokes about you being a senior resident with Oliwia they were just jokes really. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have met Oliwia so even if you didn't mean for that to happen you are a cool person to work with. I'm sure you will find a good relationship at some point. Hot and not single someday maybe?"
(A) Kajiwara Ko - Co-Worker
"You have to stop washing your hands it can't be that healthy. But again you are cool even if you are a bit strict I will forever try to make you my friend even if you are a bit of a rude person. You are just doing your job I'm sure it's not easy being a psychiatrist. I personally could never. Keep doing well at your job."
(A) Maemi Usui - Co-Worker
"I wish I could call you my friend but I fear we haven't known each other long enough for those words. I also have to apologize for the injuries caused to you even if I don't know who did it. You also saved my now girlfriend so really if I got to know you better I would call us friends. Thank you Dr. Usui."
(U) Kyllikki Aleksandra - Sister
'We did so much together even the wrong things. If I could go back in time to stop us from what we did I would. I don't know what happened to you but I'm sure you are in good hands wherever you are. I know you didn't have the same views of Mother and Father I did but that doesn't mean we couldn't have been good sisters. I trust you kept yourself out of trouble for mother and father."
(D) Valentin Aleksandra - Father
'I didn't want it to end that way. If I could bring you life to apologize I would. Yet no matter how skilled I am I could never bring you back to life. It was our fault really this is simply the consequences of our actions on that day. I like to believe that you would have been proud of me today if I hadn't been the reason for your death."
Finland. Ages 1-18
Chihiro was born to a poor Finnish family struggling to get by. She would only ever admit this to her girlfriend in the future but she stole food to survive barely getting by. She never wanted to do it but her sister Kyllikki kept convincing her to do it. She continued this life until she turned 6 which is when she finally started getting an education. Her family just barely had enough money to live in their house and didn't have enough money to buy enough food for all them to eat. Meaning that school was not going to happen. At least a public one wasn't. This meant Kyllikki and Chihiro were homeschooled up until 18 years old. Her and Kyllikki ended up leaving by the time they turned 18 after the police in the area found out about their stealing and their father was killed in an attempt for them to get away. They did get away but not after watching him die in front of their eyes. It was a matter of moving to survive without time to say goodbye to their mother they moved off to Leningrad, Russia
Leningrad, Russia 18-27
Something she has never told anyone is that she didn't go from Finland to Japan instead she went from Finland to Russia for 9 years. She spent this whole time getting an education after her and Kyllikki found stable jobs to afford a cheap apartment and schooling. This led to them both getting medical degrees and avoiding all conflict besides small fights that lead to no serious punishments or arrests. This was the most peaceful time in her life. But, her sister Kyllikki got bored of it all and wanted to move them both again. This caused a small argument between the two before Kyllikki convinced Chihiro to move to.
Tokyo, Japan 27-30
Tokyo Japan. Somewhere Chihiro had always wanted to see. It wasn't everything she had hoped for. She eventually ended up meeting a group of people with her sister Kyllikki and they got along decently. Kyllikki, of course, had other plans for Tokyo and started their journey in Japan by joining a group of criminals! They followed this group into a dangerous place that they shouldn't have went into but they weren't the smartest two around. Eventually they got into the end of the place and the group attacked them. Chihiro not expecting this was shocked and unable to defend herself as she was attacked with a knife to the face several times cutting up her face leading to the permeant scars. Her sister Kyllikki was able to slow them down and got Chihiro out of there eventually this lead to a split between the two Chihiro spending a few days in recovery thinking about it before eventually spending 3 more years in Tokyo getting a living allowing her to move to.
Karakura, Japan - 30
The final destination in her life. She arrived no idea what happened to her sister after Tokyo as she quickly settled into her new job as a doctor. This was the best part of her life as it was where she met all of her friends and her girlfriend. At first she had the plan to move to Finland again but eventually decided against it after making plenty of new friendships. And this is where her story reaches a pause as it's now modern day!!

If I missed any people in the relationship section let me know. I will probably change this up when I'm not lazy but for now basic format it is.​
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Level 14
(A) Kilya Krovopuskov - Friend
"You have a serious drinking problem. It's pretty bad but you are still cool. I enjoy my time with you. You should work on that relationship it's seriously bad I wish you luck with it. Also you really need to control your drinking more than the rest of us it's a bit unhealthy at this point. I wish you luck in the future as both a psychiatrist and regular person."
Drinking problem...? Nooo...! She is completely normal and the happiest person you will ever meet!

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