Level 16
Information on how to get rid off
School Bullies!
It doesn't really matter how many times students have stood up to others and used them as punching bags or as living beings for their money, to embarrass them in front of others and to see them as a laughing stock. There are still cases in which situations arise where at least one or more students have to suffer because they are not allowed to experience a normal school day and are haunted by these nasty schoolmates, but most of the time the hate is at the top, along with the fun that they simply take away in order to have fun themselves by exploiting them. It has always been the bad types of students who are attracted to others by their looks, hatred or even wealth in order to take something away from them that doesn't even make sense because they themselves don't want anything to do with a normal life. School bullies usually don't change.
How do you “Fight” School Bullies?
Wrong! You don't physically fight them with your hands to cause more pain and worse! There are alternatives that everyone can use. Even the school bullies, which make some rare but possible situations more difficult. Don't forget the evidence that will be created if this happens. With evidence that was given to you, such as bruises, you can make it clear whether the school bully sustained injuries from his blows against you!
If you have evidence, you also have the most advantages.
Your real help that you either have to look for will always be:
Faculty workers (Nurses, Bosses, etc.)
Teachers and Professors
Senior Leadership team (Principals, Deans)
When you’re in trouble, yell for Help and tell your Location!
There are three options for what can happen if you scream for help but cannot get away from the bully.
Option 1
The first option is the worst that can happen, the bully could hurt you, you can do this by defending yourself with words and using your arms as a shield, almost like in a boxing ring, or generally blocking but without hitting back.
Option 2
The second option is the best, the bully runs away to avoid trouble from the faculty or anything else, you get the chance to make a report to the person who arrives or if you find one: for example, a teacher. The bully is then called to the teacher to either be issued a detention ticket or warned, depending on what exactly happened.
Option 3
The third and final option is your own rescue action away from the bully. You have to make yourself appear at the start, try ways like outsmarting or simply running away if that works, it's also about intelligence, the clever one has to win. The option of calling for help and having someone come would not be very helpful here.
Try everything to avoid harm towards yourself, protect yourself!
Can my friends help me?
The majority usually determines whether you are protected from it or not, you need people around you or friends who are on your side, but who don't want to cause any harm themselves. The minority loses when it comes to an argument! The more friends you have on your side and with you, they are your own shield against bad people like school bullies! So YES!
Detention is the school bullies' best friend
Most students don't like detention, but these ones definitely do because they are usually the ones who stay the longest because they only cause nonsense and chatter anyway. When the bullies stay in detention, you have a nice, safe way home without anyone following you! Your clear advantage!
Unfortunately, new bullies come and old ones disappear which ends in a cycle, but hope never dies.