players online

windswake's BMD Application | 'Beautiful Tragedy'


Level 37


(Please also list any of your alternate accounts)

Describe your activity on the server:
I’d rate my activity, overall, as a 9/10.

I’m at university 3/7 days of the week, from roughly 8:30AM - 1PM on most days, though sometimes I get out early! I’m on the server from anywhere ranging from 1PM-3PM until 11PM most nights (a range of 5-10 hours, on average). Unlike the details of this on a lot of my previous applications, my activity on the server has changed quite a bit. I used to spend most of my time on my EMS profile and handling staff-related things, but recently I’ve been dividing my time between my different characters and tags. I’ve slowly been developing my paramedic, as well as my adult character and college, and it’s been really fun. That’s my overall activity on the server, though!

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
My Discord username is windswake, and I do have a microphone!

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
United Kingdom | GMT

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
Ever since finding out that there was a black market dealer role in the server, it’s always sparked my interest. At first, it wasn’t too severe or strong of an interest — maybe a passing thought whenever I saw an opening ping upon rejoining all of the servers, or in OOC when pings weren’t enough for sales, but I haven’t been particularly involved in crime until the grand year of 2024 (and that’s saying something, considering I’ve been around since 2020)! Those reading this application will know the general motivation for beginning to CrimeRP (sort of) and get involved in that side of the server, and since, it’s been an absolute blast and really revitalised the appeal in applying in the first place! I’m always so eager to get into this sort of roleplay and am itching to get my hands on something new.

I also believe the faction has a lot of potential, more than it has already demonstrated tenfold, and it’s something new and challenging for me to invest my time in; especially since it’s completely different to my other major faction experiences (being EMS, Professor & KPD). From the light side to the dark side, as someone once said. Being such a small faction, but one with so much influence over a large part of the server, seems like such a fun and exciting concept to me that I would love to try!

Alongside an overall spike in motivation for being a BMD, I believe it’d be pretty appropriate for the development of a character of mine to go down this sort of path. After everything that’s happened to them, caving and allowing a life of crime to consume them fully would be really fitting (and super fun to roleplay out), but that’s obviously not my primary motivation (as it can be done without the BMD role).

Overall, though, I’d just love the chance to contribute to a part of the server that I’ve grown incredibly passionate about.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
When it comes to things that I’m passionate about, I put my all into it. Thankfully, the crime faction is one that I have grown rather passionate about in general! Now, I don’t have any game-changing ideas, but I do want to use this… almost, fondness, I have for the faction to boost my motivation and drive to better it! I’m really big on offering new opportunities and I’m working hard to get out of my comfort zone and interact with new people. With this role, along with those challenges and goals I’ve set for myself, as well as the passion I hold for the faction in general, I truly believe I’ll thrive in this position.

As outlined above, I’m a very active participant on the server. I believe that I have a lot of free time to dedicate to the faction in comparison to other applicants, and I feel like this does make me stand out! There isn’t much to say in this regard, but more activity not only means simply being ‘more active’, it means having time to sit down and communicate with others, to offer roleplay opportunities and develop my character along with just openings! I really do want to give my all with BMD, if given the opportunity.

Experience Within the Crime Faction!
Black Market Dealer Associate
One of the main things that I think is a pretty decent stand-out factor is the fact that I’m currently a BMDA, and have been for the past few months. While in this role, I’ve been able to greatly expand my roleplaying opportunities and have found myself enjoying the role especially in recent times, with the shelving of my initial BMDA, and introduction of a new one (who partakes in that type of crime for a completely different reason, which has been fun to explore). Being a BMDA has also helped me understand what the job of a BMD is! Despite most of the player base only seeing the surface-level of their weapons dealers, being just that—weapons dealers—there’s a lot more to it than that. and having the privilege to be in that role has proven that to me. Obviously, I won’t be listing every little detail I know of (that’s top secret stuff, after all!) but I can confidently say I’m familiar with how BMD functions, due to this role.

Crime Clinician
Alongside being a BMDA, I’m one of the few people who works at Crime Clinic, the dingy underground hospital that typically specialises in liver transplants and malpractice. I do… love a good liver transplant, really. Highlight of my day. Honest.

But, jokes aside, this is just another part of the criminal world within Karakura that has significantly boosted my passion for this type of roleplay in general. Being a BMD-ran business (of sorts) it’s definitely made me familiar with how those work, too. Each business has its own little way of communicating with others, and jobs that they have to do, and there’s a nice sort of normal with everything when you really get into it. When clinic calls come in, and I’m not in the middle of a very dramatic roleplay on not-my-clinician, I have an absolute blast interacting with that side of the community! I think it’s also led me to understand what the most common injuries are that are inflicted on others, as previously mentioned.. Liver stabs…

Gang Experience (or lack thereof…)

Shocker! I’ve never been in a gang on SRP, in all of my years on the server. I understand that experience in this field is something that will be sought after when it comes to the BMD role.

Despite this factor, I still believe I know quite a bit about GangRP, CrimeRP, etc.—the idea of running around with a group committing crimes never really appealed to me, is all—and the fact that I haven’t been in a gang before gives me a pretty unique perspective on that side of the server in general. So, yeah! I’m not particularly ‘traditionally’ involved in GangRP, nor do I think I ever will be, but I do a lot of roleplay-based CrimeRP! I see it less as an adrenaline rush, or something to be ‘won’—in a sense—and more so utilise CrimeRP as a tool for roleplay and enjoyment. There’s a lot of opportunity in the faction for that!

But back to the main point; never being in a gang has given me a unique perspective on the faction. I understand that having that sort of experience would be unique on its own, but I find it to be more of a stand-out factor since I haven’t! Since I haven’t been in a gang, or affiliated with any sort of criminal behaviour outside of BMD and my own personal crime endeavours, it would result in a fresh view on gangs (both ICly and somewhat OOCly) and a blank slate to build associations upon. I don’t see them past allies or enemies, or see the friends within them, or hold any experience-formed fondness for them. I see them as individual groups with their own strengths and weaknesses that are unique to them, and I truly believe that this view, as a whole, is something that most people may not have! I think it’s good to have, as a BMD, as well.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
SRP — Hospital Faction
My longest-lasting faction, and the one I hold most dear to me.

You might wonder, what does the hospital have to do with working in a team? The faction itself is very close-knit, with each small aspect of it being able to be completed as individual and as a team effort! Additionally, since I’m a higher-up, we have to work as a team all the time, deciding new applicants, promotions and changes that might be implemented into the faction. Alongside my higher-up duties, doing procedures and generally interacting around the hospital is a lot of teamwork (especially for super long ones… or complicated ones!) and that’s part of the reason I’ve been in the faction for so long. There’s a constant stream of communication between each faction member, and we’re all here to support each other. So, yes! I’d say the hospital faction is a pretty good example of the experience I have working in a team.

SRP — Police Faction
I was only in the police faction for a couple of months, leaving due to personal reasons, but KPD functions as a team. It’s not a police department for no reason—you’re almost never alone, and have to adapt to how each person acts and roleplays, and to the procedures that they follow. It’s a very, very teamwork heavy faction, and I got to experience that strongly, especially since reaching the corporal role! I’m still immensely proud of myself for that. But, overall, being in KPD did give me a lot of experience working in a very close-knit team.

SRP — Professor Faction
Despite this era being long-over, it was still a pivotal part in my experience within a ‘team’ setting. The faction was actually my first, joining it in March 2023 and staying in until September of the same year. Unlike the previous two factions, there wasn’t a lot of teamwork in the ‘procedures’ of the faction—which are classes. You can co-teach classes, which was always super fun when I got the opportunity to, but other than that it was very independent work. Everyone has their own subject, their own style of teaching, and I like that! I imagine BMD is somewhat the same—they can all work together as a team, but they also have their own individual focuses within the faction. It’s odd, making similarities between professors and black market dealers, but in terms of ‘teamwork’, I picture them to be quite similar.

SRP — Lore Team
A time I look back on fondly. My time in Lore Team was short and sweet, cut short only by my lack of motivation and guilt for taking up a spot I wasn’t doing much with. I adore the team, and usually use it as a reference for understanding how to work together in an OOC sense, instead of an IC sense. It introduced me to meetings, deadlines, and boosted my creativity a lot, from working with other creative minds. It was a very enlightening experience that I wish I’d stayed around for, to enjoy it more and really get the most out of being on the team.

SRP — Staff Team
And, yes, the part you were all likely expecting: the SRP Staff Team. I won’t go into too much detail, but being staff requires a lot of teamwork and communication when handling different aspects of the server. Being on the team for… 5-6 months now, I’ve really found my footing with the whole thing, and am continuously learning more about how to handle things, with the support of others, as time goes on!

IRL — University
Lastly, I study Film Production at university. This degree not only focuses on the process of producing a film, but developing techniques and communication skills by introducing students to industry-standard material and practise, both on and off set. It takes a lot of teamwork, communication, and overall working together to create a film, regardless of the length, and being in university for a few months (the start of a long three years) has already got me refining my skills when it comes to teamwork. Obviously, it’s a very different kind of teamwork when you compare it to SRP, but it’s still relevant!

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
I really wanted to push myself to figure out what I believe would help better the crime faction as a whole, from my experience and what I personally want to see more of in the faction. I’m certainly not as active or involved as other applicants, but from my personal experience—not what anyone else wants, or thinks, all me. This is what I believe.

And yeah, some might suggest changes to permissions, or combat in general. Maybe they’d suggest new rolling systems, but that is something for staff to discuss, and I will respect that. I won’t make any comments for my own beliefs on how to improve permissions or rolling, or anything like that. But for now, onto the bulk of my silly suggestions! Some might be unrealistic, some might be hit with a “You’re not involved enough!” but I just… want to suggest! That’s what this part of the application is for!

First and foremost, this is less of a suggestion as a whole, and more of a personal goal for me. However, it also extends to other BMDs in what I want to see more of (and what I’ve seen more of, especially as lobsterrdog’s BMDA recently).

As a BMD, I’d want to reach out to smaller gangs to offer them ways to grow their reputation and roleplay with them, sparking opportunities for events and encouraging them to follow the lore they created for their gang! I’ve seen that a lot of small gangs have a ton of potential, and also watched them disband due to inactivity. This is really disheartening to see, especially when they have a very unique idea, but can’t get the manpower to build it up to its fullest potential. I’d want to offer support to these gangs and help them create a name for themselves! I haven’t particularly had a lot of experience with gangs at all, in an in-character sense as I mentioned previously in my application, so this might be a very naïve and ignorant goal of mine, but I want to try. I want nothing more than to try.

I do acknowledge that I am a staff member, and this may be argued with “Why don’t you do this already?”—and I think something like this isn’t really something that should be improved upon purely from an out-of-character perspective. There’s only so much a staff member can do, and being a BMD puts me in a much more unique and able position to help gangs out… ICly! Doing things ICly is not only more fun, but also more important! Reduces a whoooole bunch of bad things.

And on top of this, I’d like to see more BMDs interact with gangs as a whole as well. Obviously, timezone differences and whatnot make me very out of the loop when it comes to what other BMDs are up to, but I can’t help but feel that gangs and BMD should be working together. There are crate hunters, and gangs going after BMDs—from what I’ve seen—and it just ends in a fiery pit of nothingness, or people being hunted as something akin to a trophy. This isn’t a particularly bad thing in the slightest; it’s a very interesting response and way to roleplay. I’m not sure how to explain how it feels. I just know that working together would be so, so cool and I’d love to see more of it in action!

Yes, I know. Goodness me, windswake, more events?!…

And yes—I do think that more major, and minor events within the crime faction would be very beneficial, fun, exciting! Exciting events are good, right? They keep faction members invested, keep them entertained and influence/introduce brand new roleplay opportunities! With a faction such as the crime faction, this is a lot more difficult than regular server events, and I do acknowledge that. There are a lot more limitations in place for what can be done, what is considered ‘too far’ in terms of crime, as well as getting permission from other factions if they’re involved (such as the shop fire event a few months(?) back, or the News Station robbery, etc.) because that’s just polite.

Events for the crime faction as a whole, the GangRP area, and BMD/BMDA/etc. would all be pretty cool. Even small, silly events would be awesome. The faction deserves to thrive, even with infrequent events.

I don’t want to step on the toes of any individual gangs, as that isn’t the job of a BMD, but I have a few event ideas for BMD as a whole, and for the business I’m an active participant in: Crime Clinic. This is my funky, fresh, super duper awesome crime clinic event, based on my own experiences in the business and what I think might be feasibly possible with the restrictions we have.

So, Crime Clinic isn’t really a crime business you can do events for in my eyes, since I view it more as a ‘damage control’ type of business, rather than one that has a lot of infighting (such as Fight Club, Nexus, etc.) that requires Crime Clinic to ‘fix up’ what they need. It might be argued that we don’t need events, as we’re focused on helping people and then kicking them out, but I think something big and exciting would be good—especially if it includes a lot of different factions!

The event idea goes a bit like this, and would likely take place over a few days/weeks:

Someone is being treated in the clinic, who unfortunately knows the location of it. Maybe the clinician forgot to knock them out or blindfold them, or maybe they followed in the past. Maybe they’re ex-security, or even an ex-clinician! Regardless, they know where the place is. There’s a complication with their treatment; something goes wrong (an infection, or something that leads them to seek treatment at the hospital), and this individual isn’t happy about the fact their illegal healthcare wasn’t up to spec. They track down the clinicians, and threaten them—their clinic, their business—with KPD being involved, and taking them down, consequently getting them all arrested. This individual isn’t really taken seriously, but there is a sort of contingency plan made, or a vague plan at least, to move if the individual was being serious.

As it turns out, they were!

Obviously, police procedures would be followed and Detectives would likely lead the investigation until more evidence was found (which may ultimately lead to a dead end, if the clinic is more careful following that), but (hopefully!) eventually it would lead to KPD getting together and storming the sewers, but right as they’re about to ram down the doors, or right as they round the corner—there’s an explosion. The entire clinic collapses in on itself, making it impossible to get in. There’s nothing incriminating left behind, all buried beneath the rubble and wreckage.

I think adding more weapons would spark new forms of roleplay within the crime faction. Outside of consented permissions, the only injuries I really see (both as a crime clinician and a hospital worker) when it comes to major permissions are liver stabs with katanas or naginatas, as well as broken legs. Don’t get me wrong, I love that people are making use of certain weapons and are having fun with them, but I feel like there’s so much more potential in adding newer weapons. Add some spice!

Obviously, weapons won’t necessarily better the crime faction, and adding more isn’t always a good thing, but this was just a stray thought for a weapon idea that I’ve had based on pre-existing weapon models. Further, with the recent changes in EULA, I’m not even sure if adding new weapons to BMD would even be possible. Consider this a shot in the dark, if anything!

‘Tessen’ ; Japanese War Fan
I’m aware that there are fans in the game currently, classed as blunt weapons that set off the metal detectors, but I thought—Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a public fan that people could buy from BMD, instead of having to get a custom item for it? It would function differently from other blunt weapons, and could be a complete game-changer when it comes to new weapon types and roleplay opportunities! I’ll first focus on providing a bit of history to the Tessen before going into its application, price, etc.

This weapon is a Japanese war fan mentioned in Japanese legends. It is typically a solid iron fan, or folding iron fan, and the martial art behind using the weapon is known as ‘Tessenjustu’—a martial art that requires a lot of skill. It can be used in fights against opponents with katanas and naginatas, using it to fend off attacks! It’s both a defensive and offensive weapon.

source used

The Tessen would function similarly to a riot shield, with a one block range and two modes: offensive (main hand) and defensive (offhand), and would most likely be utilised in P2L fights, as opposed to rolling fights.

1 block
K.O. (HOW MANY HITS?): 2 hits
MUGGABLE (Y/N): Yes, if KO’d
- The Tessen has two different modes depending on how it’s held
- Offensive mode (MAIN HAND): Similar to a metal bat, you can action to close the fan and attack with it for two hit points.
- Defensive Mode (OFFHAND): Actioning to unfurl the fan allows you to block/redirect/deflect any sharp weapon attack.
- Minors (to attack with it)

Here are some examples of how they’d be used in combat:
(Thank you Crovantist for helping me with these!)

This is likely to be a P2L action, as you can’t swap something to your other hand and then attack with it in the same act! During a rolling fight, you’d have to action to swap it, and then do a separate action to attack.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
I’m intimately familiar with these rules, yes.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
I do acknowledge this! It’s a risk I’m willing to take.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yup! I’m planning on keeping my never-killed and no-arrest streak going strong if I get this role.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Due to my current positions, I am very familiar with that rule within the faction.

Full Legal Name
With the slightest grin, the figure slides a battered passport over. One look inside would show the face scratched out, and the expiry date being long past needing a renewal, but the name would be printed onto the paper: clear as day.

“Naomi Inoue.”
Criminal Alias
A sheepish laugh echoes through the room, as the figure shifts in the metal seat. Uncomfortable… Painted fingernails, though chipped, tap against the surface of the table as the other hand slides a document over with all of the relevant information.

“I used to go by something more my style, somethin’ that matched with someone really important to me. You might know him, or not. I don’t really care. You can call me, uh.. PROVIDENCE, now though.”
Age & Occupation
A finger presses down onto the paper. In this box is a mess… that’s all it can be described as. Dates crossed out, before settling on a clear answer, written on a piece of masking tape: 19th August 1992. Makes the guy thirty-two!

Below it would be PROVIDENCE’s current, legal, occupation.

“I work in freelance photography, mainly. Though I do dabble in writin’ every now and then! Research papers are fun to write, in my free time.”

They briefly pause, before tapping on the desk once more.

“I work at a few stores… just for some passive income, a sort of stability that keeps me goin’… Keeps me comin’ back to this town, an’ it makes people pretty happy, so… Ohh.. And I'm, uh. . I sort of work, on and off, at the uh... that clinic? In the sewers.”
Gender & Marital Status
They avert their gaze. Touchy subject!

“Transgender male..”

There’s a plastic wallet slid over. It would contain notes from past therapy sessions, consent forms and surgery notes. All very professionally bound together, just in case, and the only pieces of documentation that weren’t damp, or damaged.

“I’m currently in a relationship of sorts. It’s.. complicated! Not romantic or anythin’, jus’ haven’t got around to establishin’ everythin’ jus’ yet… I’m sure you know a lot about complicated relationships though, right?”

A pause.

“I’m also married, legally. It’s great.”
Ethnicity & Race
“I’m mixed, black an’ asian. Born and raised in Japan.”
Known Languages
They drum their hands against the desk, growing restless. Even with their easygoing demeanour still seeping into their tone, there was an edge of something else.

“Mandarin, semi-fluently. Japanese fluently.” They lift their fingers one-by-one as the languages are listed. “English fluently, Korean fluently, and…” A pause. “I can understand Italian, to an extent. Can’t speak it for the life of me, though.”

Another grin. Maybe that was the edge in their tone. Unease.
Former Associations & Occupations | Highest Level of Education
Another document is slid over.

Known Family Members
PROVIDENCE grimaces, but still… offers somewhat of a smile to TARASQUE. They shift uncomfortably, before a low murmur escapes their lips,

“I don’t think anyone is particularly relevant.”

But there is relevance, while there’s also far too many people Naomi considers family to list properly! We’ll just have the main ones… There’s his recently passed mother, Hina Inoue, and his deceased stepfather, Kiyoshi Inoue. His aunt, Kaylee Hart, and his biological father, Qiang Lei.

In his current little family, there’s his two sons: Alexander and Sumireko. His pride, and his joy.

Note: Certain characters were left out of this section for the comfort of those who play them.

Physical/Mental Ailments:
Bradycardia — A heart condition where an individual’s resting heart rate is less than 60 BPM. Naomi has been suffering from the issue from the ripe age of twenty-three, after heart surgery went a bit wrong. It ended up in him having fainting spells whenever he got too stressed, along with a few other minor symptoms, but he’s powered through! He’s even got a pacemaker now.
Scarring — Not something most people would consider an ‘ailment’. Small scars don’t really impact you that much, do they? But… larger ones, like the ones PROVIDENCE has?—They’re not good at all because scar tissue, if covering enough of someone’s body, can lead to restricted movement or pain and discomfort. Overall, not something you’d really want… Haha.
Prosthetics — Both pinkies, and an eye… Yikes. Definitely an ailment, considering he can’t see out of his right eye at all, and his pinkies don’t have the most dexterity in the world… But, living with them for as long as he has means he isn’t particularly affected by them. He’s learned to live with them!

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder — A needed diagnosis that came one year too late. Since his experience regarding The Mechanic, Naomi has suffered from PTSD. Since being on medical leave, and currently being on semi-permanent PTO, the man has been attending regular therapy sessions with someone he holds dear to him: Hana Yagi. His symptoms aren’t the most detrimental ever, but they still impact him pretty heavily. His triggers are a completely different story.
Generalised Anxiety Disorder — This disorder is one that causes an individual to constantly worry, feel anxiety or dread, or have difficulty concentrating, depending on the severity of it. Naomi suffers from worrying, twenty-four seven, three six five. He’s a chronic overthinker, and has let his anxiety lead his actions more times than he’s willing to admit.
Autism Spectrum Disorder — Naomi is autistic! Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts the way people communicate, learn and behave. He was diagnosed at the ripe age of twelve, but has learned to live with it!

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:

Credits to bheom, houndrats, deyeetme & tartarusgold

Credit to bheom & zacktimekiller for making Naomi Inoue a reality

The first thing that would draw TARASQUE’s attention would be the bright, calculating heterochromatic eyes hidden beneath a fringe of brown and dirty blonde. A grin tugs at the individual’s chapped lips, as he opens his mouth to speak—a tongue piercing glinting in the low light. Along with… every other piercing on his face, really. He was a sight to behold.

“Staring is rude, y’know.”

Maybe the lead averts their gaze at that moment, maybe not. I mean, they always have had a bit of a staring problem… But I digress; back to the main attraction! As PROVIDENCE leans back in his seat, he picks absently at his chipped nail paint, a simple glossy black catching the light! Across the bridge of his nose and cheeks is a faint scattering of sun kissed freckles, shifting with every weird look he gives the figure opposite him. He was very… judgemental, it seemed. Though, something stood out, that’s for sure: the vitiligo pattern across his face and hands—and likely the rest of his body—making him appear… as though he was woven from both shadow and starlight. Quite fitting, don’t you think?

Adorning his rather lanky, thin figure is a well-fitted overcoat, with a corset underneath, covering what seems to be a white dress shirt with the first few buttons undone. Standing out against his dark skin is a necklace with a ring hanging from the chain, drawing attention away from the scar staining his neck—‘821198’. Around his waist is a simple black belt, but beneath that is a complete mystery. He drums his gloved knuckles against the table.

“If you want to know what I look like, you have my medical records.”

Turn the page. You know you want to.

Staining the pristine paper would be your average medical records sheet, while also being more wrinkled and worn than the rest of the documents in the plastic wallet. Similar details as previous questions litter the page: name, date of birth, phone number. The current, and previous physician names are both scribbled out. A slight glance down would show current and past medication, surgery, and illnesses.

Surgeries, huh? Surgery for both his right eye and his right pinkie at the age of twelve, followed by some notes on… prosthetics and glass eyes. A mastectomy—to be expected, really—performed at the ripe age of nineteen. Valve repair surgery… at twenty-three, leaving another scar around his chest. Another missing pinkie at thirty-one, and another prosthetic to match. And at thirty-two, a pacemaker. Nothing more than that…

“There’s a few other scars… missin’ in that log. I got a big one coverin’ the galaxy tattoo on my right shoulder and bicep, courtesy of a naginata.. Got two on each of my temples, one from a hardcover book an’ one from a flagpole to the head. Nasty scar on the back of my neck in the shape of a cog wheel. Er.. And a few basic stab scars! One on my left arm, one on my right thigh!”

I’d say that’s enough of a physical description, beneath what TARASQUE could see before them.

Though... there have been some recent developments. A large tattoo, white and light blue ink, portraying a spine with flowers growing out of it stains his back, effectively covering the worst of the carved symbols. A scar, spanning the right side of his ribcage, thin yet prominent. And a new piercing; a vertical labret, to go along with every shining piece of metal adorning his face and ears.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
Who is Naomi Inoue? Not even the man himself knows.

Under the Mask
Ever-changing. Fluid. Dynamic.

“My old man’s my fuckin’ hero.” - A.I-S.

To most, he’s an easily-irritated snarky piece of shit, who does nothing but annoy the people he cares about, and insult those he doesn’t. He’s snappy, rude and uncaring of those around him. It’s all a facade, obviously, and despite the irritation being real, his actions are exaggerated tenfold. After all, he’d do pretty much anything to avoid people he doesn’t like talking to him. He’s not really the biggest fan of social interaction, after all.

He does have a charismatic front, though. Bubbly, fun. It’s… odd. Some strangers get the snark, others get the smiles.

“GRRRRR.” - M.A.

Luckily, this is just a front to those he doesn’t know, or doesn’t care for. Those who know him will know that he does care. He cares so much that it hurts him sometimes. Naomi is incredibly empathetic, often going out of his way to give time to the people he loves, and the people who care about him. Hell, the only reason he stayed at his job for so long was because people needed him, and only left because he hurt those he loves. Still, he visits regularly to check on people and has offered countless hours of his time to his ex-coworkers giving advice, spending time with them, and just generally making conversation. He’s excitable, and bright! Almost always smiling, even when he makes vague threats against people who wronged them.

“Once you become a person he can rely on. You can be sure as hell that the Doc will be someone who will always have your back.” - K.DL.

On the other side of things, he can be a flirt, admittedly. Teasing, loving, affectionate in all the ways he knows makes people flustered. Not out of a genuine romantic interest, no… There are people out there who have captured his attention in that regard, but he can’t help himself sometimes. Even just compliments.

“He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’d die for him, and I think he’d do the same.” - A.K.

And for the few people Naomi would give his life for, know an even more intimate version of him. Physical affection, immense amounts of care, constant reassurance—the lot! He’s also a lot more expressive when it comes to his worries and needs, showing a much more vulnerable version of himself to those who he trusts the most. There are only a select few people who see this side of him. Maybe four, five? It’s not that many. Not many at all.

“A loving and loyal heart, he would do anything for the people he loves. And they'd do the same for him.” - H.Y.

With the Mask
Snarky. Manic. Impulsive.

There isn’t much to PROVIDENCE, when they’re masked. The shortest and most accurate description would be an irritatingly enthusiastic maniac who doesn’t know when to listen, or when to shut up. All they do is complain, complain, complain, and occasionally threaten people with major injury if they piss them off enough.

“The most annoying shithead with even shittier music taste I know.” - APHELION

With the mask, PROVIDENCE is someone completely different, someone who can express all of the violent thoughts whirling around in their brain, someone who can thrive without the restraints put upon them by society. They don’t try to be serious, they just aim to be themselves... whoever that is. And yes, that does mean that the anxiety peeks through at times, and they’re the dictionary definition of useless when it comes to fighting, but boy do they have an attitude on them. Plus, they help out at the clinic, y’know? They can’t really be a fixer-upper if they’re the one needing to be fixed up.

“This is who you were always meant to be. Embrace it, Inoue.” - WRAITH

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:
Naomi Inoue was born on August 19th, 1992, to his mother and biological father: Hina Sato, and Qiang Lei.

The rest is history.

Chapter One:
From a young age, Naomi always struggled with his social life. A mix between parental neglect, and not talking properly until he turned four led him to not have many friends until he started school properly. With a mother who worked two jobs to keep them stable, and a father who was only around once or twice a month, he was usually left to his own devices. This, unfortunately, led him to be a pretty rowdy kid when he found his footing socially, often finding himself messing around on the streets by school and outside his home. Thankfully, he was pretty well-known, and had other adult figures—the parents of his friends—watching over him with a keen, concerned eye.

When Naomi turned six, he found out his mother had become pregnant, and eventually… Naomi was an older brother (or sister, at the time) to a bundle of joy: Alexander. It would soon come to light that Alexander was not the child of Hina and Qiang, but of Hina and another man—leading to tenseness between the adults of their family while Naomi was left being a stand-in parent to the kid for the next six years, until Alexander’s biological father took him to America. This… hit Naomi pretty hard, especially considering the day after, he and his mother both moved house to a new neighbourhood. Meaning new friends, new social life, new school.

Luckily, he thrived. New friends came easy, as did his studies, and he mimicked the behaviour he saw in order to be liked and popular. Obviously, seeing the new kid build up a positive reputation so fast didn’t sit well with some people, and unfortunately Naomi was bullied quite a lot. On his way home from school, in between classes—Nothing he did to try and stop it worked. And then came the breaking point.

Hydrochloric acid was a common acid used in the chemistry classes in his school, and his teachers didn’t really expect students to break in after hours to steal it, but… Here we are. Naomi, cornered by his typical bullies before they throw a vial of the stuff over his face. It makes direct contact with his right eye, and in his attempt to escape, through the blinding pain, he tripped and severed his pinkie on a shard of glass. Needless to say, he was hospitalised. Got a prosthetic pinkie, glass eye—Had a ton of physical therapy and mental therapy. He ended up getting diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder and autism spectrum disorder around this time, too!

And then, life went on. After his accident, his mother became a lot more involved in his life, and he finally had a stable adult figure that he could rely on! Soon enough, Hina started branching out with more people and met Kiyoshi Inoue, who was an excellent stepfather to Naomi in his late teen years, especially with taking care of his mother when Naomi wasn’t able to. Around this time, his aunt—Kaylee—ended up being a very prominent part of his life as well, and at the age of fifteen, Naomi started to socially transition.

Because… Y’know. He’s transgender.

Chapter Two:
Love Shack
Welcome one, and all, to the best era of Naomi Inoue’s life: the first two years of his university degree. After discovering his passion for psychiatry, Naomi wanted nothing more than to pursue it as a career, and studied hard to get into one of the top universities that he could think of: Cambridge. Of course, this involved moving away from his mother and stepfather and aunt, but they were so proud of him—so supportive of him, that he didn’t feel guilt or shame in leaving. He felt pride, and happiness, despite how anxious he was.

And just like how Naomi thrived when he first moved schools, this was no different. He bonded with almost everyone he met, dancing between friend groups and people like he had nothing better to do. While completing his bachelors in psychiatry, he worked online to get a criminology degree too, all while helping people out with any student projects and anything else they needed. He was busy, constantly busy, and he loved it. He adored it—adored how people knew him, people liked him. And he kept on top of his studies, somehow, breezing through quizzes and tests with panicked last minute revision. But overall, he thrived.

Near the end of his second year, he met someone. Someone who wasn’t good for him, but was different to everyone else. Different—and Naomi became obsessed; infatuated with this man. Kyō Imai. From the start, it was a dumpster fire of a relationship, until the day they broke up. The day Naomi was left in the rain the day before they were set to be married. And this—this broke him. Somewhere, in the middle of his third year, Naomi dropped off the map for a month, coming in for assignments and exams, before disappearing again. All of his friends ditched him, and he was left with nobody. Somewhere in this time he ended up going through heart surgery, and there were complications. Not that anyone but his parents knew, of course.

This trend continued into his later years, all the way until his graduation ceremony for his PhD. He transformed from the bubbly, outgoing man everyone once knew, to a shell of his former self. From life, to the brink of death. It was terrifying to witness, and it was only thanks to Hina and Kaylee that he brought himself back from that. They threw a party for him, kept him close, and managed to convince him to move back into their home for a few months. It was embarrassing for him at first. A twenty-eight year old having to live at home with his parents just because he had a bit of a rough patch. But, bit by bit, he healed.

He wasn’t quite as outgoing or excitable, but he was Naomi again. And that’s all that mattered, in the end of it. He helped out at his stepfather’s flower shop since he’d become ill, helped Kaylee with her youth club on Saturdays, and just lived, happy and content.

And his story could’ve ended here, couldn’t it? Working at a flower shop, and helping his aunt on the weekends, and being there with family.

But all good things must come to an end.

Chapter Three:
Live And Let Die
Kiyoshi grew ill, to the point where Hina had to take over his flower shop and Naomi, despite all odds, had to go out and find a job to support his family in paying medical bills. After a long conversation with his mother, he eventually pursued a residency at JR Tokyo General in order to bring in more money. He enjoyed himself, all things considered, darting around the hospital and helping out when and where he could. Yet his stepfather’s condition only worsened, and Naomi worsened along with it.

There was a rush hour, at some point. Nothing he hadn’t dealt with before, but—things went wrong. A familiar face, taunting, and a flatlining heart monitor… Then nothing. Naomi had stood beside the bed, alone, and watched with curious eyes. And as such, he was let go. Fired is the word he likes to use for it, even though they used some fancy lingo that sort of suggested he could come back, but ultimately… couldn’t.


His stepfather passed not soon after, and as Naomi was stricken with grief, Hina was too. She… She passed around a month later, in a car accident on her way home from work one day, leaving Naomi alone. Kaylee had long since moved from Kyoto in pursuit of her dream career, and wasn’t able to be reached during these few months. But instead of losing himself, he took his future into his own hands and… avoided his emotions. Avoided everything. He packed up his stuff after their funerals, said a quiet goodbye to his childhood home, made sure nobody was able to break in or buy it—just in case he wanted to come back some day—and he left. Got on a plane to a small island, aiming for a city in a job he’d secured in a small town called Karakura.

It was, arguably, one of his worst ideas.

Chapter Four:
Thanks, I Hate It
Naomi moved to Karakura on August 18th, 2023 with a secured spot as a psychiatrist at the only hospital in the city: Karakura Hospital. On August 19th, 2023, he started work, officially, as a shy and anxious resident who didn’t really talk to anyone, didn’t really… do much of anything other than stick around the front desk and take sessions. He had a few ups and downs, with finding his footing in which treatments he preferred, and which he didn’t, and then fell into an easy rhythm. During the October of 2023, he was a victim to some light haunting, and it made him… quieter, at first, but soon he just avoided thinking about it and slowly, but surely, built himself back up.

Back up to who he used to be: confident, ****y, snarky and bubbly.

He very quickly climbed the ranks, and along the line, ended up with a boyfriend who he cared for very deeply. It was an odd relationship, on Naomi’s end. One of both lust and love, of obsession and devotion, eerily reminiscent of his relationship with Imai, except… a tad more positive. With more time spent in Karakura, Naomi also established a list of regular patients, including one Jakub von Moltke—a man who approached him for an opinion. What did Naomi think of him?

Their relationship was strained, and pushed professional boundaries quite a bit, until one day Jakub simply snapped—carving a number against the front of Naomi’s neck: 821198. Hush. Seems he really did push too far that time, didn’t he? Though, this really didn’t deter Naomi for long. It was a life lesson at best; don’t push your patients too far, or they might carve your neck! Who would’ve guessed, really? After a brief recovery period in the midst of the freezing December—and finding out he had a half-sister, on his dad’s side, which is a whole other can of worms we’re not getting to right now—he got a promotion to higher-up on New Year's Eve. Good for him! Surely, everything can only get better, right? Right?

On January 26th, 2024, Naomi Inoue and Callista Mavros were kidnapped by The Mechanic and held hostage in a damp, dismal cave for twenty days. They were both found, and treated, with Naomi… going into cardiac arrest and set to recover for six days. Tensions were high between him, his closest friend and his partner, but… after one fateful visit, he ended up adopting his younger brother as his son, to be his legal guardian after hearing of the shit his biological father put the kid through.

Following his kidnapping, he was put on a brief medical leave for an evaluation—to see if he was fit to return to work, or something—returned… Got married, and… spiralled.

In all honesty, to Naomi, the next few months were a blur. He was more snappish, easy to irritate—he had nightmares, untreated trauma that nobody followed up on, flashbacks, panic attacks. Things happened; things shouldn’t have happened. Venous air embolism, code blue, a death log. Kidnapped twice, in one day, and forced into positions he didn’t want—didn’t need, but he had no other choice. Threats to his children, his family, those he cared about. All of this, on top of keeping up with sessions, keeping himself steady and professional while handling patients who simply wanted to make his life miserable. And then, the man who carved him joined the hospital. Forced him into therapy, into a diagnosis he needed but, in that haze, didn’t want.

Medication, broken noses, and… a missing eye.

Chapter Five:
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Jakub forced him on medical leave again, following their little… accident in the ambulance bay, but he was back on duty soon enough and receiving yet another promotion to Chief Paramedic! He also got a new psychiatrist who was, arguably, so much better for him than Jakub ever was—and began healing. His needs were taken into account, and he felt safe. He finally started breaking down the walls he’d built and expressed himself in new ways, in ways he felt were true instead of a mask to protect himself and others.

Eventually, he quit his job at the hospital. A mix of things getting to be too much for him to handle, as well as him harming those he cared for under the influence of a spirit, were the causes he could find within himself. He moved in with a close friend, and really began healing. Taking things slow, taking every day one step at a time… Hell, he even managed to get out of a very dangerous situation, even if he still had ties with another.

Those ties… were an issue. He couldn’t just sever them, though, right? What could he do… instead? How could he protect the ones he loved—...

Ah. That’s how it all started.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:

This is an interrogation scenario based on my (admittedly) limited knowledge on Detective procedures. Obviously, weapons deals and gang interactions are very important for BMD, but I wanted to put my own spin on this interaction. KPD are just as influential of a faction to BMD, than gangs or regular crime roleplayers are.

If anything is inaccurate, I apologise! This is purely a work of fiction, not at all meant to look down on any faction members or put others on a pedestal (hence why no names other than Naomi’s have been used)!

The interrogation room was cold, and Naomi Inoue was going to make it everyone’s problem. Sure, it might be his fault for wearing nothing but a thin shirt and trousers in the middle of winter, but you’d think the station would have heating. Functional, working, warmth. Right?


He grumbles, tilting his chair back until it hits the wall, eyes darting between the door, and the obvious one-way glass sitting innocently in the wall to his right. Absently, he wonders who might be behind it, if anyone. Maybe it was someone he knew, someone looking down at him with disappointment and disdain. Maybe it was a new cadet, someone who didn’t know him—yet. Though, he wasn’t particularly familiar with much of KPD these days. Everyone kept leaving, and he hasn’t been as close-knit with them since leaving his job at the hospital.

A job at the hospital. Chief Paramedic, and now look at him. Being detained for suspicion of illegal services. A felony.

Voices from outside interrupt his train of thought, but he can’t make anything out until the door swings open. An unfamiliar face peers in, and he frowns. So much for catching up with an old friend…

“Naomi Inoue?”

Regardless, he could do with familiarising himself with the new batch. He lifts a hand with a slight grin on his face. “That’s me!”

The detective offers a smile of their own and takes the seat opposite him. A battered old recorder sits on the table, and they hit play before directing their full attention to Naomi. That smile doesn’t quite reach their eyes, but Naomi pays it no mind, really. He’s more interested in their uniform—what rank were they? How much could he get away with?

“It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a few rumours about you around, from people who have been around a lot longer than I have. How are you feeling?”

He could ask those questions later, he had to focus now. Focusing… What a question. How was he feeling?

“I do hope they’re all nice rumours. Would hate to hear ‘bout my name bein’ slandered,” he teases, rocking forward. After taking a moment to get comfortable, cross-legged on the chair, he rests his chin on his palm, elbow on the table. “I’m doin’ quite well. Not a big fan of the cells, mind you. Do you guys clean them? I swear I saw a patch of blood on the floor.”

The detective’s response is immediate, “I can’t remember the last time I saw someone clean them!” Friendly. Familiar. His eye twitches. “It’s good to hear you’re doing well, Naomi. I am sorry for the state of the cells.”

“Sure you are.” Not accusatory, or insulting. Just… a statement. “I’m in here for a reason, right? I have a train to catch home, so I can't really stick around for very long.” What time was it, anyway? It’d been getting dark when he’d been detained… Maybe an hour since then? He didn’t have the best internal clock, unfortunately. “Whatever you wanna know, you can ask. I’ve been told I’m a pretty open book.”

The detective shifts slightly, clicking their tongue. “It’s not every day you find an ex-paramedic running around the sewers! Curious what you were up to. Do you frequent the place?”

“It’s not every day you see officers down there either,” he returns easily. “You said I was detained for a record check. Pain of carryin’ a bat on me, I know.”

“Who said that?” Genuine confusion. Naomi offers a smile, rubbing his cheek.

“Whoever detained me. Clearly wasn’t you… Last time I got a record check, they ain’t interrogate me, y’know? Got me in an’ out.”

“Well, you know…” They tug out their radio, muttering something into it that Naomi couldn’t quite make out. “Regardless—”

Naomi interjects swiftly, raising his free hand like a child in highschool. “Someone reported somethin’, right?”

They pause, before bringing their gaze back to Naomi, brows furrowed. “Why would you think that?”

In lieu of responding, Naomi just levels them with a look. No words, no nothing, just a simple look that he’d perfected over the years. Yet the detective didn’t budge. How upsetting.

“You can’t patrol the sewers without a reason. Report, wanted, or chasing a criminal,” he relays, leaning back once more. At their silence, he elaborates. “My ex-husband was an officer. He talked about work a lot.”

“Oh?” They pause, as a voice echoes through their radio, and they frown slightly. Naomi simply smiles in response to the odd look they give him. So what if he’d been lying? He knows why he was detained, and it certainly wasn’t for a record check. “Why isn’t he KPD anymore?”

Naomi shrugs. “You’d have to ask him. He got stressed, I think. After our divorce, he rejoined or somethin’ like that. Dunno where he is now.” He hums. “Why is that relevant to you?”

Like the question had offended them, the detective reels back, frowning. “I was just trying to make casual conversation.”

“And I’ve told you I have shit to do, and places to be,” Naomi retorts. “Keep the casual conversation for when I have time. Trains to catch, man. Chop chop. You detained me ‘cause I was in the sewers at the same time as you were.”

“You were masked, with a bat—”

“A clean, dentless bat and ballistic. You have no grounds to interrogate me like this.”


The painfully familiar blaring of a code zero broadcast echoes through the room, and the detective shoots up almost immediately as their radio explodes with noise. Naomi tilts his head to the side, covering his ears firmly. Over the cacophony of noise, he barely makes out the interrogator’s final words to him:

“You can leave. I don’t want to see you here again.”

Freedom, at least. He could go home. To his wife.

After offering a mocking salute, he’s very quickly guided out of the station, and his things are returned to him with ease before the detective runs off in the direction of… one of the districts. It could be anywhere, really. Anywhere…


…at all.

He tugs his phone out of his pocket, grinning as he presses the green button and holds it up to his ear, wandering out of the station.

“It was a success. I’m assuming you’re out?”

Forever thankful he’d had the foresight to park just down the road, he shoves on a pair of his gloves and sets up his phone on his bike. Bright pink, man. And he was told to be stealthy. As if.

“No. I’m still in the station, actually. Locked up, man.” He revs his engine. “All aloooone…”

“Har har,”
the voice at the other end mutters. “Well, half of my members have been arrested, PROVIDENCE, are you—”

“Oh, sure. I’ll give you half off for… let’s say a week? It’ll help with all those bails!” Sharp turn. Which station was he aiming for again? Has he already driven past it?

“A week?!”

“Your ears still work! Good. Anyway, I have a train to catch!”




Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
Naomi Inoue has had his ups and downs in life. He’s experienced countless traumas and… it’s changed him as a person. Anyone who knew him when he first came around last year will know that he was nothing more than your average, anxious psychiatrist resident. Time has changed him, and now he’s pursuing the one job he swore he’d never go after, not after he escaped everything.

But there's a reason behind him joining. After tearing away from his position of an associate, he never quite could break free from the chains that bound him, and he saw this as a threat to the ones he loved. He had no control over when things would happen. As a dealer, the idea sparked in his mind, he could have the control he craved. And he wanted control for one reason. One motivation, rooted deeply in the desire to protect the ones he loves to a larger extent than he’s already able.

One spawned from a simple comment, an admission that the one he loves most relies on him, not knowing the domino effect it would have.

Some might argue he’s ignorant, or naive to the dangers he’d face in this position. And in all honesty? He is.

It will be his downfall, in the end. Such a beautiful tragedy, is he not?
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