OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:
What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
My only account is TheEz8Fury
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
My discord username is SoundwaveTheChristian, and I am in possession of a microphone for call usages.
List your timezone and country:
My timezone is CST and my country is the United States of America.
Describe your activity:
My activity is rather frequent; my college semester has just ended, meaning that I will be increasingly available for anything that the reporter faction may demand of me. Most of my time in the server, up until this point, has been spent leading my gang, Immertreu; however, due to the amount of free time I have recently obtained on account of my college semester ending, I will have more than ample availability to distribute time to this faction. I am a full-time student, so this winter will be filled with frequent activity rates that can range from the early mornings to the late evenings if absolutely necessary for the faction; at the very least, this will be consistent prior to the start of my next semester.
Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
My motivations behind this application are all relatively straight forward, and can be limited into three categories: a love for writing, a genuine desire to help the world building process of Karakura, and the multi-dimensional aspects of the faction itself.
Beginning with my passion for writing, I've been a part of the very broad 'roleplay community' for an extremely long time. I've had a sincere love for writing since I was 11, and it has always proven to be a successful method of stress relief, enjoyment, and fulfillment in one activity. I like to think that I personally receive a great deal of personal gratification from a complete writing piece, and I believe that this will also transfer over to completing a report. The actual design of the newspaper reports was actually some of the most fun I've ever had writing, and simultaneously exerting my creativity for design purposes. I firmly believe that this passion of mine will not be quelled any time soon, and this faction is almost certainly a perfect way for me to further explore it on SRP.
Furthermore, I'd like to think of myself as a deep appreciator of world building. The news in any fictional world, in my opinion, always serves as an extremely vital aspect of that aformentioned world's authenticity. Seeing as the way that the Karakura News station interacts with the player base of SRP serves as the basis for in-character information, and by extension the manner in which characters form the basis of their opinions, I feel like I'd also be able to exert my love for world building by being a part of the reporter faction. Every report written will be a contribution to this interaction within Karakura's player base, assisting the world building process in doing so.
Moreover, I feel like the reporter faction as a whole is very multi-faceted. I feel like between the interviews in person, as well as the frequency of the reports, it'll be an extremely enjoyable faction for me to be a part of. There's always a vast number of things that can be done with the reporter tag, which can vary between interviewing store owners, government workers, police officers, or just the average player wandering by on the street. Each of these opportunities intrigue me deeply, so it's only natural that I take this chance to be a part of it.
Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
Writing has always been a major part of my life. I don't wish to make my academic career the primary subject of this section; however, I am the only student of my graduating class from highschool to score a 5 for both AP Literature and AP Language while I was in highschool, which includes a writing section during the testing part dedicated entirely to writing on a subject in which I possess no familiarity on beyond a select few of resources. The point is, I like to think of myself as a literate and articulate writer, and I do sincerely believe that I will not have any struggles or issues when it comes to the matter of utilizing these abilities during any reports. As previously stated, I am extremely passionate about writing, and this faction is exclusively dedicated to writing as a whole at a consistent pace, which is something I have enjoyed for nearly 8 years of my life- perhaps even longer than that.
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, I am completely aware of the rules and intend to follow them completely.
Why should we accept you over others?:
I feel like, while I have my fair share of faults and strengths like any other applicant, I should be considered heavily due to the sincerity of my passion for writing. I do not believe my application or my writing is inherently superior to anyone else, but I do believe that I can muster consistency within it that would be very nice to have present within the faction. That said, I do think that my general commitment to roleplay and detailed writing will also be a heavy asset that would a shame to pass on. I do think that my effort would be best served in this faction above all the others that I can apply for at the moment, so that type of devotion and willingness to embrace the faction's every aspect is also something I'd consider to be valuable. Furthermore, my dedication to the server can be proven by the effort that I have thus far committed into my Immertreu, which has been unverified for almost over three months now, and heavily prioritizes a detail roleplay oriented environment. Therefore, it can be asserted that I am not only used to detailed writing on an extremely regular basis, I'm also committed enough to the server to keep that same level of quality at a consistent pace.
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes, I completely understand and expect myself to remain completely neutral and unbiased towards any party, ICly or OOCly, regardless of what group is featured in a story.
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, I'm completely confident I'll remain consistently active and regularly type 5 reports monthly.
Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
In general, I feel like work as a reporter will be extremely high quality in terms of writing. Not simply in terms of roleplay between fellow reporters, but also the process of actually putting the time and effort into writing a report to full completion. In general, SRP encourages sophisticated and well-polished writing as a whole; however, I feel that the faction that solely depends on this level of quality would, of course, be the faction that commits itself to IC journalism and writing. When it comes to the actual "hard work" (they say if you love what you do, there isn't a hard day's work), I would generally expect it to encourage roleplay opportunities and hands-on experiences with the greater scope of the community. That includes interviewing players regularly, whether they be new to the server or experienced roleplayers that have secured a spot in a faction. I also like to imagine these interactions will regularly fuel a broader motivation to expand my horizons as a writer, opening myself up to perspectives that I may not have previously considered contemplating, let alone writing about in a news article or an interview.
IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it
Full Name:
A pair of cold eyes stared directly at the interviewer's own, a rugged though restrained tone ringing out past the man's lips. His gaze finally plummeted to the ground as his head descended into a bow, accompanying the thick German accent rolling from his voice.
"My name is Deno von Moltke-Löwe; well met, sir."
The man remained reserved. He was polite, but far from over-enthusiastic, presenting refined, honed disposition; further confirmed as a callous hand secured in a leather glove extended out to sternly shake that of his interviewer's.
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr):
A thoughtful hum was emitted past thinly pursed lips, with the blond sitting in silence for a split second longer than usual.
"Mmh. Herr von Moltke."
Herr? Not mister? Herr von Moltke, upon realizing his lack of elaboration, proceeded to lift the unfurled palm of his hand at shoulder level to signal his urge to speak further.
"German for 'mister'."
Current Age (25+):
Von Moltke didn't hesitate; what person didn't know their own age, after all?
"I'm currently 29."
29 was a young age in the eyes of most; where experience nonetheless overlapped with physical and mental capacity. This man in particular notably had a knowing stare that seemed far, far older than just his late 20's.
Past job/work experience:
This inquiry caused the blond to pause once again; with a subtle shake of his head, the man blinked away the brief, and admittedly half-dodgy concern present in his striking pupils.
"I worked at a security firm that provided personnel to various shops across Karakura when I was 18; however, the rest of my past experience is primarily related to financials; I worked as an accountant when I was 22 for a beer distillery in Munich, though I pursed journalism instead after I turned 24. That led me to my second career as a journalist for a year when I was 28; my family requested my return, which led me here."
Finally a subject he was confident in; frankly, he had spent most of his life pursuing academics in order to branch out, shown in the confidence in the manner he concisely articulated himself after.
"I have a bachelor's degree in business adminstration, but pursued a bachelor's degree in journalism after I turned 24."
Nationality and born location:
Most individuals would have had fond memories thinking of home; in this instance, von Moltke spoke with utter detachment, almost as if he cared not to even think or utter a word of his so called 'home'.
"I was born in Schwerin, Germany."
Unsurprising considering the man's accent; the faintest crack in his facade had shown itself at the mention of the city in which he had grown up in, a fault that was shortly covered as his frigid gaze further hardened at the questioning interviewer.
Phone Number:
A gloved hand reached into the interior of his dark trench coat, withdrawing a lamenated card held within the narrow, pincer-like gap of his index and middle finger. The man extended the rather ornately decorated card outwards, distinctly marked with golden etchings and embossments across its pristine surface. Certainly a flair for taste, von Moltke had shown. The card read out the man's information, markedly containing the number "030-987-2917" amongst it.
How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
This certainly seemed to be a question that took von Moltke out of his comfort zone; the man leaned forwards, knitting his fingers together as he prepared to 'impress' the interviewer.
"Callous, but concise and articulate; you can depend on me to take my tasks seriously and deal with them efficiently. I consider myself a reasonable man who remains ever faithful to those who return the caliber of respect I offer them; I do not forget a friend, nor do I forget a favor, and I have no intention of compromising on my work ethic. Certainly better at writing than I am speaking, but willing to be proficient in either in a report or interview."
What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
A vague rhythm sounded with the enticing tapping of his finger tips, his cerulean ringed pupils wandering the interior of the room.
"I intend to broaden my horizons at the Karakura News Station; my biggest passion to write about is certainly crime, but my primary objective is to inform the public. I am more than willing to regularly interview government workers on a frequent basis to ensure Karakura's citizens are updated, and well read on systematic changes, as well as widespread events that occur. I would also like to take this job as a chance to interact with the public further, asking general questions that can range from a recent crisis, the weather, fashion, amongst other topics that daily readers are interested in becoming knowledgeable of. My comfort zone is an inherent limitation; I'd like to work with as few restraints as possible to ensure fair and free journalism in Karakura."
What are your expectations for the job?:
A thoughtful hum left the blond yet again, the man's imposing hand experimentally tapping the heel of his shoe against the wooden floorboards. The man's cold exterior remained unbroken, but that did not mean the questions asked did not warrant some level of contemplation; that much was observable to the trained eye as von Moltke poised himself to reply to the inquiry.
"I generally expect to be interacting with the public regularly during interviews, regardless of who they are; I also expect for my writing to be accessible and free to flourish while working for the Karakura News station. I hope to develop a friendship within the station's reporters to some capacity, and enjoy regular discussions about upcoming events planned, or unexpected events that occur to the pleasant surprise or the unfortunate dismay of the people; ultimately, this job is not easy, and it requires you to report on topics that, while potentially not ideal per se, must be known by the citizens of Karakura to exercise their right to affordable, readily available information output from a trustworthy source. That is our duty at the Karakura News station, and I expect to hold myself to that standard at all times."
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
This was the question that he had been dreading. The inquiry into the array of felonies he had accumulated, a matter of much discomfort that clearly plagued itself with a mildly disgruntled sigh that left his nose. A quick shake of the head shook off the clear detestment for the question's necessity; he had promised to step out of his comfort zone if he were to get this job, hadn't he? The man held his head high, gaze piercing as ever, carrying himself with the same refinement that he had held himself throughout the interview; a testament to his resolve, unyielding as he prepared his answer.
"My criminal record is unfortunately one of the only things about my application more 'impressive' than my credentials- not to brag, of course. I had an extremely bad history as an 18 year old, which includes a few accounts of gang affiliation, a few assault with a weapon charges, a single assault with a deadly weapon charge, several evasion charges, around two or three assault charges, a false reporting charge, and at least one obstruction of justice charge. I would have provided a more certified record formally presented, but the Karakura Police Department's system is currently broken."
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
German, Japanese, JSL
#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.
The audible shift of a tape recorder's button sounded the beginning of the recording with a click; the roll of the recorder's tape filled the room, a subtle ambiance for the two interview participants to surround themselves within. Von Moltke gave a nod of his head, gripping the smooth edge of a fountain pen in one hand, and prepared to swiftly jot down the notes gathered from the interview in a notebook with the opposite hand.
Von Moltke: "Thank you for seating yourself with me today, Mr. Arasaka; to begin the interview, I wanted to express my condolences for the attack that was witnessed. I understand that it must have been a very difficult scene to witness. Moving on, though, I'd like to ask you what drew your attention to the attack at the beach parking lot?"What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
My only account is TheEz8Fury
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
My discord username is SoundwaveTheChristian, and I am in possession of a microphone for call usages.
List your timezone and country:
My timezone is CST and my country is the United States of America.
Describe your activity:
My activity is rather frequent; my college semester has just ended, meaning that I will be increasingly available for anything that the reporter faction may demand of me. Most of my time in the server, up until this point, has been spent leading my gang, Immertreu; however, due to the amount of free time I have recently obtained on account of my college semester ending, I will have more than ample availability to distribute time to this faction. I am a full-time student, so this winter will be filled with frequent activity rates that can range from the early mornings to the late evenings if absolutely necessary for the faction; at the very least, this will be consistent prior to the start of my next semester.
Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
Immertreu Unverified Gang Application
IGN: (Please also list any of your alternate accounts) TheEz8Fury List any applications that you have created on the forums: [Accepted] TheEz8Fury's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server MISSING ELECTRIC GUITAR "MARCELINE" | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Denied]...
Denied - Dear Karakura | TheEz8Fury Shopkeeper Application
Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: TheEz8Fury Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): soundwavethechristian How old are you? (Optional): I'd prefer not to specify, but I am over the age of 18. What is your time zone?: Central Time Zone (CT)...
What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
My motivations behind this application are all relatively straight forward, and can be limited into three categories: a love for writing, a genuine desire to help the world building process of Karakura, and the multi-dimensional aspects of the faction itself.
Beginning with my passion for writing, I've been a part of the very broad 'roleplay community' for an extremely long time. I've had a sincere love for writing since I was 11, and it has always proven to be a successful method of stress relief, enjoyment, and fulfillment in one activity. I like to think that I personally receive a great deal of personal gratification from a complete writing piece, and I believe that this will also transfer over to completing a report. The actual design of the newspaper reports was actually some of the most fun I've ever had writing, and simultaneously exerting my creativity for design purposes. I firmly believe that this passion of mine will not be quelled any time soon, and this faction is almost certainly a perfect way for me to further explore it on SRP.
Furthermore, I'd like to think of myself as a deep appreciator of world building. The news in any fictional world, in my opinion, always serves as an extremely vital aspect of that aformentioned world's authenticity. Seeing as the way that the Karakura News station interacts with the player base of SRP serves as the basis for in-character information, and by extension the manner in which characters form the basis of their opinions, I feel like I'd also be able to exert my love for world building by being a part of the reporter faction. Every report written will be a contribution to this interaction within Karakura's player base, assisting the world building process in doing so.
Moreover, I feel like the reporter faction as a whole is very multi-faceted. I feel like between the interviews in person, as well as the frequency of the reports, it'll be an extremely enjoyable faction for me to be a part of. There's always a vast number of things that can be done with the reporter tag, which can vary between interviewing store owners, government workers, police officers, or just the average player wandering by on the street. Each of these opportunities intrigue me deeply, so it's only natural that I take this chance to be a part of it.
Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
Writing has always been a major part of my life. I don't wish to make my academic career the primary subject of this section; however, I am the only student of my graduating class from highschool to score a 5 for both AP Literature and AP Language while I was in highschool, which includes a writing section during the testing part dedicated entirely to writing on a subject in which I possess no familiarity on beyond a select few of resources. The point is, I like to think of myself as a literate and articulate writer, and I do sincerely believe that I will not have any struggles or issues when it comes to the matter of utilizing these abilities during any reports. As previously stated, I am extremely passionate about writing, and this faction is exclusively dedicated to writing as a whole at a consistent pace, which is something I have enjoyed for nearly 8 years of my life- perhaps even longer than that.
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, I am completely aware of the rules and intend to follow them completely.
Why should we accept you over others?:
I feel like, while I have my fair share of faults and strengths like any other applicant, I should be considered heavily due to the sincerity of my passion for writing. I do not believe my application or my writing is inherently superior to anyone else, but I do believe that I can muster consistency within it that would be very nice to have present within the faction. That said, I do think that my general commitment to roleplay and detailed writing will also be a heavy asset that would a shame to pass on. I do think that my effort would be best served in this faction above all the others that I can apply for at the moment, so that type of devotion and willingness to embrace the faction's every aspect is also something I'd consider to be valuable. Furthermore, my dedication to the server can be proven by the effort that I have thus far committed into my Immertreu, which has been unverified for almost over three months now, and heavily prioritizes a detail roleplay oriented environment. Therefore, it can be asserted that I am not only used to detailed writing on an extremely regular basis, I'm also committed enough to the server to keep that same level of quality at a consistent pace.
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes, I completely understand and expect myself to remain completely neutral and unbiased towards any party, ICly or OOCly, regardless of what group is featured in a story.
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, I'm completely confident I'll remain consistently active and regularly type 5 reports monthly.
Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
In general, I feel like work as a reporter will be extremely high quality in terms of writing. Not simply in terms of roleplay between fellow reporters, but also the process of actually putting the time and effort into writing a report to full completion. In general, SRP encourages sophisticated and well-polished writing as a whole; however, I feel that the faction that solely depends on this level of quality would, of course, be the faction that commits itself to IC journalism and writing. When it comes to the actual "hard work" (they say if you love what you do, there isn't a hard day's work), I would generally expect it to encourage roleplay opportunities and hands-on experiences with the greater scope of the community. That includes interviewing players regularly, whether they be new to the server or experienced roleplayers that have secured a spot in a faction. I also like to imagine these interactions will regularly fuel a broader motivation to expand my horizons as a writer, opening myself up to perspectives that I may not have previously considered contemplating, let alone writing about in a news article or an interview.
IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it
Full Name:
A pair of cold eyes stared directly at the interviewer's own, a rugged though restrained tone ringing out past the man's lips. His gaze finally plummeted to the ground as his head descended into a bow, accompanying the thick German accent rolling from his voice.
"My name is Deno von Moltke-Löwe; well met, sir."
The man remained reserved. He was polite, but far from over-enthusiastic, presenting refined, honed disposition; further confirmed as a callous hand secured in a leather glove extended out to sternly shake that of his interviewer's.
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr):
A thoughtful hum was emitted past thinly pursed lips, with the blond sitting in silence for a split second longer than usual.
"Mmh. Herr von Moltke."
Herr? Not mister? Herr von Moltke, upon realizing his lack of elaboration, proceeded to lift the unfurled palm of his hand at shoulder level to signal his urge to speak further.
"German for 'mister'."
Current Age (25+):
Von Moltke didn't hesitate; what person didn't know their own age, after all?
"I'm currently 29."
29 was a young age in the eyes of most; where experience nonetheless overlapped with physical and mental capacity. This man in particular notably had a knowing stare that seemed far, far older than just his late 20's.
Past job/work experience:
This inquiry caused the blond to pause once again; with a subtle shake of his head, the man blinked away the brief, and admittedly half-dodgy concern present in his striking pupils.
"I worked at a security firm that provided personnel to various shops across Karakura when I was 18; however, the rest of my past experience is primarily related to financials; I worked as an accountant when I was 22 for a beer distillery in Munich, though I pursed journalism instead after I turned 24. That led me to my second career as a journalist for a year when I was 28; my family requested my return, which led me here."
Finally a subject he was confident in; frankly, he had spent most of his life pursuing academics in order to branch out, shown in the confidence in the manner he concisely articulated himself after.
"I have a bachelor's degree in business adminstration, but pursued a bachelor's degree in journalism after I turned 24."
Nationality and born location:
Most individuals would have had fond memories thinking of home; in this instance, von Moltke spoke with utter detachment, almost as if he cared not to even think or utter a word of his so called 'home'.
"I was born in Schwerin, Germany."
Unsurprising considering the man's accent; the faintest crack in his facade had shown itself at the mention of the city in which he had grown up in, a fault that was shortly covered as his frigid gaze further hardened at the questioning interviewer.
Phone Number:
A gloved hand reached into the interior of his dark trench coat, withdrawing a lamenated card held within the narrow, pincer-like gap of his index and middle finger. The man extended the rather ornately decorated card outwards, distinctly marked with golden etchings and embossments across its pristine surface. Certainly a flair for taste, von Moltke had shown. The card read out the man's information, markedly containing the number "030-987-2917" amongst it.
How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
This certainly seemed to be a question that took von Moltke out of his comfort zone; the man leaned forwards, knitting his fingers together as he prepared to 'impress' the interviewer.
"Callous, but concise and articulate; you can depend on me to take my tasks seriously and deal with them efficiently. I consider myself a reasonable man who remains ever faithful to those who return the caliber of respect I offer them; I do not forget a friend, nor do I forget a favor, and I have no intention of compromising on my work ethic. Certainly better at writing than I am speaking, but willing to be proficient in either in a report or interview."
What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
A vague rhythm sounded with the enticing tapping of his finger tips, his cerulean ringed pupils wandering the interior of the room.
"I intend to broaden my horizons at the Karakura News Station; my biggest passion to write about is certainly crime, but my primary objective is to inform the public. I am more than willing to regularly interview government workers on a frequent basis to ensure Karakura's citizens are updated, and well read on systematic changes, as well as widespread events that occur. I would also like to take this job as a chance to interact with the public further, asking general questions that can range from a recent crisis, the weather, fashion, amongst other topics that daily readers are interested in becoming knowledgeable of. My comfort zone is an inherent limitation; I'd like to work with as few restraints as possible to ensure fair and free journalism in Karakura."
What are your expectations for the job?:
A thoughtful hum left the blond yet again, the man's imposing hand experimentally tapping the heel of his shoe against the wooden floorboards. The man's cold exterior remained unbroken, but that did not mean the questions asked did not warrant some level of contemplation; that much was observable to the trained eye as von Moltke poised himself to reply to the inquiry.
"I generally expect to be interacting with the public regularly during interviews, regardless of who they are; I also expect for my writing to be accessible and free to flourish while working for the Karakura News station. I hope to develop a friendship within the station's reporters to some capacity, and enjoy regular discussions about upcoming events planned, or unexpected events that occur to the pleasant surprise or the unfortunate dismay of the people; ultimately, this job is not easy, and it requires you to report on topics that, while potentially not ideal per se, must be known by the citizens of Karakura to exercise their right to affordable, readily available information output from a trustworthy source. That is our duty at the Karakura News station, and I expect to hold myself to that standard at all times."
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
This was the question that he had been dreading. The inquiry into the array of felonies he had accumulated, a matter of much discomfort that clearly plagued itself with a mildly disgruntled sigh that left his nose. A quick shake of the head shook off the clear detestment for the question's necessity; he had promised to step out of his comfort zone if he were to get this job, hadn't he? The man held his head high, gaze piercing as ever, carrying himself with the same refinement that he had held himself throughout the interview; a testament to his resolve, unyielding as he prepared his answer.
"My criminal record is unfortunately one of the only things about my application more 'impressive' than my credentials- not to brag, of course. I had an extremely bad history as an 18 year old, which includes a few accounts of gang affiliation, a few assault with a weapon charges, a single assault with a deadly weapon charge, several evasion charges, around two or three assault charges, a false reporting charge, and at least one obstruction of justice charge. I would have provided a more certified record formally presented, but the Karakura Police Department's system is currently broken."
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
German, Japanese, JSL
#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.
The audible shift of a tape recorder's button sounded the beginning of the recording with a click; the roll of the recorder's tape filled the room, a subtle ambiance for the two interview participants to surround themselves within. Von Moltke gave a nod of his head, gripping the smooth edge of a fountain pen in one hand, and prepared to swiftly jot down the notes gathered from the interview in a notebook with the opposite hand.
Mr. Arasaka: A disappointed sigh accompanied the words of Mr. Arasaka. "Well, I was actually working at the construction site myself. I was just coming back from my lunch break; I left a tad bit earlier than most of my co-workers, so just as I was ready to pull into the parking lot, I ended up seeing the group lined up on the street, just staring at what they had did to all our hard work in the past couple of hours."
Von Moltke: "I see. Did they say anything to you, Mr. Arasaka? Anything at all?"
Mr. Arasaka: "Not to me specifically, no, I didn't want anything to do with them. But one of them did shout 'Down with Masa-something', I didn't hear that last bit too clearly honestly."
Von Moltke: "Very interesting; do you mind if I ask what happened next?"
Mr. Arasaka: "Well, I only came towards the end of the whole deal. . It looked like they had done what they had come for, making a whole mess of the place. So, after standing around for a bit, they all just sort of grouped together and headed out towards the beach. . I didn't bother to follow the bunch, I was more worried about what the boss man was going to say when he saw."
Von Moltke: "I assume that must mean that you went to inspect the damages, right? Did you see anything notable?"
Mr. Arasaka: "Oh, yeah, the first thing I did was look at the cement truck we had parked. . Completely totalled. The fork lift was fine, but all the supplies we had stacked had just been thrown down onto the parking lot like trash. Ground was covered in sprays, too, one of them said something about a 'German mob', I think?"
Von Moltke: "Did the attack look like it was premeditated to you, or did it seem like a sudden impulse decision made by this group?"
Mr. Arasaka: "I don't think they could've done something like this on a whim- they had broken into the loan office we were meant to be reconstructing, took the keys and I guess figured out a way to use the vehicles we had lying around. All of them were masked, too, so I just got this feeling that they knew what they were doing."
Von Moltke: "I see; going back to what you saw exactly, how many people do you think were present in the area?
Mr. Arasaka: "Oh, there had to be at least 15 of them. Maybe 20, at the very least 10 though. Very least."
Von Moltke: "Interesting. Now, as a worker at the construction site, do you personally think that the project will continue after this heavy loss?"
Mr. Arasaka: "No idea. . The boss man looked like he had seen some sorta ghost when he showed up. Said that everything was totaled. He made a phone call or two, then just told us to take the day off. No clean up, no nothing. Said we could expect our paycheck in the mail at the end of the week, and I haven't gotten a call to work yet."
Von Moltke: "That's very saddening to hear; do you have any idea how much damage was exactly done to the supplies, vehicles, and surrounding area?"
Mr. Arasaka: "Well, the cement truck had been completely totalled, and a lot of the supplies are gonna be pretty much unusable now that they've been damaged. . I don't know exactly how much any of that costs, but I think it'd be a total loss, right? So I think at least in the millions of yen, I honestly don't know."
Von Moltke: "A rough estimate within the millions, okay. Moving on from that, did you see any damages done to the loan office itself, or did the attack primarily target the parking lot?"
Mr. Arasaka: "To me, it looked like the door hinges of the loan office were totally busted. Looked like a printer had been stolen from somewhere and tossed into the window of a building too, but I'm not too sure. Sidewalks stunk, too, it looked like bags of trash and stuff were scattered everywhere. Couldn't wait to be outta there, honestly."
Von Moltke: "I'm very sorry that you had to witness that; now, one last question, I did want to ask if you feel like this incident should be cause for greater security measures took by the city and construction contractors, and what you feel should be taken away from the incident?"
Mr. Arasaka: "I honestly think so. I'm just an average working man trying to pay the bills and feed my family. But I don't want to go to work if I think a group of gangsters are gonna appear, and ruin all the hard work me and my co-workers have spent all day trying to complete. To me, I think we need to be more careful, 'cause I don't see how this doesn't happen again if we aren't. I mean, there was basically nothing stopping these guys from ruining everything."
Von Moltke: "That's an extremely interesting reply, Mr. Arasaka. Now, that's all I really wanted to ask, so thank you for your time, and thank you for shedding light on this extremely tragic incident. I'll see you out, now, sir."
Mr. Arasaka: "Oh, no problem. Thank you."
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