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Accepted sockettwrench City Application | Reporter

OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
sockettwrench (applying)

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes I do, it’s arachnoph0bia

List your timezone and country:

Describe your activity:
I’m on pretty much every day and my activity spikes the highest (currently) in the morning and evening to late at night while my noon and afternoon hours are likely dedicated to artistic adventures or my beloved naps.

For more specific numbers, I am available:
All week and weekends

As for what my activity may contain, I am usually enveloped in more complex plotlines. I prefer to do detailed roleplays and have history in the crime aspect of SRP, namely Yakuzas. They are one of the few crime factions that satiate my desire for large, multiple hour long roleplays.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
Having already been a reporter in the past, I have greatly missed the participation. Unfortunately the last time I was with this team, I was hit with a massive art block and a lot of OOC drama unrelated to the team, thus dropping my motivation heavily. Thankfully, after a long break, my time on this server has improved and I think I’m ready for a more long-term spot on the team.

Being a reporter is quite the indulgent role, and one of my favorite teams conceptually due to how diverse it is. You can report on restaurants, the weather - or take a more quirky, detective-esque spin on it. That is what lures me in, especially as last time I was with you all, I had the ability to make reports that made people think, that got characters talking.

I am a writer first and foremost, saturating my style with creative words and of course that bleeds into my roleplay too. I love creating stories, so what’s the next best thing? Talking about other people's stories.

Of course, some motivation is in the allure of the fact it’s an adult faction, though my motives do not lie in the adult rank but rather, bringing back one of my most interesting adult characters that I had left behind in wake of my year and half hiatus. All of this to say, I am looking into joining the more writing and/or lore heavy factions to slot him into so that he might have purpose again.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I do! I have been roleplaying, and thus writing, since I was 11. A full decade of creativity by now, fueled by my desire to create. My relationship with the medium is rooted in expression of my ideas, emotions and thoughts. To build characters in a fictional setting that begs others to consider thought provoking scenarios that I put tons of hours into weaving. Unfortunately, I’ve occasionally struggled with that on SRP lately due to how the roleplay climate has become.

I will always love writing, no matter how old I get. Every year I am progressing and getting better, building myself up to be the best I can.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, of course.

Why should we accept you over others?:
Not only do I plan to be very dedicated, but I’m not here for the adult role. I’m here for the reporter role, and I plan to stay here for much longer than I had last time. But that’s not the only reason, as I believe the fact that I have been a reporter previously - and with a semi-popular report - gives me the edge. I know how it works on the inside and I know what is expected of me fully.

And just like last time, I still believe the sheer amount of time I have dedicated to roleplay and writing will benefit the faction. But that isn’t all this time, as I also believe my character itself would benefit the faction, to bring in a character that already has so much history (I began created him in 2020 and made him my main in 2021), but also has history tied into the reporter faction due to his involvement with the Akihito Clan.

Overall, I want to return to bring back my creative, occasionally poetic writing style to the reports I end up doing in the future.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, I plan to be very active as this faction will be where I dedicate most of my time and/or roleplay.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
As I have already been a reporter, I know a little of what it’s like, or at least what it used to be. I believe work as a reporter is mainly forums based, meaning very little of it takes place on SRP itself. Other than occasional meetings or uses of the building, a majority of work will be held on the forums where the news posts are held.

It is a field of work that requires an attention to detail and a keen eye for what lies beneath, especially if you are doing an interview, a report type that takes place in game. It greatly relies on one's ability to see through the cracks and provide an entertaining or even thought provoking story that others may not have had the chance to experience. To make sure events didn’t just happen, but are well documented.

IC (In-Character) Information:
All writing under this section is to be treated/seen as if Hyousuke himself is writing it down on an application piece.
The sound of a faint thud was heard in a dim room as a stack of paper was tossed onto a desk, and with it, a steely man sat at a chair to begin combing through the contents of it. A new opportunity at his fingertips.

Full Name:
He stared at the questions, taking them in. They were starting off easy, he thought.. “Hyousuke Murakami.”

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
There was a pause, his eyes narrowing at it. He knew the answer, yet it made him reflect on what could’ve been. “Mr. Murakami, or just Murakami.” First name basis was rare.

Current Age (25+):
Time flies. “34.”

Past job/work experience:
A somewhat longing, yet sour expression overtook his face. How was this to be answered when one lived a life of crime? Perhaps there was only one way; small white lies. A simple bullet-point list was attached in a separate paper.
  • Administrator of Akihito Loan’s™, managing this business under Chairman Mike Akihito from Jan 2022-June 2022 (formerly)​
  • Security Detail at several shops and clubs around Karakura from 2021-2022 (formerly)​
  • COO of Harada Auto Parts™ from 2021-2022 (formerly)​

Yet another simple response was provided. It was like each answer was a reflection of the man answering them. Simple, straight-forward.
"Masters Degree."

Nationality and born location:
“Japanese. Sapporo, Japan.”

Phone Number:

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
"I'm a simple man with somewhat traditional, old-school values. It's how I was raised. I'm loyal, I have outstanding manners, and I show respect to everyone I meet, even if I come off as skeptical. That part is more so rooted in my past work with Akihito. I can be a bit quiet, but sometimes that's good, isn't it? I'm honest and to the point, I don't sugar coat - unless it's necessary."

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
A man of sophisticated tastes, a man who doesn’t waste his time doing something meaningless. With a slow sigh, he jotted down his answer. “Above all else, I’m flexible. However, I’m more on the serious side. I like the idea of writing about the really raw stuff, touching upon the world around Karakura and how it actually is. Positive reports are always good, but I think Karakura needs something more real. More.. Eye opening.”
There was a brief pause as he considered how to sweeten up the answer.
“But of course, I’ll do what I have to do. My comfort zone has never restricted me, if it even exists.”

What are your expectations for the job?:
Hyousuke let his gaze wander to his clock, taking note of how late it was. Still, he continued. “I expect what’s on the cover, to write stories or conduct interviews. I suppose decent coworkers and a good atmosphere would be nice, too. I also know I should expect to make expeditions to any events or court cases should that be my task.” It was clear through these responses that this was a semi-mundane man, or at least, he appeared as such.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
A difficult question. He never had a mugshot, he never saw a court, nor a prison. And yet, to deny his history. “No, I do not.” It wasn’t documented, so he figured this was truthful enough.

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)
Thank you SanrioRoll for inspiring me to write about this, as well as all the work you do in the occult/supernatural side of SRP!

#1 - General report.
Picture this: you’re bored in these lands and decide that visiting the forest beyond the bustling city will be a refreshing end to your day. Each time you’ve visited this serene scene, it’s been peaceful. Yet somehow, this time, your hair is standing on end. Swearing you hear whispers in the distance, you turn around - and nothing is there. What happened?

This report will discuss the phenomenon of Karakura’s elusive ghosts that dozens of citizens swear exist, and have existed for hundreds of years. Do they exist, or is it merely a rumor?

First, let’s discuss a tidbit of history. Karakura, and Japan in general, is a spiritual culture. Whether it be through religion or the superstitions mothers would spread to their children, there has always been a ghost over our shoulders, gnawing and clawing at the back of our minds. This plays into the metaphysical aspects of society, challenges our perspectives of our ancestors and questions the human mind; what if these ghosts are truly real, truly the dead unrest?

Let’s go back in time a few years ago. It’s a snowy, blizzard ridden December of 2019. You’re a paramedic and called to a body in the forest where the Akihito Estate now stands, and this body mysteriously lacks any evidence of another person or animal in the crime. No footprints, no fingerprints, nothing. What now? Well, this is where Karakura’s first modern outbreak of supposed demons and ghosts comes into play. Perhaps it is mass hysteria, or is it something more?
Many unspeakable deaths are attributed to the spirits that lurk within the depths of Karakura, whether it be the corners of the forests or the bowels of the underbelly.

As the years pass, the debatability of these spirits seems to lean further and further to being absolutely real; the sheer amount of encounters and hospital records according to EMS tell a harrowing story.

A local teenager who was born and raised in Karakura, Souta Nomura, gave a quick statement. “I’ve lived here my whole life and ghosts were always shunned in my household, like it was a stupid thing to think of.” Souta said on Friday, continuing with “..There was a situation me and two of my former friends experienced in the abandoned train station. We all watched a ghost pick up a fire axe someone brought and attack us. Threw us around when the axe wasn’t usable. My friends both ended up in the hospital with severe wounds but were hushed up about speaking on what happened.”
The young man stated this happened in 2021-2022, when it was popular for teens to head into Masamaru Station, a site of extreme tragedy in 2005.

There is, at minimum, an unspoken history within this island that tugs at the mind, forces you to think of the supernatural no matter what walk of life you’ve taken. No matter what opinion is formed, there is something haunting that lies beneath the waves of this city.

Perhaps, if even for a second, the shape you saw in the corner of your eye is more than a trick of the light, perhaps - it is vying for your undying attention.

Above all else, it forces my readers to consider the paranormal; to consider a new perspective on the haunting disappearances tied to the dead.


That wraps up this report, and I will also be conducting an interview with a prolific member of the occult club, so keep your eyes open for that. Goodnight, Karakura.

#2 - Interview.
This interview is conducted by Hyousuke Murakami with Lilthe T. Woods.

[Hyousuke Murakami]
Hyousuke clicked on the recorder, the lightest sound of wind indicating that the two were outdoors. After clearing his throat, words could be heard. "I'll start with the basics. How long have you been in the study of the occult?"

[Lilthe T. Woods]
"Let's see. . . I believe I've been in the study of the occult since it was created. Our original leader Yuuji Itadouri before our election took place, then the new leadership of Erik Finnster
and Leo Itsuka came! I am the consultant. Time wise, it's been a few months close to a year now?"

[Hyousuke Murakami]
"I see, and was there any event in particular that lead you to believe Karakura may have some sort of.. Supernatural things lurking within it?"

[Lilthe T. Woods]
A few amused snickers could be heard over the recording. "Apart from the fact we have a demi-god in the shrine.. I say many. The supernatural is an infestation of Karakura, from good to evil and the in-between. In particular.. I can say I was very convinced after events of last October. If I remember correctly, a doctor in EMS got briefly possessed and attacked a Priest - taking a girl hostage as well in the hospital."
There was a brief pause, before Lilthe continued. "I'm unsure what motives were behind it, only that the spirit was after an object the Priest carried around."

[Hyousuke Murakami]
The man could be heard letting out a flat, quiet hum, the faintest sound of a pen against paper following it. "Interesting. Have you ever had a more personal, negative experience?"

[Lilthe T. Woods]
"I've had a handful of both I believe. Before I joined the occult, I had experiences with aggressive spirits who wanted to harm me and others. An example would be the brother of my Mii-Cha, I remember he was ready to slit the throat of some boy.. Although I stumbled into them and he disappeared. Another case could be when a few cheerleaders brought an ouija board into the abandoned train station.

I believe their fingers got nailed down onto it in an attempt to trap them. It was a horrifying scene.. But I've met kind and lovely spirits as well in the Zen Garden, he described her as a form of peace. I met one myself, I forget his name. It's been years although he had a twin sister. He was peaceful, often scared.

[Hyousuke Murakami]
There was an eerie silence from the man as he listened, only gentle rustling making it into the recording device. "I've heard similar accounts, especially in regard to Masamaru. Alright, what would you say to those that are still skeptical despite almost half a decade of these continuous reports of the supernatural?"

[Lilthe T. Woods]
The woman hummed in thought. "I think nothing of it truthfully. Ironic enough, our club leader Erik doesn't believe in any of the supernatural - he enjoys his collection, research and our peers. I simply suggest for everyone to hold a decent amount of knowledge to keep themselves safe, even if they don't believe. The world is unpredictable, just how spirits are in my opinion. Anyone could deceive you or have a bad day."

[Hyousuke Murakami]
"I suppose you can't change minds so easily. Now, tell me, does the occult club actually do much interacting with the spirits of Karakura?"

[Lilthe T. Woods]
"Truthfully we don't, there's no cases we go out to purposely seek or toy with spirits. On most of our adventures, they come to us. Such as when we visited the takgai hut, we went there due to the release scrolls and 'mother' took a rather angry appearance. We show respect to all spirits, evil or good and we try our best to safely avoid them - if anything we use most of our time helping those who find themselves in such situations.

The occult club mainly focuses on researching, it can include spirits but Erik only encourages us to view close cases, myths or simple rumors."

[Hyousuke Murakami]
"Perhaps it's better to not disturb them, if they do exist. Onto the next question, what is the most famous case of ghosts that you've researched in Karakura?"

[Lilthe T. Woods]
"I would say the researching of the past occult club disappearance, I believe it's natural that so many people were curious of such a disturbing event. It's known now that the past club perished due to the game 'one hundred candles', in hopes of summoning a spirit.

I know a lot of people who gained knowledge of the spirit are still actively into it, I'm unsure of their motives. For years, it's been a mystery until it's recent breakthrough of information - the spirit itself has little information and I believe it's for the better. I would consider it rather infamous to those who are aware, consider it a better kept secret."

[Hyousuke Murakami]
"I've heard a little about that disappearance, it's interesting that such was the result of chasing.. Something. Now, I must ask - what do you think can be done about the occurring attacks? Obviously we can't pretend that what has happened in Masamaru Station and the former Akihito forest territory were outright massacres that effected many students and emergency forces. Other than general precautions, of course."

[Lilthe T. Woods]
"It's hard to answer, the correct question would be - how many more attacks until people take such things seriously? Precautions are set, although how far can things go past that? There will always be curiosity set in people to search dangerous areas."
Lilthe paused, taking in a breath before continuing. "It's one thing to explore with caution, maybe bring things such as ofudas or protection charms.. But many people blindly search for the unknown."

[Hyousuke Murakami]
A slightly amused, yet somehow still flat chuckle escaped him. "It's only natural for us, isn't it? Alright, just a few more questions.. Do you believe that somehow Karakura's rowdy knack for crime, especially in the past, has influenced the possible spirits to act out the way they supposedly do in reports?"

[Lilthe T. Woods]
"Hm.. Yes I do, I believe spirits are often drawn to certain energy around people and even environments. An example could be the sewers, it's not known for spirits but rather crime - so it doesn't seem far fetched that spirits do lurk in such areas."​

[Hyousuke Murakami]
"As a follow up question, do you believe Karakura is a hotspot compared to much of Japans other cities?"

[Lilthe T. Woods]
"Possibly so, I do hear of other cities battling their own supernatural occurrences - but Karakura sticks out to me because of it's history."

"A sign could be how many people leave the city for a 'break'."
[Hyousuke Murakami]
"Well, I'm sure there are many reasons to leave, either temporarily or permanently. Regardless, final question. Do you know anyone personally who you believe is still roaming this earth like the very things you study?"

[Lilthe T. Woods]
"No, not that I'm aware of." There was a pause as the woman smiled. "I wish to find such things.. Or people, if they exist, but I haven't come across any chances to witness it."
[Hyousuke Murakami]
The sound of a book snapping shut echoed on the recorder before his voice interrupted it. "Very well. I appreciate your time, Miss Woods. It's given me quite the insight."

[Lilthe T. Woods]
"Of course, uh.. Your name?"

[Hyousuke Murakami]


Level 185
News Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into your application. However, we preferred other applications this time around, so we have chosen to place you on pending!

- The next time a faction member leaves, you will be DMed about the spot opening
Please DM @ aania on Discord if you have any queries about the application​

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