IGN: Kinyuun
Discord: Kinyuun
Item lost: Painting Collection 'Kyoto'
Evidence: The Katana is the painting collection before I was able to get the resource pack to load. Second image shows it nowhere in my inventory and it is no longer in my house. I placed it on a block and it disappeared unfortunately.

Additional Info: I'd like to order more copies of this custom as well, and would like to ask how much it would cost for each copy.
Discord: Kinyuun
Item lost: Painting Collection 'Kyoto'
Evidence: The Katana is the painting collection before I was able to get the resource pack to load. Second image shows it nowhere in my inventory and it is no longer in my house. I placed it on a block and it disappeared unfortunately.

Additional Info: I'd like to order more copies of this custom as well, and would like to ask how much it would cost for each copy.