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Character Spotify Wrapped


Level 185
News Lead
Since Spotify Wrapped just got released, it got me thinking! How would it look like for my characters?

I'd love to see you guys add your own and even small reasonings of why you believe they have that certain amount :D

For my characters!:

Kazuo DeLuca: Solid 65,231 minutes! Why? Kaz mainly listens to music when he's: working out, cooking or traveling! All which takes up a lot of his time. He doesn't listen to it constantly, but when he does find a music band he likes, he'll probably be listening to them a bunch.

Hana Yagi: Like, 100,056 minutes. That girl is constantly listening to music. While cooking, painting, cleaning, researching, traveling from the hospital and back home, you name it! She's constantly listening to music. Humming a song under their breath and having one stuck in her head for a week.

Annabell Sturm: She prefers radio and probably is more a podcast person. But I'd say like 1,500. Usually while working out or she's traveling she'll probably listen to music.

Joseph Riggs: He probably does not have spotify. I'm 99% sure his phone most likely barely works.

I'd love to see y'alls own take for your characters! :D


Level 36
naomi inoue would have at least 150,000 minutes, if not more. that man ALWAYS has his earbuds in playing music, especially recently, for comfort and distraction from people, places, things & trauma. his top song, as always, would be love shack by the b-52s :D

mewo heddo doesn't really listen to music constantly, but he probably shares an account with robu, so.. he is partial to some hozier though

angel cordero doesn't listen obsessively, probably somewhere around 30,000 minutes when he's doing paperwork, travelling, or cooking! his top artist is probably toby fox

fiore li santi listens to the arcane soundtrack on loop. at LEAST 70,000 minutes. top song, get jinxed. top 0.001% of listeners. they're insane


Level 47
Community Team
OOOOOOOOOOOOO lemme do this-

Yamato DeLuca-Hanazono: Only around 34,642 minutes. He only has music on when he's working or cleaning which takes up about half his time.

Zane A. Zennix: Defiently around 75,000 minutes! He constantly listens to music, always having an earbud in helps him focus and keeps his attention on things.

Su-Jin Byun: Barely above 20,000. Only when he's alone does he listen to music, as he is a very private person and would rather keep his music tastes to himself rather than others knowing.


Level 29
Ezio Calderon-DeLuca: A solid 80 minutes. He doesn't use Spotify, he uses Pandora or some old people app. Only times he uses Spotify is when his daughters or son send him a link so he listens, against his will.

Vincenzo: 200,343 minutes. This boy almost never stops listening to music, the only reason it isn't longer. It well, he's dead.

Adao: 30,450 minutes. He listens to music a lot, mostly bad bunny

Cielo: 30 seconds. He didnt like the feeling of headphones and didnt want to buy speakers.

Peepaw Daisuke: 100,454 minutes. His grand daughter.

Marinette Percey: 525,600 minutes. All year round, day and night due to playing music in the Vineyard for people to listen to.

Yua Mori: 33,233 minutes. Audio books.

i just realized how many characters i have and like, two of em ion even play that much


Level 163
Tsubaki Watanabe Spotify Wrapped:
85,000 minutes listened to

Top Genres:
Indie Rock
Alternative Rock

Top Artists:
Florence + The Machine
Tame Impala

Top Songs:
Shake It Out - Florence + The Machine
New Person, Same Old Mistakes - Tame Impala
Outro - M83


Level 8
OOH i like this

Ahri Maeng's Spotify Wrapped
22 800 minutes listened

Top Genres:
Korean Girl Group
Korean Trot

Top Artists:
(G)-IDLE, K/DA (guys i think ahri likes G-IDLE not sure tho), Sabrina Carpenter, Red Velvet, NewJeans

Ahri listens to music on her runs! She enjoys listening to music in her native language, namely KPop girl groups, such as (G)-IDLE, Red Velvet, NewJeans, BLACKPINK. She listens to music while cleaning, or stewing around at home or in her dorms, and...

...Classical music as ambience in the shower. And Ahri takes 2 showers a day. Maybe more. All that time gotta add up, y'know.


Level 41
Yasuko S. Hatake's spotify wrapped would look something like this ..
170k minutes listened to. To some, it may seem like she never stops listening to music. Others realize that she just leaves spotify playing all night, every night. . . Mostly white noise. Someone get her a white noise machine or white noise app. For god sakes.
She doesn't care if it's messing with her Spotify-wrapped stats. She cannot sleep if the noise is not going. If the noise pauses at any point in the night, she immediately wakes up and turns it back on, even if that leaves her waking up once every 2-3 hours. (This poor girl never gets much quality sleep, but at least she falls asleep fairly quickly.)

Consider she sleeps around 7 hours a night. 1hr = 60 minutes, 60 * 7 = 420. 420 minutes of noise listened to per night * 365 days a year = 153,300 minutes of music played while she's asleep ALONE.

Retract give or take 10k minutes because she likely doesn't get exactly 7 hours of sleep a night, (7 was generous) - still leaves 143,300 minutes of music played exclusively at night.

This leaves around 26,700 minutes of ACTUAL/daytime music listening time, meaning she'd be listening to (ROUGHLY) 1.2 hours of music during the day every day. Sounds about right.

Her top artists: (links included, just click on the names)

#1: White Noise Radiance
This is what's playing all night. Every. Single. Night.

#2: 9mm Parabellum Bullet
9mm Parabellum Bullet is her roman empire. Her bread and butter. That shit is HER JAM. This band is 90% of her non-sleeping listening minutes.

#3 Lamp
This is the music that she listens to when she's trying to stop herself from crashing out. The happy times only music.

Top Songs
#1: Rain Sounds for Sleeping, Pt. 01 (Continuous No Gaps)

..need i say more?
^ the only song with enough listening minutes for it to matter and make it on the list.

NOTE: She'd be listening to a lot more music but she's too busy listening to podcasts. Not like.. self-help podcasts, podcasts that are like a youtube video but 2 hours long. . Think Broski Report or Chuckle Sandwich. The podcasts are the only thing keeping her from breaking down in tears 24/7, chat. Leave the girl alone. (She takes after me)

This might not be the realistic spotify wrapped you guys wanted, but it's the one you got.
I dont feel like making one for my other characters.
Maybe another day. . not at 1am.
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Level 13
Well damn, I have to think now.

Vech Watcher: 90,000 minutes. Mf listens to music when thinking, and he does that shi OFTEN.

Most Listened Artists
1 -Alan Walker
2 -Hideki Taniuchi
3 -Karakurian pop artists

Most Listened Song
1 -L no Theme
2 -Faded
3 -Spectre

Most Listened Genres
1 -2010s Techno
2 -Instrumental Classical
3 -Dark Techno

Guess I’ll do Eru too

Eru Watcher: 70,000 minutes, she listens to music but it isn’t her passion.

Most Listened Artists
1 -Karakurian Heavy Rock
2 -My Chemical Romance
3 -Jacques Scott (only Karakurian memphis rapper I could find)

Most Listened Song

1 -Epilogue of a Car Crash
2 -tredici
3 -Generic Karakurian Memphis Rap

Most Listened Genres

1 -Hardcore Punk
2 -Memphis Rap
3 -Japanese Emotive Hardcore

This took too long.
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