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KARAKURA NEWS | Karakuran's Favourite Sweets!


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– By Marceline K. Klein | Karakura News

Hello, Karakura! This is Celine, bringing you today’s report on something we can all agree on whether you’re young, old or somewhere in between- sweets. A candy bar from the corner store, baked goods from Koribureku Bakery, everyone has a treat they just can’t resist.

As for myself, I absolutely adore s'mores. And I mean the classic kind- graham crackers, a perfectly toasted marshmallow and a chunk of melty chocolate squished together into gooey perfection. Oh, and don't even get me started on the campfire smell that clings to your clothes afterward. I remember making s'mores during camping trips with my family- usually with my dad burning half the marshmallows into charcoal and calling them 'extra crispy.' like, who even does that? He does, apparently...

So, I took to the streets of Karakura and asked you the all-important question: What’s your favorite sweet? Now, some of you got shy, some of you were very passionate about your answer- and a very select few of you might’ve had crystals of sugar on your faces… But hey, no judgment here! Your answers did NOT disappoint.

Alright, without further ado… Let us see what our friends had to say!

So, funny story- I finished my fantastic interview with the sweetest teacher who shared the sweetest story about her favorite treat: mochi, if you’re wondering and uh… I was so caught up in my questionnaire and the way she described the chewy texture and the perfectly sweet red bean filling that- well, I… kind of… forgot to snap any photos.

Thankfully! I got the recording, so, here’s what she had to say.

[!] The woman didn’t expect to be put on the spot like that! She blinked for a moment, the faintest tint of pink flashing across on both her cheeks before she tilted her head. [!]
[Kanae K. Kageyama] – Well… I’m a simple lady so I would go with mochi, not too sweet, not too plain! Also Celine… That’s your brother-in-la-

[!] The recording would abruptly stop. [!]

Oh... I don't think that was supposed to be in there- Also, fun fact: trying to look cute while eating mochi on camera? Basically impossible. You will look like a chipmunk at some point and I have fully accepted my fate.

Okaaay, next up, a Karakura high-school student, who insisted on me adding how she was wearing her iconic, BROTHER BEATER top. Is that a brand over here…? Anyways, this is what she had to say.

[!] Chay swayed her hips from side to side. [!]
[Chay ‘Yungie’ H. Hatake] – “Uh, my favourite sweet? Anything that has sugar in it, I personally never had the luxury of picking and choosing as a child, I usually just took what's given to me. But, If I had to pick one right now. Cheesecake, instantly.”
[Chay ‘Yungie’ H. Hatake] – “I’ve never had cheesecake before (but) I saw lots of good reviews on it so it’s something I want to try, for sure.”

Look, I’m not saying cheesecake is the superior dessert but... I’m also not not saying it. It's classy, it's versatile and it's one of the only desserts that can make you feel both lavish and slightly ashamed after you realize you’ve eaten, like, three slices in one sitting. Guiiiltyyy...

Well, it’s not a favourite but it’s something she wants to try, adventurous! Thank you Chay for your input. Now, let us move on to the next pair.

How stunning are these two? When I first saw the pair, I knew I HAD to stop them in their tracks because I was more than positive that their answers would be absolute BANGERS. And hey, I wasn’t wrong. Here’s what they had to say.

[!] Alani pondered, she thought veeeery hard.. [!]
[Alani Keloha] – “Sweeeets… Uh.”

[!] Alani elbowed Makoa [!]
[Alani Keloha] “I know she’ll eat whatever but for meee… I love fun dip, fun dip is the best, fun dip is my true love, my soul and the thing that keeps me moving every day, I don’t know what I’d do without fun dip…”

Wow, wow, wow! How passionate. This is the kind of energy I want to see when it comes to sweet treats-

[!] Makoa played with a strand of her hair, twirling it with her pointer finger. She could be heard obnoxiously chewing on her gum. [!]
[Makoa Lee] – “Oh! Err… You see, I don’t eat sweets much BUT if I had to choose, I would probably say those little peach rings. They’re SO good.”

You know what’s truly iconic about Fun Dip? The sugar stick that comes with it. Need I say more? And peach rings! A classic. I mean, who doesn’t LOVE a small packet of peach rings to pick them up throughout the day? Not me, I’d devour those within seconds. Now! Onto our next individual, let’s see what treats they’re into.

A dashing young man, indeed! This is what he had to say.

[!] Kicked around at the snow as the blonde spoke. [!]
[Kyrie Kageyama] – “Uh, if I had to be honest… I’m a big fan of Otoko Ume.”
[!] Eventually, he slipped his hands into his pockets as the cold breeze slipped on past. [!]
[Kyrie Kageyama] – “It’s a little basic but what can I say?”

Otoko Ume… I’ve personally never heard of such a treat but hey, I trust tastes that contrast mine heavily more than my own. I searched it up on the internet and apparently it’s plum candy! Sounds delicious to me, maybe I should pick up a pack one of these days.

Well, I’d love to keep going but I’ve got frostbite on my fingers. Ahem! This has been Marceline Klein with your sweet report of the night before Christmas Eve. Stay warm, treat yourself and thanks for tuning in. Until next time, Karakura!


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