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Off Duty Command


Level 12
What's your Minecraft Username?: ThatBurningFox
What's the title of your suggestion?: Off Duty Command

What's your suggestion?:
A toggle command for "off duty" purposes, to functionally change adult faction roles into simply the "adult" role. It would require permission to use of course from higher ups in order to make use of it. This would be for EMS, Shrine, KPD, Town, etc, to make it so when one of the players with the aforementioned roles are off duty that they are not shown as active on the tab list, to prevent confusion amongst players and to functionally blend them in better as actually off duty adults rather than having the blaring glowing tag above their head.

Additionally, it would also be nice to maybe hide the role from the scoreboard in the event that the player is flagged AFK, but both of these are just luxuries.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
The reason I am suggesting this is because I have noticed several times that players get confused or even frustrated whenever they notice a respective faction member is active on the scoreboard, yet they are not actually actively doing their job due to, you guessed it, being off duty and the player in question having no way of knowing other than assumption.

Walking all the way up to shrine to see the maidens are nowhere in sight, looking around for 10 minutes and then leaving because you just assume, oh, they must be off-duty. Heading to KPD and waiting in the lobby for 20 minutes, trying to use the phone line but nobody is answering because of the fact that they cannot receive phone calls while off-duty.

This would fix that, and it would mean staff wouldn't have to manually change/assign roles awkwardly or anything of the sort since it would be automatically parsed by the command.

I understand that you are not supposed to meta the tab or anything, but the truth is that people do use it as a way to gauge if they will find roleplay at the specific place they are seeking out as it is one of the only actually reliable ways to know and not waste time OOC, which could be spent anywhere else and reduce frustrations that are inevitably caused.

An additional benefit to this would be the ability to use the off duty tag for detective purposes, i.e.: going undercover and blending in better among adult tags, only to suddenly spring the officer tag back up when you move into action to jump a criminal. You could also utilise the command to play a character who is, for example, on medical leave or the likes (instead of being outright unable to play them should you not have a spare Adult tag slot), while still being able to swap back to your faction tag any moment to play the replacement character if you are requested!

Really, I think it would prove plenty beneficial, but I understand if it is a simple case of "just don't meta lol", I believe I just speak for the majority I have noticed.

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Level 73
This would be pretty convenient quite frankly, I believe this was something promised by Kimi a year ago here, essentially wanting to create an off-duty system after adding a few features for the profile system.
But in all fairness, that was a year ago & this isn't currently in the backlog so I'm almost certain this was forgotten about.


Level 12
Thread starter
This would be pretty convenient quite frankly, I believe this was something promised by Kimi a year ago here, essentially wanting to create an off-duty system after adding a few features for the profile system.
But in all fairness, that was a year ago & this isn't currently in the backlog so I'm almost certain this was forgotten about.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention! I didn't know about this suggestion, though mine IS a slight more concise on the matter of like, having an actual command to outright go off duty. :b

Another thought I had for benefit to having this command, by the way, would be to actually be able to use your character if they are like, on medical leave or whatever without requiring an additional adult slot. It would be SO nice and convenient for that.


Level 27
Community Team
Content Team
I don't think it should set your rank as Adult when you go off duty. First off, you are still apart of that faction and still work in that respective job. Secondly, I can see this coming with a lot of issues, concerning roles and them bugging, creating more tickets for administrators to have to change your roles back. I believe that adding a role to a player is a little more complicated than just simply sending a one-off command.

It would be effective to have an off-duty status however, for example; an off duty tag like the AFK tag would work nicely. It would display above your nametag and state 'Off-Duty'. This is something that could potentially be added in via a command and work nicely, whilst still showing off your faction.
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Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
I don't think it should set your rank as Adult when you go off duty. First off, you are still apart of that faction and still work in that respective job. Secondly, I can see this coming with a lot of issues, concerning roles and them bugging, creating more tickets for administrators to have to change your roles back. I believe that adding a role to a player is a little more complicated than just simply sending a one-off command.

It would be effective to have an off-duty status however, for example; an off duty tag like the AFK tag would work nicely. It would display above your nametag and state 'Off-Duty'. This is something that could potentially be added in via a command and work nicely, whilst still showing off your faction.
+1 to this idea


Level 82
I don't think it should set your rank as Adult when you go off duty. First off, you are still apart of that faction and still work in that respective job. Secondly, I can see this coming with a lot of issues, concerning roles and them bugging, creating more tickets for administrators to have to change your roles back. I believe that adding a role to a player is a little more complicated than just simply sending a one-off command.

It would be effective to have an off-duty status however, for example; an off duty tag like the AFK tag would work nicely. It would display above your nametag and state 'Off-Duty'. This is something that could potentially be added in via a command and work nicely, whilst still showing off your faction.


Level 163
I don't think it should set your rank as Adult when you go off duty. First off, you are still apart of that faction and still work in that respective job. Secondly, I can see this coming with a lot of issues, concerning roles and them bugging, creating more tickets for administrators to have to change your roles back. I believe that adding a role to a player is a little more complicated than just simply sending a one-off command.

It would be effective to have an off-duty status however, for example; an off duty tag like the AFK tag would work nicely. It would display above your nametag and state 'Off-Duty'. This is something that could potentially be added in via a command and work nicely, whilst still showing off your faction.
+1 to this idea


Level 12
Thread starter
I don't think it should set your rank as Adult when you go off duty. First off, you are still apart of that faction and still work in that respective job. Secondly, I can see this coming with a lot of issues, concerning roles and them bugging, creating more tickets for administrators to have to change your roles back. I believe that adding a role to a player is a little more complicated than just simply sending a one-off command.

It would be effective to have an off-duty status however, for example; an off duty tag like the AFK tag would work nicely. It would display above your nametag and state 'Off-Duty'. This is something that could potentially be added in via a command and work nicely, whilst still showing off your faction.
The problem is that the scoreboard would still list you as online for that job, which is the actual problem that is being addressed. Again, if you are listed as an officer on the tab list, you will still appear functionally active to players. This is the problem I am trying to address - an "AFK" tag equivalent does NOT fix the problem. It was mentioned by KimiNoUso IIRC that there would be a method implemented via profiles that would effectively do the adult role side in general, so it depends on how feasible it is at a coding standpoint.

That and again, the other points I listed, such as undercover detective work and being able to utilise your character should they be on medical leave without issue would also be fixed by having it switch your tag to "adult" would be plausible. Keeping "officer" shown would still keep metagaming/expectancy of the faction activity as a problem, unfixed, whereas this solution would counter that and fix it.

I get the concern with the bugging, however that is why the command would exist AND be tested to ensure bugs would NOT happen - the entire purpose behind this command is to prevent people having to ASK to be changed between those roles and taking up administrator time, so the argument is kind of invalid should it ACTUALLY be implemented properly.

Off duty status as a simple tag above your head still means you show up in the scoreboard, which is exactly what this suggestion is trying to counter, to prevent player frustration from seeing officers/ems/shrine/town online but not being present.


Level 163
Honestly if someone approaches you when your off-duty u can icly say ur off duty to inform them that. You don’t see off duty tags above ppl irl the only way you’d know if someone is off duty is approaching them and finding out. I still like the idea frenzy mentioned.


Level 331
It's quite easy to code a plugin that makes it so when a player executes the command it changes their role to a fake Adult role (in fact, the BMD role already does this. It has the same Adult prefix but it also has special permissions)

However I'll admit there are dozens of more important matters at hand that should be resolved before implementing this. +1 tho


Level 57
As someone who was in ems this would've been so helpful even though I never went off duty. +1 Anyways!


Level 12
Thread starter
Honestly if someone approaches you when your off-duty u can icly say ur off duty to inform them that. You don’t see off duty tags above ppl irl the only way you’d know if someone is off duty is approaching them and finding out. I still like the idea frenzy mentioned.
If someone sees you physically. Yes. 100%. Especially if you are not wearing uniform or the likes, then at that point it is a non-issue.

However, this suggestion is NOT for actually physically seeing people, as I mentioned in response to Frenzy's suggestion. As much as I LIKE Frenzy's suggestion fundamentally, it will not fix what I am talking about, as people will still show up on the tab list as active/online. So if you go into the KPD station and off-duty people are IDK, in the Zen Garden, you have NO way of knowing they are off-duty vs on-duty, other than making an assumption after like 10 minutes or so of waiting and trying the emergency line.

It doesn't matter if they have an "off-duty" tag above their head if you never physically see them. They also cannot tell you ICly if you don't see them ICly. I have had several instances too where I have seen the emergency calls pop up while I've been off-duty and wanted to respond to it to let them at least KNOW I'm off-duty so they aren't waiting and wondering what's going on, but we straight up cannot SEE calls ICly when off-duty so that's not a possibility.

That and you can't do the fun undercover stuff with that, or if your EMS/KPD/Town/Shrine/etc. character is put on extended leave (medical or whatever the reason really) you will be unable to play them altogether unless you have a spare adult slot.

So yeah! Thank you for your input, but what you've said isn't addressing the problem I'm trying to tackle.

It's quite easy to code a plugin that makes it so when a player executes the command it changes their role to a fake Adult role (in fact, the BMD role already does this. It has the same Adult prefix but it also has special permissions)

However I'll admit there are dozens of more important matters at hand that should be resolved before implementing this. +1 tho
I actually did not know this! That's really cool though, thank you for your input, Yonio. I do 100% agree there are more important things to focus on right now when it comes to developer time and attention, so it mainly hinges on how difficult it is to implement and the time it would take up, but I think it would still be a VERY welcome suggestion among players for the convenience it would provide.


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