Out-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m pretty much on every day for at least 1 hour. When I got some more time it can reach up to 4 hours under the week depending on the school situation. Of course when I have a lot of stress due to studying for school I won't be able to be on SRP as much. On the weekend I get up to 9-10 hours of SRP.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
A tutor is there to assist the student with nearly anything school related. For example assisting a student with their homework or helping them understand a certain topic. As Well as, to teach them how to study more efficiently.Tutor’s also need to ensure that the school stays a safe place for the students, breaking up fights, being there for the student also when they need help that isn’t school related. In Summary, a tutor should be able to create a safe space for students to study, teach them how to study correctly, explain topics that the student is struggling with, and also be there if they need something that’s not related to school, for example if they’re going through a rough time and maybe the most important part of a tutor is teaching the student how to study as efficient as possible.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I started to “roleplay” last year around May on some other Minecraft roleplay servers, where I had a pretty rough time as it was my first time rping. So i stopped rping on these servers after 1 or 2 months quitting roleplay until i found srp around july. It was a lot easier for me at srp as I already made some good good friends that were quite experienced in roleplaying. That led to my learning curve being quite consistent. I’ve been playing daily ever since I’ve joined, this also reflects everytime that I look at my playtime.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Well, I guess I've always wanted to work as a faculty. I always found joy Roleplaying with faculty members, especially with tutors as one of my chars favorite faculty members used to be a tutor, it was always super fun to rp with them and their retirement kind of sparked something inside me that made me want to apply as tutor. What also made me want to apply was the fact that I haven't seen any tutors in my timezone in months.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
JSL application
Filipino application
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/
During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
After trying to ignore it for a few seconds Qawi would give them their first warning and weirdly enough ask if they wanted some candy. If the second warning also doesn’t seem to have any effect on them Qawi would try out some “gentle parenting” approach, trying to calmly get the troublemaker to stop. In case they don’t even stop after the third warning Qawi would hand them a detention slip and eventually get SLT involved.
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
As he noticed the two students fighting in the hallway, Qawi would quickly snap out of his typical calm and quiet form, trying to get to step in between the two. Once he managed to get the two apart he’d call for another employee that’s able to get there over the radio, to be able to speak to the students separately and clear up the situation, before deciding if they should give one of them detention or both of them.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
At first Qawi would go the calm and gentle route again, trying to talk to them first, clearing up any misunderstandings. On the occasion that this does not help and the other school employee continues, Qawi would get another school employee to take a look over the situation and strengthen Qawi’s back. Both of them would get SLT involved if nothing works on that “threat to society”.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Upon first seeing or meeting Qawi he would come off as shy, quiet and more reserved at first. In the employee break room he would talk to the colleagues that he already met, not trying to risk coming off as weird to anyone else as he already seemed kind of weird at first for the majority of people. Sometimes even offering them some kind of snack as he always carried some with him for students and his colleagues. Otherwise he’ll prepare himself mentally for what might come across him the next few hours while working in this school.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me As Qawi wandered through the halls of the tutoring room, he’d notice a few students just sitting around, looking at their phones like every teenager nowadays. He’d slowly walk closer to them before just standing right infront of them with his hands in his pockets. “You want to study some history kiddos? I’ll reward y’all with candy!!” Qawi would just proceed with placing the candy in front of them. He’d already ask the next question without even letting them answer. “When did the Second World War begin and when did it end?” He’d now sit down, merging into the group while waiting for them to give an answer.
/me Qawi found himself walking back to the tutor office after the lunch break, upon entering he’d already noticed a few people waiting for him. Qawi decided to just stand in front of the door that leads into the office. He was simply preparing himself mentally for what's about to come. After half a minute he’d finally enter the office. “Oh, hey Kids! I’ll be right there for y’all, just have to put my bag away first.” Qawi quickly put away his bag, approaching his desk, sitting down at the stool. “So, what do y’all need? Some help with ya homework?” He’d give them a gentle smile as he leaned back, further into his stool.
/me As soon as Qawi noticed the two rowdy’s fighting in the tutor room he’d start sprinting towards them, somehow managing to pull out his radio and whisper into it. “Somebody come to the tutoring room, we got two troublemakers.” Once Qawi finally reached the two he’d get in between them with success. “Stop it guys, let’s clear up the situation and see who’s getting detention.” He’d say while he was keeping the two off of eachother. He’d decide to even start questioning the situation, &f”What happened, kiddos? You know that this isn’t coolio at all? It’s rather dangerous for your health, your future and your parents happiness." This was just to reduce the work that his colleagues had to do.
In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
Full Name (First & Last only):
“Qawi Dayang”
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
“Qawi or Mr. Dayang, you can choose on your own. I don’t care to be honest!”
Age (Minimum is 25):
Academic Degree:
"Bachelor of History"
“I was born and raised in the Philippines.”
Known Languages:
“I speak Filipino, Japanese and JSL!”
Qawi Dayang, born and raised in the Philippines. Living a quite wealthy life in a middle sized house with his older Brother, Parents and with his Grandparents right next door. Qawi has always been the more quiet, shy and more reserved of the Dayang family, being more attached to his caring Mother who worked as a Nurse. On the other hand there was his older brother Nijat, he is more extroverted and attached to his Father. Nijat was and still is the most important person in Qawi’s life. Of course this goes the other way too. They were inseparable, Nijat is the person who gets the most talking out of Qawi, revealing his other rather silly and talkative side of his personality. Qawi’s grandparents were also quite an important part of his life growing up, especially Grandpa as he’s the one who sparked Qawi’s interest in history by always showing him his old history books from a young age on. Qawi’s parents were also not extremely busy with their jobs as his Mom was just a work on call Nurse, helping out when the people from their town got sick or when the nearby hospitals were overfilled and his Dad working as a normal cashier. Weirdly enough their parents were still out of the house most of the time, this made Qawi and his brother Nijat curious. Qawi and Nijat saw them leaving the house in only black outfits, but they didn’t think much about it. You couldn’t blame them though they were only 6 and 8 years old and everytime that one of them brought up the topic they both thought that their parents just like dressing up or Qawi’s version of the story “Maybe they’re super heroes fighting the evil people!”. In reality their parents were top tier robbers, some of the best in the whole country, something that they would have never expected as they were living in a pretty calm region where crime wasn’t a big problem. This led up to a big criminal Organization getting jealous of all their “success”. Qawi was only 16 when the tragedy struck them, their parents were taken and unalive by the organisation, leaving the brothers and their grandparents behind. Even though they could have grieved for weeks and months there was no time for that, they had to flee with their Grandparents as the Organisation didn’t want the brothers growing into their parents footsteps. Where did they go? They went to the only safe place that they could think of at the time, Tokyo. There are millions of people there, there would be no way that the organisation could track them down. Qawi was able to settle down quickly, enrolling in Language school immediately, finishing after one year, going straight into 12th grade, finishing high school at 18. Going to University after graduating from high school. After five long years of Uni Qawi finally got his Bachelor Degree in history, minoring in education as well. In the meanwhile his brother finished his bachelor's degree in nursing just like their grandparents did, speaking about their grandparents, when Qawi entered his fourth year of University their grandparents' condition worsened. Which of course led to more hospital bills, but as Nijat just finished he was able to start working full time, leaving Qawi to finish his degree without any more pressure on his shoulders. Another year passed and the grandparents' health worsened even more. Now as Qawi had already finished his degree he took more time to take care of his grandparents in the hospital. Visiting them everyday, bringing them better food than the rancid food at the hospital, being there in their last steps. Nijat was also there for his grandparents, taking some time for them as well while still working full time. A year later with Qawi now being 24 his grandparents passed away peacefully, thanking the brothers for all their hard work even in their last seconds. The siblings decided that they needed a change, Tokyo wasn’t their city anymore, way too loud and busy. They decided to move to the more “peaceful” and quiet Karakura, giving Qawi the chance to apply as a Tutor at only 25 years old.
Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
“Mhm, I guess the main reason is that I also needed help with studying as a child and teenager. I wasn’t even a bad student or anything, but it wasn’t because I was a genius or something, I just studied like crazy. My older brother Nijat usually helped me study, even going as far and sometimes studying with me until midnight and longer if I didn't understand a topic before a bigger exam. Me and Nijat also started tutoring students in the grades below us just for some extra cash. It was a win-win situation, we got some money to buy some video games or get some snacks.I know what it feels like to be tutored, working as much as possible for an exam and still failing, having loads of pressure laying on your shoulders because of school. I want to try and take that out of the student, give them a place where they can feel safe and concentrate on their studies, take that pressure off of their shoulders and help them study the best I can!”
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I think I should be accepted over the other applicants, because I've gathered a lot of Role Playing experience over the last One and a half years.
I would also be a new face in this faction or any faction other than high school as I've never been in any other faction before. My working motivation is also very high which could take an effect on the rest of the school employees.
/*You may leave this blank*/
Additional notes about your application:
Just wanted to say that this was very fun and i’m super excited to get to roleplay as Qawi!!
Do you have any questions?:
No, but could I know the reason why it got denied, if denied?
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m pretty much on every day for at least 1 hour. When I got some more time it can reach up to 4 hours under the week depending on the school situation. Of course when I have a lot of stress due to studying for school I won't be able to be on SRP as much. On the weekend I get up to 9-10 hours of SRP.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
A tutor is there to assist the student with nearly anything school related. For example assisting a student with their homework or helping them understand a certain topic. As Well as, to teach them how to study more efficiently.Tutor’s also need to ensure that the school stays a safe place for the students, breaking up fights, being there for the student also when they need help that isn’t school related. In Summary, a tutor should be able to create a safe space for students to study, teach them how to study correctly, explain topics that the student is struggling with, and also be there if they need something that’s not related to school, for example if they’re going through a rough time and maybe the most important part of a tutor is teaching the student how to study as efficient as possible.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I started to “roleplay” last year around May on some other Minecraft roleplay servers, where I had a pretty rough time as it was my first time rping. So i stopped rping on these servers after 1 or 2 months quitting roleplay until i found srp around july. It was a lot easier for me at srp as I already made some good good friends that were quite experienced in roleplaying. That led to my learning curve being quite consistent. I’ve been playing daily ever since I’ve joined, this also reflects everytime that I look at my playtime.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Well, I guess I've always wanted to work as a faculty. I always found joy Roleplaying with faculty members, especially with tutors as one of my chars favorite faculty members used to be a tutor, it was always super fun to rp with them and their retirement kind of sparked something inside me that made me want to apply as tutor. What also made me want to apply was the fact that I haven't seen any tutors in my timezone in months.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
JSL application
Filipino application
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/
During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
After trying to ignore it for a few seconds Qawi would give them their first warning and weirdly enough ask if they wanted some candy. If the second warning also doesn’t seem to have any effect on them Qawi would try out some “gentle parenting” approach, trying to calmly get the troublemaker to stop. In case they don’t even stop after the third warning Qawi would hand them a detention slip and eventually get SLT involved.
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
As he noticed the two students fighting in the hallway, Qawi would quickly snap out of his typical calm and quiet form, trying to get to step in between the two. Once he managed to get the two apart he’d call for another employee that’s able to get there over the radio, to be able to speak to the students separately and clear up the situation, before deciding if they should give one of them detention or both of them.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
At first Qawi would go the calm and gentle route again, trying to talk to them first, clearing up any misunderstandings. On the occasion that this does not help and the other school employee continues, Qawi would get another school employee to take a look over the situation and strengthen Qawi’s back. Both of them would get SLT involved if nothing works on that “threat to society”.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Upon first seeing or meeting Qawi he would come off as shy, quiet and more reserved at first. In the employee break room he would talk to the colleagues that he already met, not trying to risk coming off as weird to anyone else as he already seemed kind of weird at first for the majority of people. Sometimes even offering them some kind of snack as he always carried some with him for students and his colleagues. Otherwise he’ll prepare himself mentally for what might come across him the next few hours while working in this school.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me As Qawi wandered through the halls of the tutoring room, he’d notice a few students just sitting around, looking at their phones like every teenager nowadays. He’d slowly walk closer to them before just standing right infront of them with his hands in his pockets. “You want to study some history kiddos? I’ll reward y’all with candy!!” Qawi would just proceed with placing the candy in front of them. He’d already ask the next question without even letting them answer. “When did the Second World War begin and when did it end?” He’d now sit down, merging into the group while waiting for them to give an answer.
/me Qawi found himself walking back to the tutor office after the lunch break, upon entering he’d already noticed a few people waiting for him. Qawi decided to just stand in front of the door that leads into the office. He was simply preparing himself mentally for what's about to come. After half a minute he’d finally enter the office. “Oh, hey Kids! I’ll be right there for y’all, just have to put my bag away first.” Qawi quickly put away his bag, approaching his desk, sitting down at the stool. “So, what do y’all need? Some help with ya homework?” He’d give them a gentle smile as he leaned back, further into his stool.
/me As soon as Qawi noticed the two rowdy’s fighting in the tutor room he’d start sprinting towards them, somehow managing to pull out his radio and whisper into it. “Somebody come to the tutoring room, we got two troublemakers.” Once Qawi finally reached the two he’d get in between them with success. “Stop it guys, let’s clear up the situation and see who’s getting detention.” He’d say while he was keeping the two off of eachother. He’d decide to even start questioning the situation, &f”What happened, kiddos? You know that this isn’t coolio at all? It’s rather dangerous for your health, your future and your parents happiness." This was just to reduce the work that his colleagues had to do.
In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
Full Name (First & Last only):
“Qawi Dayang”
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
“Qawi or Mr. Dayang, you can choose on your own. I don’t care to be honest!”
Age (Minimum is 25):
Academic Degree:
"Bachelor of History"
“I was born and raised in the Philippines.”
Known Languages:
“I speak Filipino, Japanese and JSL!”
Qawi Dayang, born and raised in the Philippines. Living a quite wealthy life in a middle sized house with his older Brother, Parents and with his Grandparents right next door. Qawi has always been the more quiet, shy and more reserved of the Dayang family, being more attached to his caring Mother who worked as a Nurse. On the other hand there was his older brother Nijat, he is more extroverted and attached to his Father. Nijat was and still is the most important person in Qawi’s life. Of course this goes the other way too. They were inseparable, Nijat is the person who gets the most talking out of Qawi, revealing his other rather silly and talkative side of his personality. Qawi’s grandparents were also quite an important part of his life growing up, especially Grandpa as he’s the one who sparked Qawi’s interest in history by always showing him his old history books from a young age on. Qawi’s parents were also not extremely busy with their jobs as his Mom was just a work on call Nurse, helping out when the people from their town got sick or when the nearby hospitals were overfilled and his Dad working as a normal cashier. Weirdly enough their parents were still out of the house most of the time, this made Qawi and his brother Nijat curious. Qawi and Nijat saw them leaving the house in only black outfits, but they didn’t think much about it. You couldn’t blame them though they were only 6 and 8 years old and everytime that one of them brought up the topic they both thought that their parents just like dressing up or Qawi’s version of the story “Maybe they’re super heroes fighting the evil people!”. In reality their parents were top tier robbers, some of the best in the whole country, something that they would have never expected as they were living in a pretty calm region where crime wasn’t a big problem. This led up to a big criminal Organization getting jealous of all their “success”. Qawi was only 16 when the tragedy struck them, their parents were taken and unalive by the organisation, leaving the brothers and their grandparents behind. Even though they could have grieved for weeks and months there was no time for that, they had to flee with their Grandparents as the Organisation didn’t want the brothers growing into their parents footsteps. Where did they go? They went to the only safe place that they could think of at the time, Tokyo. There are millions of people there, there would be no way that the organisation could track them down. Qawi was able to settle down quickly, enrolling in Language school immediately, finishing after one year, going straight into 12th grade, finishing high school at 18. Going to University after graduating from high school. After five long years of Uni Qawi finally got his Bachelor Degree in history, minoring in education as well. In the meanwhile his brother finished his bachelor's degree in nursing just like their grandparents did, speaking about their grandparents, when Qawi entered his fourth year of University their grandparents' condition worsened. Which of course led to more hospital bills, but as Nijat just finished he was able to start working full time, leaving Qawi to finish his degree without any more pressure on his shoulders. Another year passed and the grandparents' health worsened even more. Now as Qawi had already finished his degree he took more time to take care of his grandparents in the hospital. Visiting them everyday, bringing them better food than the rancid food at the hospital, being there in their last steps. Nijat was also there for his grandparents, taking some time for them as well while still working full time. A year later with Qawi now being 24 his grandparents passed away peacefully, thanking the brothers for all their hard work even in their last seconds. The siblings decided that they needed a change, Tokyo wasn’t their city anymore, way too loud and busy. They decided to move to the more “peaceful” and quiet Karakura, giving Qawi the chance to apply as a Tutor at only 25 years old.
Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
“Mhm, I guess the main reason is that I also needed help with studying as a child and teenager. I wasn’t even a bad student or anything, but it wasn’t because I was a genius or something, I just studied like crazy. My older brother Nijat usually helped me study, even going as far and sometimes studying with me until midnight and longer if I didn't understand a topic before a bigger exam. Me and Nijat also started tutoring students in the grades below us just for some extra cash. It was a win-win situation, we got some money to buy some video games or get some snacks.I know what it feels like to be tutored, working as much as possible for an exam and still failing, having loads of pressure laying on your shoulders because of school. I want to try and take that out of the student, give them a place where they can feel safe and concentrate on their studies, take that pressure off of their shoulders and help them study the best I can!”
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I think I should be accepted over the other applicants, because I've gathered a lot of Role Playing experience over the last One and a half years.
I would also be a new face in this faction or any faction other than high school as I've never been in any other faction before. My working motivation is also very high which could take an effect on the rest of the school employees.
/*You may leave this blank*/
Additional notes about your application:
Just wanted to say that this was very fun and i’m super excited to get to roleplay as Qawi!!
Do you have any questions?:
No, but could I know the reason why it got denied, if denied?
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