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What type of god would your character be?


Level 89
Many characters are everyday people, but let's say they are made gods, in the sense of a god from a politheist relgion/mithology. How would they act and be? What would be their purpose or objectives? Without further ado, here is a sheet to see how would your character be as a god.

What type of god would your character be? said:
  • Name and gender:
  • Title of their god version:
  • Godly form: A description of how would they would physically look as a god.
  • Attitude: Trickster, childish, mature.
  • Alignment: From Chaotic to Lawful | From Good to Evil |
  • Patron of: Qualities they patronage: Wisdom, Power, Strategy, Beauty, Love.
  • Protected animal: The animal that the god might feel represented by.
  • Lore: (If you want to add it)

These are only some suggestion of what you might want to say. You can add as many info as you want!
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Level 7
Alexios Meyer / Felix Meyer
- Male

‘MALUS’ god of temptation and fear (For when Alexios is present only.)
- ‘SPES’ god of hope and luck (For when Felix is present only.)

‘MALUS’ vengeful and hateful
- ‘SPES’ caring and protective

Both gods reside in the same body, whichever is dominant at the time shows their attitude greatly.

‘MALUS’ hatred
- ‘SPEZ’ kindness

Their protected animal would be a black cat because of their two personalities with one violent and one loving


Level 18
I love this type of shi.. (definitely dont play dnd either..)


Name and Gender (Colour coordinated);

Fuyuka Tada - Female
Kaijin Sumisu - Female
Yusaku Fukuyu - Male
Quinley Hart - Male (Bonus)

'God Alias' - Title

'BELLADONNA' - The Embodiment of Ego

Belladonna is a plant, also known as nightshade. It has poisonous berries, similar to Fuyuka's inflated ego towards others. It is also a name meaning "beautiful lady." She has a massive ego that can never be brought down

'HEIWA' - The Weeping Angel
Heiwa is the Japanese word for Peace. As for the title, the woman is often known to help others, neglecting her own troubles

'RÈN' - The Cordial Justice
Rèn is chinese. It can mean humanity, humaneness, goodness, benevolence, or love. It can also be to recognize, to know, to acknowledge, or to admit. Least as far as I know. Yusaku in SRP is a lawyer who believes in being as cordial as possible

'MENDAX' - Sly Beast
Mendax is a Latin word relating to things like deception or lie. He's a cunning one

Godly Form cuz im a nerd;
The Embodiment of Ego
More revealing clothing is in order for the one and only Belladonna. She is seen in several different postures, always accentuaring her figure. However, the most notable one is when she tilts her head after placing her hand upon her cheek. She rests said arm upon the palm of her free hand, crossing the limb over her chest. This is so display her face more prominently. She has a perpetually glowing outline that emphasizes her presence and a floral fragrance that catches the attention of many. Her steps are confident, more like strides of pure elegance. Compared to the others, she does not have many features differing her from a human appearance. However, the amount of jewelry can be.. excessive. Her hair is notable for its multi colours, the most common a fade of blue / purple to orange. Those crystal blue eyes have peculiar pupils, the shape of stars similar to that sparkle emoji.

The Weeping Angel
The Weeping Angel's most prominent features rely on her face and back. Protruding from just behind her human like ears, Heiwa had two sets of smaller angel like wings. (4 head wings). Often, a pair of these magnificent attachments are covering her eyes. Tears streamed down those gentle cheeks, seemingly frozen in place. As if time had stopped, and trapped her in a neverending eternal sorrow. Upon her back are 3 pairs of angelic wings, a fade of pure white to an abyssal black displayed through them all. In depictions, she is viewed clutching her hands together by her chest. A hopeful position. Despite this, she eerily smiles on "without a care in the world." It is implied through tales that this appearance change occured after the betrayal of family, and the removal of one of her eyes.

The Cordial Justice
The Cordial Justice is frequently seen in formal attire, his appearance bordering on gender ambiguity. With a scale for a halo looming over his head, his posture suggests he is attentive almost 24/7. It is rigid, similar to a butler awaiting orders. The expression upon this man's face can only be described as a perminant reassurance. A warm, inviting and comforting smile. He has a tail that protrudes his uniform that changes with the seasons. Towards the end of it, there is a pyramidal shape, gifting the tail a pointed end. However, instead of utilizing this for other activities, Rèn has the extremity aid in various activities and management properties.

Sly Beast
Sly Beast is increasingly difficult to spot. For those who witness him, they notice a few oddities. His hands are akin to a human's, yet they harbour sharp pointed nails that are far longer than the average human's. It's truly a wonder how his depictions display him crossing his arms or scaling a wall in the shadows. His teeth are incredibly sharp, shown through his haunting smirks that only those who have wronged him get to witness. He has horns protruding from his forehead, twisting and turning irregularly with pitch black angelic head wings encompassing their bases. Seemingly, they no longer work. A decoration..


Confident, Arrogant, Self Righteous (Egoistic)
Optimistic, Playful, Caring
Humble, Stern, Kind

Deceptive, Persuasive, Selfish


True Neutral
Neutral Good
Lawful Good

Neutral Evil

Patron Of;


Resilience (WOAH?!)

Protected Animal;

Leopards symbolize strength, cunning, confidence and power

Adaptibility, strength and resilience is what symbolism comes with a Moose. She refuses to lay down and rest

The Symbolism of a Swan relates to wisdom, balance and grace

Symbolism relates to cleverness, endurance, fierceness and strength. To be able to stand your ground
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Level 117
"Twain" Wasureta - Male


NOTE: Yes, his lore ghosty is also the only god form I see fit for him.

A hulking, almost, but not truly humanoid beast, with a dog-like, boney maw and sallow skin. Its eyes glow yellow like little stars.

Primal, driven purely by the urge to feast, primely upon the mind. Despite this nature -- it contains an unending hatred within its soul that goes beyond its need for sustenance.

Somewhere between
Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil

Memory, knowledge, hunger.

None. This god sees all animals, human and not, as equal fodder that are easily disposable. To it, many should be.



Level 82
Name and gender:
Zankokuna Ai || MALE

Title :
魂の転移 || Tamashī no ten'i
' Soul Transformation '

A thin figure in all black, moth wings sprout from it's shoulder-blades, though often dragged down rather than flying. The figure wears a deep-green and wood-brown mask of a MOTH. Unmasked, it's skin was a soft pale gray, though a little sickly in appearance. Droopy-holes for eyes, a small light resembling the pupils.

A trickster. Although it's core job is to guide souls during 'transformation' - It is often found lurking around the forests and sewers, dragging it's wings behind it and creating little pranks along the way for whoever is unfortunate enough. It may also spook those who are up to no good. It never directly harms anyone unless provoked. Sometimes, It may appear in libraries as well, where it might offer knowledge or look for it. . you may find him in the occult club, mourning.

It signals for the important event, one that dictates how someone's very soul will change afterwards, be it a downwards path of corruption- or improvement. Tamashī no ten'i 's job is to make sure their soul does not fracture- which often leads to them becoming spirits, unable to rest. It may often appear standing in the corner during such events- in silence as it watches over the individual. Making sure that they are not interrupted during a moment of importance. To inspect them, it visits them in their lone moments.. depending on the individual, it will offer a trinket when it is done. The trinket is often an Omamori, or a bracelet made from a black metal- unidentifiable.

Chaotic Good !

Patron of:
Knowledge(Curiousity), Mischief, Change and Transformation

Protected animal:
Moths, and non else.


' Long ago, there said to be a boy. A curious little one. He had lived in the long-forgotten AI manour. '

'Although he held no malice in his heart, the world had treated him as such. Though, it is said that his soul never fractured. He changed, and transformed- adapting to those around him- All in efforts to keep his core values of care, curiousity- and a little bit a mischief, for the sake of joy. He found his people soon after, in a once prohibited club- and although this led his life to become more troublesome, he reveled in it. The people he met ages, upon ages ago- itched themselves into his memories. Two young men whom he spent his days with'

'No one knows the reason for his association with moths, though rumor has it that it is from the Ai Manour's ways.'

' No one knows how he died '

'But we know that the strength - the light the burnt bright in his soul .. it is what prompted the kami to grant him the chance to ascend from the afterlife and Now he lurks in Karakura city .. if you find him, say Hi. He may tell you a story. Or ask of his long lost friends.'
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Level 4
Name and gender
「三浦 鳴」 - 'Mei Miura'
Means 'ring, echo' and 'three creeks' respectively

Title of their god version
「賢明」 - 'Kenmei'
Means 'wisdom, prudence, intelligence, knowledge, learning, sapience'

Godly form
Nine-tailed Kitsune

Trickster, Mature

True Neutral - Balanced

Patron of

Protected animal
Black Cat

"The God of Wisdom's enemy is wisdom itself, and the oasis of knowledge is a mirage in the desert of ignorance."
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Level 89
Thread starter
This is not a god version of the current state of Araya but of a person she is going to eventually come to be. Therefore, reading this means coming across spoilers if you are the type of person who is able to read between the lines.

Name and Gender:
Araya Kisa Chusi : Female : 18 year old

Title of their demigod version:
Polaris : Northen Star

Godly form:
She is a woman wearing an silver plated armor, it has the symbol of the Ursa Minor constellation. She seems to have certain animalistic features, like very defined black nails, sharp canines, the tail and ears of a bat and even some patches of black fur on her limbs. Her white irises remind you of stars and always seem to be looking for something lurking in the shadows.

She is very calm, calculative, cautious, she is colder than in her past and always seems to be in a state of alert. When talking to her it is hard to talk to any subject other than solving problems, be it strategical ones or about finding routes to arrive at certain area. But she is still a warm presence to be around if you are a friend to her, showing genuine care to the ones she considers family, when that happens you might be able to see another side of her, much more humane and less tense. It seems that being around gods changes oneself to become something different.

She is a social moral, because she usually is consistent with her ideals and tries to do the best for others, however her troubled past and tense situations cause her to act ruthlessnessly. Treason is something she does not forgive easily. She also does not take well when someone tries to teach her a lesson or goes against her advice, but if they manage to come out unscathed because of their own strategy, she will notice her mistakes and apologise deeply.

Patron of:
She is the patron of wisdom, strategy, and the Stars. But also of the students, symbolising how learning is an never ending process in which the best can still better themselves.

Protected animal:
Polaris protects animals like the bats. Creatures of the night are animals she might take the form off to show herself.

Polaris : Very long time ago, in ancient times even, she was an medium ranker in an army who aspired to become a general in the future. During a war against a neighboor country, her squadron was travelling through difficult territory, a forest on the side of a mountain, when suddenly, they were ambushed. The squadron fended off successfully the attack and escaped, however there were losses, including herself. Then she found herself in front of Yomi, however the need to finish her job at the army kept her in the mortal realm. Once the sun fell, she managed to show herself to the now captain of the squadron, a long time friend who mourned her death. She promised him to stay by his side and help him on the next battle.

During the next battle, a few demigods decided to bet on which side would win, at one point, the enemy team was winning by far, but a well thought strategy she offered to the captain turned the tables. This enraged one of the gods who had bet on the enemy team, calling for her to be erased of existance for disturbing the gods, however the god who had bet on their army's side was charmed, and stopped him. The two gods decided to force her play a game, if the squadron managed to reach the homeland without being aniquilated, she would be allowed to stay on the mortal plane, but if she lost, the lineages of the squadron would be forerver cursed and her soul would become property of the enemy god. With this, an oddissey to arrive to the homeland began, during which, the squadron had to fend off, not only armies but also the monsters and spirits found on the path set by the oppossing god. It was during this time she began to be called Polaris, as she guided the squadron the same way the star itself guided sailors.

Once she arrived to the homeland, she was awarded with an ascension to not be just a spirit. She was allowed to be a lesser demigod, with the exception she could be hurt by anyone. The gods and other entities usually picked on her, attacking for fun. It was then, when she decided to learn all types of fighting styles possible, making sure she would always be able to take on any attack. However, this does not mean she is invincible, she still loses many fights to this day and has seen horrible fates from close even while being that powerful.

As for her job as a demigod, she helps wanderers, lost people, travelers. Guiding them throughout their quests', offering them advice and trying to find the best path towards destiny. However she is also helps generals with their plans, and teaches them how to fight individually, and command troops. Lastly, she helps tormented ghosts on their journey to Yomi, instead of trapping them or taking their souls there by force, she talks them out of their situation.

Why the fuck did I cook so much I could have used this for a lore team application maybe skaskaskldjglaknbdknvf
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Level 10
Name and gender:
Glai deLorica, Male​
Title of their god version:
[ 月を溺れた獣 ] | [ Tsuki o oboreta kemono ]
"The beast that drowned the moon."
Godly form:
Seemingly ever-changing with each phase of the moon, it's difficult to pin down exactly what the moon drowning beast appears as. Some say that it appears as a harmless little cat, impish and curious. Others find themselves calling it a lion instead, fearful of its size and strength. When the moon is full, some say that they've seen this lion-cat-thing with an aquatic tail that's laden down with a heavy anchor, while on the new moon, they say that the beast takes on what is debated to be either its true form, or simply its most clever disguise. This form is that of a young man who can best be described as haunting.​
Attitude: Trickster, childish, mature.
Also changes with the phases of the moon. Ranges from prankster/trickster to vengeful.​
Chaotic Neutral​
Patron of:
The lost, betrayal, revenge (mostly for petty reasons, but can also be for more important ones.). Values ambition and protects those who have it in spades.​
Protected animal:
Cats of all kinds. The more unliked/undesired the cat is, the better.​
The lore of the moon drowning beast is one that is shrouded in mystery. Different sources tell different tales, but they can all agree on one thing. This god is petty and childish, possibly even undeserving of their godly title.The tale of this beast is one of tragedy and anger-- the former of which could have easily been avoided.​
It is said that long ago, there was a being (historians cannot discern whether this being was human or not. Too many conflicting records.) which fell in love with the moon. The moon was said to not be a celestial body, but a god, rather; A god with two conflicting sides-- death and rebirth-- yet still the same being. They say that while most came to only know one side or the other of the moon, the moon drowning beast had come to know both, yet was none the wiser. The beast had thought the god to be two different entities: One that was a beacon of hope, and the other of despair. (Historians debate whether or not the beast had actually seen the good in the moon. Some say that the beast simply thought this god was 'funny'.)​
They say that the beast was deceived by the moon one way or another, and for this trickery, the beast swore to make the moon pay for their transgression. At the time, however, the beast was simply a mortal. How could a mortal humble a god? The beast pondered this question for nearly a month, resentment growing with each day, and when that month had passed, the beast had decided to strike.​
On a moonlit night, surrounded by the waters of the land of the dead, the moon and the beast decided to settle their differences with a duel of sorts. However, before this duel could commence, the beast acted out in anger, unable to control its rage any longer. Throwing the moon and- by complete accident- themselves into the water, the moon and the beast were never seen again.​
No one knows why they never resurfaced. No one knows what happened once they were submerged under the murky, stagnant water, but they say that the moon went dark that night, and that the waxing of the moon is the god trying to resurface, only to be dragged down by the beast and wane once more.​

Hi, I wrote this at 7AM. I should sleep now.​

gold fish

Level 286
Many characters are everyday people, but let's say they are made gods, in the sense of a god from a politheist relgion/mithology. How would they act and be? What would be their purpose or objectives? Without further ado, here is a sheet to see how would your character be as a god.

These are only some suggestion of what you might want to say. You can add as many info as you want!
I have a kitsune AU for my character!

  • Name and gender: Niibu Rabenda, Male
  • Title of their god version: Niibu(?)
  • Godly form: Humanoid to a tea, 2 Black tails are seen faintly behind him, dons a set of black fox ears atop his head. Can also appear as a black fox (Sometimes with two tails.)

  • Attitude: Trickster, but also emotionally complex.
  • Alignment: Chatotic Good

  • Patron of: Children of most species (especially the mistreated ones), The Greiving, Fresh Beginnings, the outcasted

  • Qualities they patronage: Bravery, Willingness to Change, Grief.

  • Protected animal: Crows and Ravens. May appear when he is watching, he has 6.

May appear to any lost soul never to be found, to take them "home", (yomi),but he is more fond of children.



Level 89
Thread starter
Name and gender
「三浦 鳴」 - 'Mei Miura'
Means 'ring, echo' and 'three creeks' respectively

Title of their god version
「賢明」 - 'Kenmei'
Means 'wisdom, prudence, intelligence, knowledge, learning, sapience'

Godly form
Nine-tailed Kitsune

Trickster, Mature

True Neutral - Balanced

Patron of

Protected animal

"The God of Wisdom's enemy is wisdom itself, and the oasis of knowledge is a mirage in the desert of ignorance."
Thr small silly similarities between him and chishiki jusrt keep appearing . . .


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
I have quite a few characters, but I’ll do my three favourites!

Rini Kōraru (Freya Green):
Her English god form is different I’ve just picked the Japanese one as it’s the most fleshed out.
Name and gender:

Rini Kōraru (Given Japanese name) Freya Green (Given English name), Female

Godly name given:
Means “rabbit” or “moon” so rabbit of the moon.

Godly form:
Rini is able to shift or change depending on her location or timing. Most times she’s one of the many rabbits whom watch over The Moon Goddess their fur being pure white as if dusted with the dust of stars. Their eyes a cute little beads and small pink noses. Coated across her body are small dots, each perfectly placed as if they’re the stars which when aligned show the pattern of the Rabbit Consolation. While she can shift into human form, the form merely represents a human with soft grey eyes, long russet coloured hair and pale white skin devoid of any godly appearance.

Being on of many Rini often shows a chaotic and rather energetic nature. Both in and out of godly form she is found racing around people, speaking faster than comprehended by half her friends and has so much energy it never seems to die. She’s rather bright and energetic giving love to anyone who’s alone or feels alone making it easy to befriend her.

Chaotic Positive

Patron of:
Friendship, companionship and love. She commonly symbolises new ends and welcoming beginnings.

Protected animal:
Rini protects rabbits, being able to take form of one herself or symbolises a special meaning for her.

Rini is one of many or the one rabbit who was gifted to The Moon Goddess (Japanese or Chinese folklore may vary) by the Huntsman as company when he put her on the moon. With a long lasting companionship with Chang’e she has become close with her dear friend. After Chang’e ascended to godlyhood upon taking an elixir of immortality and becoming the goddess of the moon, the celestial gods took pity on the small rabbit and offered it the same. At the cost that with some months Rini would take form of a human and could descend to her home where she could converse with people. The small star patterns printed on her rabbit form her body was the work of Chang’e so that she may forever be able to tell her friend apart from the rest no matter where. As people wrote in stories about the beloved Goddess of the Moon, her small rabbit friend became important in symbolising her never ending love and support in the form of a companion as a rabbit.

Koizumi Enomoto (Saiky):
Name and gender:

Koizumi Enomoto, Female
Koizumi means two things “wise” and “kind” or ‘koi’ meaning “small body of water” and ‘zumi’ meaning “spring”
Godly name given:
Knowledge and memories | (Japanese will be put here)

Godly form:

Koizumi’s form wouldn’t differ from her old one. However her appearance shifts a little with her hair normally held by gold pins in a modern yet traditional bun, it’s long dark brown waves sometimes breaking free and drifting around her. Some small locks remaining framing her face, which draw focus to her eyes, one a soft blue like the tides of an ocean while the other a deep black endless and all knowing. Her face normally painted in the traditional style of a geisha, but lacking the ghostly white tones to blend with modern times. Painted in kanji on her forehead is the words memory while beneath her kimono which is always a snow white, embroidered with small cherry branches its length exceeding the traditional style frames her wrists. Her left one illusions and the right one reading knowledge.

Her attitude is calm and controlled. She always has this calming composure about her, but and edge of understanding and unpredictability. Sometimes the cracks in her composure can suddenly change and she will become distorted from her normal calm appearance, panicked, on edge or disturbed by something.


Patron of:
Knowledge, memories and illusions. Each represented by the kanji written on her.

Protected animal:
Owls, cows and turtles all symbolising wisdom, knowledge or some form of it. Most often seen with snakes which symbolise protection, transformation and rebirth linking to the protection of the memories she offers and the constant differing and changing ways of knowledge.

After living a life as a human the Kami took notice to the small soul which traveled yomi restlessly. It always seemed curious, knowledgeable and determined to find something or anything. Her death was not pretty, one which was of an ‘accidental poisoning’ leading her to only whisper goodbye into a room with no one. The soul was taken pity on and offered a life amongst the Kami themselves, becoming one if it was able to prove its devoted dedication and ability to rise above. Many challenges where set and despite its lack of physical strength and determination, the small soul excelled with its understanding, quick thinking and ability to distort and change the environments to better suit itself. Upon its assent, it returned to its human form where the soul retook its old name Koizumi and remained waiting in silence over everyone. She took hand in the memories, knowledge and sometimes negative or positive illusions that came with the mind. Determining, learning and understanding herself, and those she guided. She’s a minor Kami sometimes not even known by many, however while her presence is small and simple, it holds importance and weight to such things.

Kairi Kaseya:
Name and gender:

Kairi Kaseya, female.

Godly name given:

Kami of Ghosts and Souls | (Japanese here)
Kairi or Kai (Japanese coming soon)

Godly form:
While not deterring much from her normal appearance either Kairi is clearly distinguished by her ghostly appearance. Her hair being complete cloud whits, devoid of any colour which was extremely long spread around her. Like her hair her skins a ghost pale also being devoid of much to any colour complimenting her ghostly hair. However her eyes are a glassy blue, being distant and as if they too can see another realm. Normally complimenting her slender appearance she wears a closely fitted kimono or other dresses. Their colouration ranging from blacks to deep reds to contrast her ghostly complexion. If Kairi chooses to wear any jewellery it is normally complimenting her tones with silvers and white gold.

Calm neutral.

Patron of:
Ghosts, or souls lost or found any form of object passing is protected by her.

Protected animal:
Crows, nightingales or any form of nocturnal birds.

None for now (I’ll write it tomorrow).

coming soon (I’m tired)
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Level 206

Erik Finster (Buddhist Entity)

  • Name and Gender: Erik Finster, Male
  • Title of their god version: Arhat of Silent Contemplation (寂然禅阿羅漢, Jakunen Zen Arakan / The Tranquil Zen Arhat)
  • Godly Form: Erik’s divine form is serene and minimalist. He is embodying the essence of impermanence and mindfulness. He appears as a slender and gentle monk, robed in simple slate gray and deep black garments, resembling shadow and light in their contrast to each other. His worn glasses look worn out but they still shimmer with an otherworldly clarity. His hair has a few gray strains - it flows slowly, untouched by the wind. Around him glows a faint, translucent mandala of cryptic symbols, representing the hidden interconnectedness of all things in the universe. His staff is an unadorned wooden staff with a small, ringing chime (and when it rings it signifies the clarity of awakened thought).
  • Attitude: Humble, contemplative, and quietly compassionate. He rarely speaks - using sign language, gentle nods, and short subtle gestures. When he speaks, he uses metaphors. Sometimes, just the faint ringing of his staff, to guide the listener to the most important right part of their question.
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Patron of: Wisdom through contemplation, Quiet Strength, Letting Go, and the Understanding of Suffering (Dukkha).
  • Protected Animal: The moth, symbolizing the pursuit of light and truth, and the heron, embodying stillness and precision in action. The moth accepts all manners of light as offering - but prefers inner light of true compassion. The heron accepts rainbow trouts and other beautiful marine creatures as offerings.
  • Protected Train: The world-renowned Shikansen bullet train which offers the highest rail speeds to match its peerless comfort. Erik will travel with this train when he is not currently on God-duty.


Erik’s path to divinity began not through devotion but through deep reflection on the impermanence (Anicca) and interconnectedness (Pratītyasamutpāda) of all things. As an agnostic, as a sceptic, occultist, and scientific mind, he questioned the very nature of existence and the self, striving to understand the truths that lay beyond belief. It is said that he achieved enlightenment later in life, years after griefing for his lost love - through his profound contemplation on the nature of suffering; recognizing it not as a punishment but as an integral part of existence that offers the opportunity for growth and transcendence.
Members of the 5th Occult Club speculate that Erik’s ascension was quiet and unnoticed, as he faded from the material world and reemerged as a Bodhisattva-like figure who guides beings along the Eightfold Path. He is neither worshiped nor exalted but sought in moments of quiet despair, confusion, or transition. He teaches not through answers but by gently nudging others toward their own realizations, often presenting subtle riddles or leaving cryptic symbols in dreams.
Erik is said to appear where stillness meets chaos - abandoned temples, quiet street corners at twilight, or within the sound of a single drop of water echoing in an empty hall. Or... in a train that he favors, while rain falls outside the windows. His presence is marked by a calming sense of clarity and a faint, melodic chime.


  • On Suffering (Dukkha): "Ah- to . . . understand suffering is not. . . . uh . . . to fear it. But to walk with it, . . . l- like . . . like an old friend - who teaches us where our path leads. Mh~ yes."
  • On Impermanence (Anicca): "All things arise and pass away. . . In . . . In this, . . . there is both freedom and truth."
  • On the Self (Anattā): "The self is but a thread in the. . . t-the . . . the great tapestry of existence. Mhm~ . . . To cling to it is to miss ah- . . . the beauty of the whole. . . "
  • On Geese (the bird): "ah~ yes. . . s- they still despise me. . . Geese, they- . . . they don't like me. Mh. . . "

Temples and Rituals

Erik’s shrines are unadorned and often hidden, representing simplicity and humility, like libraries or tea houses. . . or train cabinets. They are places of quiet reflection, where visitors meditate, leaving behind small offerings of puzzle pieces or simple tools like a pen or book, symbolizing their search for answers.
Rituals in his honor include silent meditations by water, releasing folded paper boats into streams as a gesture of letting go, and walking labyrinths designed to mirror the complexity and interconnectedness of existence. Like the japanese railroad system . . . yes.

Role in Buddhism

Erik’s godly form is not a god in the traditional sense but a reminder of the wisdom that lies beyond attachment and ego. He is venerated as a guide, not as an object of worship, embodying the essence of the Bodhisattva vow: to aid all sentient beings in their path toward awakening.

and as an extra:

  • Name and Gender: Snuggles, Drone
  • Title of their god version: Breeze of the 8 celestial winds and the 88 hidden ones
  • Godly Form: Snuggles, the Gentle Breeze, appears as a Bee.
  • Attitude: Dancing, with a tendency to rhyme and bestow gifts to strangers!
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Patron of: Serendipity, Contemplation, Luck & Fortune!
  • Protected Animal: Bees!
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Level 5
Name and gender: Yukihime | Female

Title of their god version: Queen of the 3000 Worlds - The Witch of Greed - The Crazy Witch

Godly form: Yukihime is an enigmatic entity with silky white hair that flows like snow in the wind. Her true nature is that of a shapeshifter, leaving her original form a mystery. Yukihime can take on multiple forms, and her preferred form is humanoid, which she believes to be the "cutest".

With her piercing amber eyes and a smile that hides constant deceit, Yukihime is an unyielding force of chaos.

Attitude: Trickster

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Patron of: Wisdom, Power, Strategy, Beauty

Protected animal: ???

Lore: Yukihime's curiosity about the unknown and thirst for knowledge defined her behavior. At first glance, she appeared polite, soft-spoken, understanding, and even a bit childish. Described as being black-hearted, she could not understand the feelings of others and could be seen as a sociopath by normal standards. If it was to get a hold of more knowledge, she had no problems employing sophistry, lying, and deceiving others.

Queen of the 3000 Worlds:
Yukihime's supreme power and dominance across an incredibly vast expanse of realms. It suggests that she rules over not just one world or even a handful, but a staggering total of 3,000 different universes (formally called "Worlds"). This title highlights her unparalleled authority and influence, making her the most powerful deity in existence. It also emphasizes the sheer scale of her reign, underlining the fact that her power extends far beyond a single universe, encompassing countless dimensions and realities. This makes her an awe-inspiring and formidable presence in any storyline, showcasing her as a deity with unmatched strength and reach.

The Witch of Greed:

Yukihime, The Witch of Greed, earned this title after stepping down from her position as the Queen of the 3000 Worlds. With her departure from the throne, she dedicated herself exclusively to the relentless and obsessive pursuit of souls, driven by an insatiable hunger for knowledge and power. Yukihime began to delve into ancient, forbidden magics, seeking to unlock the secrets of life and death, and to transcribe the essence of souls into her dark tomes.

During this long, arduous period, her name became synonymous with legend among ordinary people, who whispered of her fearsome magic and her insatiable greed. Tales spread far and wide of the once-powerful deity who now roamed the multiverse in search of souls to capture, her very presence invoking both fear and fascination.

However, Yukihime's actions did not go unnoticed by the other gods. Many disapproved of her methods and the extent of her greed, seeing her as a dangerous and unpredictable force. They viewed her as a rogue deity, whose unchecked ambitions threatened the balance of the multiverse. Her relationships with other gods grew increasingly strained, and her name was often spoken of with a mix of awe and disdain in divine circles.

Now, as The Witch of Greed, Yukihime stands as a solitary figure, wielding her arcane shadows and forbidden knowledge. Her followers, a mix of those who crave power and those who fear it, continue to worship her despite the controversies surrounding her. She remains an enigmatic and formidable force, her true motives and goals known only to herself.

The Crazy Witch:

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