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Twooo Years of ME


Level 18
Woah!! It’s time to commemorate my 2 years on SRP :DDD
Somewhat inspired by the lovely bheom

I joined the forums on December 31st 2022. Prior to that I had indeed played SRP, but not by much. I estimate I joined SRP early December that year. I learned of its existence through my best friend, Rikka. We played SRP together <3

Hello again forums! The name I go by is Kai or you might know me by Cuddly / Faer

Throughout my time on SRP, I’ve met many amazing people and have had the opportunity to help out with a variety of things

Let’s talk about my notable characters!

Kaijin Sumisu

(IGN: CuddlyPandaLove)

Kaijin has come a long way on SRP. She was my first character, and has been through countless scenarios. She’s met all kinds of people. During this time, I’d like to mention her OG Greenie group. Love you guys <3.

Another era for her was the roleplay with the Sumisu Family. Arising7, thank you for the opportunity to join this

Around this time I met people like Xavier, Lazeas & _Vibezz_ who made my first RPing days enjoyable as well

After this, I met Xuander, who has been a gateway to many new friendships forming and even to this day I am glad to have communication with (don’t tell him that, he’s stinky). I also met others such as Chunk05 who in truth, to this day, does not know he was a huge inspiration in my later option of GangRP. Something so little, but a profound impact. Miss ya bud.

My other OG group.. the lovely people that brought some odd scenarios. I’d love to give a huge thank you to Zombaconator, Seagoddess, Totty… Washu, Lily, 2Real4Yhu, whozits & Deadmun5. Around this time I also got to meet Lavn_dr as well as some from the original Takada Family! Kaisu, Jordyn & Zai are some to name

Shoutout to PWP buddies!!

Woah, is that a plane?! No, it’s just a silly lil guy who loves his plane. ilovemyplanex2 or better known as Karl (probably..), is the one who gave me a chance to make bonds with Bheom, Nozomi, Karma, Juli, Shadow, Sheepy and all the rest (Didn’t forget IGNs trust.. trust…)

I took a break from Kai for a bit.. until..

I brought her back :DDD

On November 2nd 2024, I got to meet various people in Immertreu. Genuinely such an awesome gang, people in there are so nice (DONT FLAME ME, THERE ARE SO MANY I CANT MENTION SPECIFIC NAMES)

The lovely 3 shops she’s worked in!! These people have also provided Kaijin with more ways to interact with people. Not only through being coworkers. Hats off to Umisachi, Tsuki no Umi and Yeobo!

If any of you ever see Kai, be sure to say hi. She doesn’t bite.. heh

Lysander Argyros
(IGN: CuddlyPandaLove)

Woah!! This character is a throw back. Originally made with two other characters (played by Bheom and Nozomi), Lysander was a cold person who rarely talked to anyone. However, they later joined Anarchy. This is where I formed some other friendships, namely Hawk, KC, Jeremy & MelanTheMelon

Considering bringing them back.. maybe just maybe..

Eun-ha Kinoshita & Fuyuka Tada
(IGN: CuddlyPandaLove)

HS Swim team era! I joined HS Swim on October 20th 2023 after my friend Melon told me I should try for it. Man, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Era 1 - Near the start (Eun-ha mainly)

Sooo many memories. I met people like art_class, Haneshii, Memerchan, ashchu_ (Cuz girl we tried out together), Kpopcrazy and so on. They were amazing, and so were the others I haven’t named directly <3

Era 2 - New Beginnings to Present (Fuyuka)

THIS ERA. I got to see GreenWitchLys again, and with this came SigmaHater, UrAJinx, spxcegrl (again), mu5hydoll and mlayi.

YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. Never forget it. HS Swim on top <3


I also got to interact with other members through this tag. People like _KrissCross_ and cranniepoo were Fuyuka’s best buddies

Thank you whozits again for letting me make a sister for your character (Fuyuka & Chinatsu)


Although little time here, I’ve gotten to hangout with these lovely people. They are great <3

Yusaku Fukuyu

(IGN: Faer025)

My favourite lil lawyer. Totally didn’t make an alt just for this faction or anything… heh. This character was my first look into factions outside of sports. I was accepted on May 31st 2024. Here I met various people such as KiraHub, Zack, Mia, Tay and Xhast. Later on, I got to meet everyone who is currently in town hall and was able to watch it change when Infi took over <3. PS: Koly & Ann1e need mentions too

Here is also a fun fact. One time, in the old town hall, I saw the town hall members in the observation room for trials. Specifically DarkEclipic’s character. I thought it was cool, and it started an interest in the faction

Back to shoutouts

Everyone who has become friends with this mf deserves shoutouts too!! (I do not know how you deal with him)

Quick shout out to lirically / will. One for that fun KPD scenario, two for teaching me a writing tip that to this day I use..


To all who reply to my posts / comments, it’s genuinely fun to read through them all. I often end up either learning a new recommendation, seeing things through different lenses or relating in some way (I.e. Liking the same song, sharing the utter grief of EPIC the Musical or Arcane, sniffle). Two consistent people I’d like to mention for this are Zero and _ImHere4You_ who have been really nice :3


Even if I cannot name everyone, I am so thankful for the experiences you guys have given me

Cheers to more pleasant memories and have a wonderful new year

So long 2024!!

<3 2025 <3
Last edited:


Level 82
Woah!! It’s time to commemorate my 2 years on SRP :DDD
Somewhat inspired by the lovely bheom

I joined the forums on December 31st 2022. Prior to that I had indeed played SRP, but not by much. I estimate I joined SRP early December that year. I learned of its existence through my best friend, Rikka. We played SRP together <3

Hello again forums! The name I go by is Kai or you might know me by Cuddly / Faer

Throughout my time on SRP, I’ve met many amazing people and have had the opportunity to help out with a variety of things

Let’s talk about my notable characters!

Kaijin Sumisu

(IGN: CuddlyPandaLove)

Kaijin has come a long way on SRP. She was my first character, and has been through countless scenarios. She’s met all kinds of people. During this time, I’d like to mention her OG Greenie group. Love you guys <3.

Another era for her was the roleplay with the Sumisu Family. Arising7, thank you for the opportunity to join this

Around this time I met people like Xavier, Lazeas & _Vibezz_ who made my first RPing days enjoyable as well

After this, I met Xuander, who has been a gateway to many new friendships forming and even to this day I am glad to have communication with (don’t tell him that, he’s stinky). I also met others such as Chunk05 who in truth, to this day, does not know he was a huge inspiration in my later option of GangRP. Something so little, but a profound impact. Miss ya bud.

My other OG group.. the lovely people that brought some odd scenarios. I’d love to give a huge thank you to Zombaconator, Seagoddess, Totty… Washu, Lily, 2Real4Yhu, whozits & Deadmun5. Around this time I also got to meet Lavn_dr as well as some from the original Takada Family! Kaisu, Jordyn & Zai are some to name

Shoutout to PWP buddies!!

Woah, is that a plane?! No, it’s just a silly lil guy who loves his plane. ilovemyplanex2 or better known as Karl (probably..), is the one who gave me a chance to make bonds with Bheom, Nozomi, Karma, Juli, Shadow, Sheepy and all the rest (Didn’t forget IGNs trust.. trust…)

I took a break from Kai for a bit.. until..

I brought her back :DDD

On November 2nd 2024, I got to meet various people in Immertreu. Genuinely such an awesome gang, people in there are so nice (DONT FLAME ME, THERE ARE SO MANY I CANT MENTION SPECIFIC NAMES)

The lovely 3 shops she’s worked in!! These people have also provided Kaijin with more ways to interact with people. Not only through being coworkers. Hats off to Umisachi, Tsuki no Umi and Yeobo!

If any of you ever see Kai, be sure to say hi. She doesn’t bite.. heh

Lysander Argyros
(IGN: CuddlyPandaLove)

Woah!! This character is a throw back. Originally made with two other characters (played by Bheom and Nozomi), Lysander was a cold person who rarely talked to anyone. However, they later joined Anarchy. This is where I formed some other friendships, namely Hawk, KC, Jeremy & MelanTheMelon

Considering bringing them back.. maybe just maybe..

Eun-ha Kinoshita & Fuyuka Tada
(IGN: CuddlyPandaLove)

HS Swim team era! I joined HS Swim on October 20th 2023 after my friend Melon told me I should try for it. Man, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Era 1 - Near the start (Eun-ha mainly)

Sooo many memories. I met people like art_class, Haneshii, Memerchan, ashchu_ (Cuz girl we tried out together), Kpopcrazy and so on. They were amazing, and so were the others I haven’t named directly <3

Era 2 - New Beginnings to Present (Fuyuka)

THIS ERA. I got to see GreenWitchLys again, and with this came SigmaHater, UrAJinx, spxcegrl (again), mu5hydoll and mlayi.

YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. Never forget it. HS Swim on top <3


I also got to interact with other members through this tag. People like _KrissCross_ and cranniepoo were Fuyuka’s best buddies

Thank you whozits again for letting me make a sister for your character (Fuyuka & Chinatsu)


Although little time here, I’ve gotten to hangout with these lovely people. They are great <3

Yusaku Fukuyu

(IGN: Faer025)

My favourite lil lawyer. Totally didn’t make an alt just for this faction or anything… heh. This character was my first look into factions outside of sports. I was accepted on May 31st 2024. Here I met various people such as KiraHub, Zack, Mia, Tay and Xhast. Later on, I got to meet everyone who is currently in town hall and was able to watch it change when Infi took over <3. PS: Koly & Ann1e need mentions too

Here is also a fun fact. One time, in the old town hall, I saw the town hall members in the observation room for trials. Specifically DarkEclipic’s character. I thought it was cool, and it started an interest in the faction

Back to shoutouts

Everyone who has become friends with this mf deserves shoutouts too!! (I do not know how you deal with him)

Quick shout out to lirically / will. One for that fun KPD scenario, two for teaching me a writing tip that to this day I use..


To all who reply to my posts / comments, it’s genuinely fun to read through them all. I often end up either learning a new recommendation, seeing things through different lenses or relating in some way (I.e. Liking the same song, sharing the utter grief of EPIC the Musical or Arcane, sniffle). Two consistent people I’d like to mention for this are Zero and _ImHere4You_ who have been really nice :3


Even if I cannot name everyone, I am so thankful for the experiences you guys have given me

Cheers to more pleasant memories and have a wonderful new year

So long 2024!!

<3 2025 <3
Guys im here <3_<3
AND OFC!! I enjoy your posts sm and if I ever saw you on SRP you BEEEEET immna come over and say Hi!!! <33
( you also keep formatting everytihng and it makes me so joyous like i love seeing it so well written and organized bless you)


Level 18
Thread starter
Guys im here <3_<3
AND OFC!! I enjoy your posts sm and if I ever saw you on SRP you BEEEEET immna come over and say Hi!!! <33
( you also keep formatting everytihng and it makes me so joyous like i love seeing it so well written and organized bless you)
Can’t disappoint on my anniversary!! (I should have just put plain no formatting. Would have been funny. JKJK. Took a long time tho.. the colours were fun :D)


Happy New Years <3


Level 163

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