“Don’t you ever let them get you down, my friends; you never knew them. Together, we will create something true, and something good, and something beautiful!”
Names/Monikers | Alois Tullybellton. Alois Saseki-Maeng (formerly) the Most Reverend (Most Rev.); 'Your Grace'; Father; Alois; ‘Tullybellton’; ‘Tully’. By some students: ‘Bellybutton’; #NotaCultLeader; Teletubby; favorite Professor By the KPD/KaNews: Karen, the professor who "teaches law and therefore thinks he has the right to tell officers how to do their jobs", menace to society. |
Animal/Floral Motifs | Black Cat ; Palm Branch |
Age | 27 |
Occupation | History Teacher; Law and Justice Professor (FORMERLY); Archbishop of Karakura |
Gender | Male |
Relationship Status | Single. Super insecure about it Formerly wed to Svyatoslav Saseki-Maeng Formerly in a relationship with Tommaso D. O’Walsh. |
Nationality / Ethnicity | Japanese Nationality: Though he was born and raised in the Vatican City State. Ethnicity: White British |
Languages spoken | Japanese/English, Latin, Italian |
Religious Beliefs / Political Beliefs | Christianity Democracy and Accountability Enjoyer |
Alignment | Lawful Good - INFJ |
DESCRIPTION | Alois stands at 5’8, coming in at 65kg. His build is lean, though usually covered up with long sleeves and a flowy black 33-button cassock. His cassock masks this lack of fitness rather well. Possessing rather pale skin, it is obvious he rarely goes outside. Both his eyes and hair are brown, with a distinct scent of coffee that comes both from his crippling caffeine addiction and the scented shampoo he applies liberally. Alois generally keeps the following on hand: Binoculars, A silver crucifix, A bible, and numerous other religious trinkets and symbols of ecclesiastical authority. |
Voice | See video at the top of the biography |
Likes (interests)/Dislikes | Likes: Democracy, Charity, Jurisprudence, Freedom and Autonomy, Justice- all the stereotypical things you’d expect a law professor to value.
Tastes in Music |

Born in Rome, and delivered in the Sistine Chapel within the Vatican City State in utter secrecy. The authorities in Rome decided against making any public statements on the birth to prevent controversy, as the birth parents were a Nun and a Catholic Cardinal. This was a fact Alois only learned later in life, with the status of his parents unknown to him to this very day. The official story promulgated by the Roman Curia was that he was found abandoned in St. Peter's Square and accompanied by a letter. Alois was raised as a ward of the Holy See; being appointed as a citizen directly by John Paul II.
His early childhood was very lonely, he spent these early days under the care of Nuns within The Mater Ecclesiae Monastery. Keeping him as a ward of the state was an extraordinary and debated decision as many within the Monastery thought he’d be better off in an Italian Orphanage instead of being integrated with the city state’s rather unique population composed of clergy, religious members, and laypeople serving the state. Alas, the Roman Curia felt it best he remain within the Vatican. It was felt ‘he wouldn’t get lonely’ because ‘the city receives thousands of tourists and workers every day!’.
Teenage/Early Adult Years -
As Alois’ life went on, he quickly expressed a desire to become a Priest at the strong encouragement of… well, many of his fellow citizens! Virtually all citizens were priests or employees of the Church. It was only after his ordination in Rome at the age of 25 that Pope (Emeritus) Benedict XVI disclosed the truth regarding his birth directly to Alois during a highly emotionally charged confession. This led Alois to have a crisis of faith and, needless to say, left a great impression on him.
Prior to his ordination, Alois effectively spent his adolescence leading an approximation of monastic life within the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery. Alois would not stay cooped up within the walls of the city-state for long as he entered his twenties. He was sent out to perform work for the Church as soon as he was old enough, being sent out to educate illiterate populations across several countries, or otherwise teach in schools that were Church-run and provided an incredibly valuable resource to communities in socio-economic terms. With special assistance from Rome, he found himself able to ingratiate himself in academic communities across the globe, particularly in the UK where he found the time to study an undergraduate Law Degree, developing a strong passion for the study of law:
His mentor during this period of study was a Cardinal and the then Archbishop of Westminster who made frequent visits to Rome during his early childhood, raising concerns about Alois' peculiar upbringing from the very beginning, albeit not very publicly. Alois grew to deeply appreciate English literature under his tutelage, often accompanying the Archbishop to Westminster during his teenage years as an assistant. He found himself neglecting his supposed duties to the bishop during these trips, spending so much time in elite British academic circles that his accent began to take an Anglophonic shift.
Alois' first proper mission from Rome, after being ordained as a Priest, involved being sent to Karakura, Japan. Though its population was by no means illiterate, it was deemed ‘in desperate need of a touch of love’ because of ‘endemic gang violence’. Thus, despite the religious makeup of the town, where Christianity has a minor hold on the citizens who are more likely to subscribe to Shintoism or Buddhism; Alois was commanded to go forth and set a positive, benign example.
Upon arriving in Karakura, citizens told Alois of the fact many young people carry around rosaries but, when directly asked, are seldom able to explain how they are actually used as an instrument of prayer and are widely regarded as 'mere accessories'. Alois also found many young people who had issues vis-a-vis literacy. Though unaware of the scale of this problem, he shared these discoveries during his loathed but routine visits with Benedict XVI. Consequently, he woke up one day to find he had received orders from the Apostolic Nunciature to Japan. He was ordered to 'secure a greater presence for the church' in Karakura. However, as a result of his upbringing, Alois was perhaps the worst person to select for this task as he was highly averse to open evangelization.
Due to being less concerned about the religious make-up of the town and more concerned with the substantive issues facing citizens in Karakura: gang violence, no democracy, perfidious laws, and poor literacy rates among them: Alois was defrocked. He went further though, continuing to share his faith with all who expressly and actively sought his counsel, retaining the title of ‘Father’ and refusing to surrender his cassock or return Church letters. He continued to quietly provide pastoral services to Karakura’s citizens as part of his personal life. For all of this, he was excommunicated.
His early childhood was very lonely, he spent these early days under the care of Nuns within The Mater Ecclesiae Monastery. Keeping him as a ward of the state was an extraordinary and debated decision as many within the Monastery thought he’d be better off in an Italian Orphanage instead of being integrated with the city state’s rather unique population composed of clergy, religious members, and laypeople serving the state. Alas, the Roman Curia felt it best he remain within the Vatican. It was felt ‘he wouldn’t get lonely’ because ‘the city receives thousands of tourists and workers every day!’.
Teenage/Early Adult Years -
As Alois’ life went on, he quickly expressed a desire to become a Priest at the strong encouragement of… well, many of his fellow citizens! Virtually all citizens were priests or employees of the Church. It was only after his ordination in Rome at the age of 25 that Pope (Emeritus) Benedict XVI disclosed the truth regarding his birth directly to Alois during a highly emotionally charged confession. This led Alois to have a crisis of faith and, needless to say, left a great impression on him.
Prior to his ordination, Alois effectively spent his adolescence leading an approximation of monastic life within the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery. Alois would not stay cooped up within the walls of the city-state for long as he entered his twenties. He was sent out to perform work for the Church as soon as he was old enough, being sent out to educate illiterate populations across several countries, or otherwise teach in schools that were Church-run and provided an incredibly valuable resource to communities in socio-economic terms. With special assistance from Rome, he found himself able to ingratiate himself in academic communities across the globe, particularly in the UK where he found the time to study an undergraduate Law Degree, developing a strong passion for the study of law:
“Those who study the law properly will show us exactly where injustice lies.
United in this noble endeavor, they shall fear neither dissension nor external threats,
but instead awaken to a new daring, born of solidarity, as they sing a new song unto the Lord!”
His mentor during this period of study was a Cardinal and the then Archbishop of Westminster who made frequent visits to Rome during his early childhood, raising concerns about Alois' peculiar upbringing from the very beginning, albeit not very publicly. Alois grew to deeply appreciate English literature under his tutelage, often accompanying the Archbishop to Westminster during his teenage years as an assistant. He found himself neglecting his supposed duties to the bishop during these trips, spending so much time in elite British academic circles that his accent began to take an Anglophonic shift.
Alois' first proper mission from Rome, after being ordained as a Priest, involved being sent to Karakura, Japan. Though its population was by no means illiterate, it was deemed ‘in desperate need of a touch of love’ because of ‘endemic gang violence’. Thus, despite the religious makeup of the town, where Christianity has a minor hold on the citizens who are more likely to subscribe to Shintoism or Buddhism; Alois was commanded to go forth and set a positive, benign example.
Upon arriving in Karakura, citizens told Alois of the fact many young people carry around rosaries but, when directly asked, are seldom able to explain how they are actually used as an instrument of prayer and are widely regarded as 'mere accessories'. Alois also found many young people who had issues vis-a-vis literacy. Though unaware of the scale of this problem, he shared these discoveries during his loathed but routine visits with Benedict XVI. Consequently, he woke up one day to find he had received orders from the Apostolic Nunciature to Japan. He was ordered to 'secure a greater presence for the church' in Karakura. However, as a result of his upbringing, Alois was perhaps the worst person to select for this task as he was highly averse to open evangelization.
Due to being less concerned about the religious make-up of the town and more concerned with the substantive issues facing citizens in Karakura: gang violence, no democracy, perfidious laws, and poor literacy rates among them: Alois was defrocked. He went further though, continuing to share his faith with all who expressly and actively sought his counsel, retaining the title of ‘Father’ and refusing to surrender his cassock or return Church letters. He continued to quietly provide pastoral services to Karakura’s citizens as part of his personal life. For all of this, he was excommunicated.
Religious Leadership
After Alois secured employment within Karakura’s College, he went on to teach Philosophy initially but moved quickly to instead teach Law and Justice. Unsatisfied with simply TEACHING about the dry black-letter law of Karakura and the town's many justice issues: he decided that the town required more spiritual nourishment. To this end, he established the ‘Archdiocese of Karakura’ with the help of Town Hall and a mysterious obscure Christian sect headquartered in Geneva that Alois is sometimes reluctant to talk about. It is the only formally recognized Christian organization within Karakura, operating under the auspices of this mysterious Sect, with many of its rites and practices mirroring Catholicism. Alois regularly sees to it that interested citizens can attend Mass, confess their sins, request other services, and overall just have a place to go to forge friendships that will lead them AWAY from criminal behavior.
Petitioning Efforts
The young priest has been a very active citizen! He and like-minded citizens have engaged in petitioning efforts to repeal certain laws: particularly the crime of disrespecting government officials.
This effort has faced roadblocks:
Teaching/Sunday School
Most of Alois' classes focus on discrete aspects of law, skills needed by lawyers (negotiation, mock trials, debate skills), jurisprudence, or ‘British Constitutional and Parliamentary Conventions’. He often encourages students to think critically of these conventions, and other ideas introduced in class and ‘relate them back to how things work in Karakura’. For this, he is often deeply appreciated by students who for example:
As of FEB 2024, he elected to begin teaching History instead of Law so he might have more occupied classes and be the first point of contact for newcomers to Karakura who enter Karakura High.
After Alois secured employment within Karakura’s College, he went on to teach Philosophy initially but moved quickly to instead teach Law and Justice. Unsatisfied with simply TEACHING about the dry black-letter law of Karakura and the town's many justice issues: he decided that the town required more spiritual nourishment. To this end, he established the ‘Archdiocese of Karakura’ with the help of Town Hall and a mysterious obscure Christian sect headquartered in Geneva that Alois is sometimes reluctant to talk about. It is the only formally recognized Christian organization within Karakura, operating under the auspices of this mysterious Sect, with many of its rites and practices mirroring Catholicism. Alois regularly sees to it that interested citizens can attend Mass, confess their sins, request other services, and overall just have a place to go to forge friendships that will lead them AWAY from criminal behavior.

Petitioning Efforts
The young priest has been a very active citizen! He and like-minded citizens have engaged in petitioning efforts to repeal certain laws: particularly the crime of disrespecting government officials.
This effort has faced roadblocks:
- The Former Mayor of Karakura (Ezri Akai) not responding to the petition in a procedurally fair manner and, instead, questioning the efficacy of petitions as a whole concept.
- The Attorney General (Goemon Asogi) encouraging Alois on Onrain to engage in peaceful dialogue and negotiation despite bearing witness to the above
- KaNews refusing to report on the petition due to ‘some concerns’ of how the public would respond/perceive the report:
- KaNews Reporters (Ezio C. Togomi-Sterling) having the Mayor on speed-dial at the first sign of petitioning efforts.
Teaching/Sunday School
Most of Alois' classes focus on discrete aspects of law, skills needed by lawyers (negotiation, mock trials, debate skills), jurisprudence, or ‘British Constitutional and Parliamentary Conventions’. He often encourages students to think critically of these conventions, and other ideas introduced in class and ‘relate them back to how things work in Karakura’. For this, he is often deeply appreciated by students who for example:
- Were astonished to learn Karakura requires people to pay to enter not guilty pleas.
- Did not know disrespecting government officials was against the law.
- Did not realize Karakura was not a democracy.
- Were astonished to learn Judges grant warrants *alongside* the Mayor.
- Did not realize police can just search people purely for wearing a mask.
- Bring people together through various activities (e.g. fishing);
- Help others forge friendships;
- Offer spiritual direction;
- Respond to newsworthy incidents that leave bad energies;
- Engage in interfaith dialogue.
KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: Petition for Prisoners?! Mayor Sturm's Speech.
Petition for Prisoners Around 12 AM in Karakura, a peaceful petition began at the Karakura Church. Priest and Professor Tulleybellton was the host of said petition, making his claims public with his Freedom of Speech. The man made it clear that his feelings on Felonies not being granted...

One of Alois' petitions did go on to gather a great deal of public and government attention. It concerned the treatment of those designated to be felons by Karakura's Government. Alois planned and organized a speech in the Karakura Church: he made a passionate plea to the public to sign a petition calling on the government to 'change the law', using human rights and the Constitution of Karakura as rhetorical frameworks to great effect. Indeed, he even amplified the voices of citizens 'affected' by the policy: fully capitalizing on the fact that the status quo saw people effectively separated from their loved ones and the emotional resonance this would have with the public.
The Mayor ultimately attended the scene and promised to speak with the Mainland Government. A few weeks later, in a private meeting, Alois would meet with the Mayor again to learn that the petition (which amassed only some 35 or so signatures) was successful and felons could now indeed receive visitors provided their behavior in custody did not indicate that they would present a security risk. In other words, prisoners were no longer, 'by default' denied access to visitors.
To Alois' knowledge, this is the first public law reform effort in the prefecture that has seen any success, and it is by no means the only effort he has made: another effort to reform the law against 'disrespect' of public officials also attracted a great deal of attention and amassed three times as many signatures. Clearly, the man feels there is much work to be done!
During an ordinary Sunday at the Karakura Church, Alois noticed a squadron of KPD Officers heading into the sewers using the Graveyard's entrance. He followed them in. He was frightened due to them going into the Masamaru Station, but he steeled his nerves and ventured inside.
There, he and many officers of the KPD, along with some other civilians, came face to face with a statue of the Virgin Mary. This was quite alarming for Alois, who had been receiving reports of an identical statue 'going missing' from the former Karakura Church attic immediately following the reconstruction of the building's interior.
He found the officers in a state of panic and pandemonium, with many of the officers claiming the statue MOVED and CONJURED FIRE.
Alois' response to the situation was rather eerie to a great many of the frightened officers, some of whom were burned in the fire being conjured by anomalous means:
He was promptly surrounded by a ring of fire, and the statue approached him. Instead of screaming, panicking, or calling for help: the man interpreted this as a test of faith and immediately fell to his knees, equipping a Rosary. He muttered a Hail Mary, causing the ring of fire to extinguish immediately and the statue to vanish in the blink of an eye. Officers looking on were completely baffled by how he emerged unharmed from the incident and suggested the statue 'liked to be worshiped'. Alois reassured the officers he was okay, and did not bother to correct the officers on that point, as far as he was concerned it was not the time or place to give a lecture about Mariology given what he perceived to be a 'spiritual war' being raged against Yokai in the station.
The Archbishop immediately wrote to his religious superiors in Geneva the very next day informing them of 'The Miracle'. Cardinal Faraday returned the letter with instructions to 'keep a close eye' on the statue's whereabouts and 'ascertain its intentions'.
A room in the Karakura Church was eventually discovered by Deacons beneath the Church's lectern: a hidden trapdoor! Within the room: a statue of the Virgin Mary. Deacons Eichi Holland and Han Tae-Hoon have insisted to the Archbishop that they have seen the statue blink. Most alarmingly, Han Tae-Hoon spoke of hallucinating people in the Church 'levitating', temporary blindness, and 'chills' in his spine when in the room.
During an ordinary Sunday at the Karakura Church, Alois noticed a squadron of KPD Officers heading into the sewers using the Graveyard's entrance. He followed them in. He was frightened due to them going into the Masamaru Station, but he steeled his nerves and ventured inside.
There, he and many officers of the KPD, along with some other civilians, came face to face with a statue of the Virgin Mary. This was quite alarming for Alois, who had been receiving reports of an identical statue 'going missing' from the former Karakura Church attic immediately following the reconstruction of the building's interior.
He found the officers in a state of panic and pandemonium, with many of the officers claiming the statue MOVED and CONJURED FIRE.
Alois' response to the situation was rather eerie to a great many of the frightened officers, some of whom were burned in the fire being conjured by anomalous means:
"There you are..."

He was promptly surrounded by a ring of fire, and the statue approached him. Instead of screaming, panicking, or calling for help: the man interpreted this as a test of faith and immediately fell to his knees, equipping a Rosary. He muttered a Hail Mary, causing the ring of fire to extinguish immediately and the statue to vanish in the blink of an eye. Officers looking on were completely baffled by how he emerged unharmed from the incident and suggested the statue 'liked to be worshiped'. Alois reassured the officers he was okay, and did not bother to correct the officers on that point, as far as he was concerned it was not the time or place to give a lecture about Mariology given what he perceived to be a 'spiritual war' being raged against Yokai in the station.

The Archbishop immediately wrote to his religious superiors in Geneva the very next day informing them of 'The Miracle'. Cardinal Faraday returned the letter with instructions to 'keep a close eye' on the statue's whereabouts and 'ascertain its intentions'.
A room in the Karakura Church was eventually discovered by Deacons beneath the Church's lectern: a hidden trapdoor! Within the room: a statue of the Virgin Mary. Deacons Eichi Holland and Han Tae-Hoon have insisted to the Archbishop that they have seen the statue blink. Most alarmingly, Han Tae-Hoon spoke of hallucinating people in the Church 'levitating', temporary blindness, and 'chills' in his spine when in the room.

ALOIS: "Eichi, be not afraid. Mary, who stood unwavering at the foot of the cross, understands your fears and uncertainties. She, too, faced the unknown with a heart full of trust in God's plan. Go home. Read the 91st Psalm. We can not hope to understand all the particulars of what happened on that fateful day in the Masamaru Station. We can only have faith that we're doing the right thing, and making Karakura a better place".
Alois is keeping a close eye on future reports involving Marian Apparitions before making any bold declarations of 'miracles'.

While he welcomes a diversity of opinions inside the classroom, OUTSIDE he is an agonizing intellectual snob who often rubs people the wrong way through his strict insistence in arguments and debates. Although this side of him seems to only surface when challenging people in positions of authority for their perceived ‘incompetence’: it often comes off as extremely alienating, cold, arrogant, and insensitive.
Eager to impress, Alois often comes across as a bit off-putting: from making extremely embarrassing attempts to relate to his students (e.g. using ‘Broskis’ and ‘Poggers’ in sentences) or otherwise responding to positive constructive feedback with a completely disproportionate level of thanks. Students of his have often commented that he gives ‘how do you do fellow kids?!' energy which can be endearing at best and very cringeworthy at worst.
Pretentious Vocabulary/What is Blud Babbling about?
Alois has a tendency to use big words, and many have observed this makes him completely incomprehensible outside of the classroom. This is a man who will throw out Latin maxims and use words no simple-minded person would know purely because he can: especially when he is angry. Tommaso D. O’Walsh has found such blabbing to be rather endearing, though for the majority of people it is completely nauseating.
Residence / Finances
Though he’d never openly admit it: being a Law Professor AND the head of a religious organization/charity has the added benefit of Alois living a very comfortable life. He is a quintessential example of a member of the upper middle class.
Some have criticized his decision to live in a penthouse due to the unnecessary expense and his vow of poverty. The responses he provides can be... varied:
“No, look: you gotta send me your money! Like, not Church donations. Just ME. Personally. I gotta keep these inspirational messages coming in! I’m almost out of the good scented candles and my coffee-scented shampoo and I just CAN’T LET THAT HAPPEN! I really can’t!
Alois had reached the peak of his career in the Academy, having once been appointed the Head of Karakura College's Humanities Department.
He promptly relinquished the position after realizing it came with extra responsibilities, but no extra pay. He is now, simply, a 'Qualified Professor'.
Outside of the Academy, he hopes with the eventual influx of new Priests working within the Archdiocese, he might continue to see the positive influence of this group continue to grow. He has a deep wish to make life better for his fellow citizens by encouraging transparency: clinging on to the hope that he will somehow convince Town Hall to (eventually) implement some formal process for receiving petitions to encourage greater accountability, engagement with the public, substantive law reform, grassroots activism, etc.
On the 20th April: he was appointed by officials within his Sect to the post of 'Archbishop of Karakura' in lieu of '"the increased presence of men and women religious in the region".
Medical History
Severe Anxiety, Difficulty Sleeping, ParanoiaPrior to his PTSD diagnosis: Alois was given a prescription for Zolpidem by a Psychiatrist, namely Dr. Kilya Krovopuskov on 10/03/2024. This occurred to treat symptoms that arose after successive incidents. Alois was at his boyfriend’s apartment peacefully reading the bible on his own. The door to the apartment opened, and, out of the dark appeared a shadowy figure in a mask standing in the place of what Alois EXPECTED to be his boyfriend returning from an errand. Instead, it was a masked figure (Ezio C. Togomi-Sterling) who threatened to violently assault him unless he left. Alois complied and was deeply shaken by the incident. More home invasions would follow, one in the same original place and another in Alois’ Apartment.
Alois eventually came to learn this masked figure was, in fact, Ezio C. Togomi-Sterling and that Tommaso had, ostensibly, not volunteered this information out of fear. An altercation between Ezio and Alois occurred in the Karakura Church leading to Alois presenting to a hospital for an X-ray: there were no serious injuries.
All of this commotion has resulted in Alois:
- Often proving incapable of preventing himself from jumping at the loud shutting, and sometimes opening, of doors.
- Being very quick to lock doors.
- Expressing deep contempt, cynicism, and fear upon spotting Ezio in public.
- Sometimes hissing and reciting St Micheal's prayer in perfect Latin upon so much as hearing Ezio's name.
- Being plagued by intense nightmares of being forcibly removed from, among other places: his home, his place of work, and his place of worship.
The nightmares of Alois would not abate: he was simply deteriorating because of numerous stressors. Among these stressors: spotting Ezio in public causing distress, receiving death threats from other individuals in incidents not too dissimilar from altercations with Ezio above, and due to the very, very slow wheels of Karakura's justice system preventing Ezio's RO being 'lifted' by the courts and consequently Alois being vindicated. Zolpidem helped Alois get SOME sleep, but it did not seem to help his nightmares entirely. His behavior was getting very erratic to the point he would actively jump behind furniture and cower in fear upon simply spotting Ezio in public, bringing on deep feelings of shame. He also found himself struggling to find nourishment in the Liturgy of the Eucharist as much as he used to due to stuttering and intense feelings of paranoia when uttering the words of consecration. He explained to his Psychiatrist, Dr. MacAlasdair:
"I've found I can not stop my eyes from darting around the Church during the liturgy, out of fear Ezio may come in and beat me up again. It's silly, I know, but it's getting harder and harder for me to tell during those moments if I'm dreaming or not. I have to pinch myself to remember that it's not a dream. I should feel Christ's presence during such a sacred moment, but I'm too overcome with fear, and then shame."
Criminal convictions - 0
Charges brought against him - 0
Arrests - 1
Restraining Order - 1
Charges brought against him - 0
Arrests - 1
-The KPD did at one point 'detain him for questioning' (arrest him) on suspicion of kidnapping.
- KPD did this after discovering him along with numerous others at the Karakura Church where one student appeared to be chained up and a group of youths were performing some sort of mock exorcism on him.
- Ultimately, Alois was released due to not having any involvement. He refused to answer any police questions, stating he was 'exercising his right to silence' and 'did not wish to answer any questions'. He began scolding officers after they continued to persist with further pointless questioning (such as 'Are you religious?').
- Alois was released with no charge, but resents the KPD for, in his view 'holding me for such a protracted period that, in other countries, I'd surely be able to sue for such an egregious and inexcusable deprivation of liberty!'.

-Ezio De-Luca Sterling has sought and obtained a Restraining Order against Alois which was served by officers of the KPD. Alois began attempting to sue Ezio's lawyer.
The restraining order was rescinded by executive decree of Mayor Ami Akai some 4 months or so later when said lawyer SKIPPED TOWN. Mayor Akai gave Alois a free pass to file a lawsuit against Ezio, using medical evidence, Onrain posts of harassment, etc. in the hopes of receiving some justice for the suffering caused to his mental health. Alois was unsuccessful at trial and was awarded 0 yen.
Former Husband
Svyatoslav Saseki-Maeng ('Svy' as Alois used to affectionately call him)
A chance after-work encounter. Svyatoslav comes from a family with a different religious and cultural background, immediately spiking Alois' interest. The pair began meeting up frequently Alois completes his daily routine in the Karakura College teaching law. The pair, initially friends, eventually kept spending more and more time with one another until their interactions took a more flirtatious turn. Svyatoslav has, to date, given Alois a family heirloom (ring), an engagement ring, and soon: a wedding ring. Their marriage was a stable one up until Alois' lawsuit against Ezio (a KaNews Reporter) and Svyatoslav's need to leave the prefecture causing it to fall into disarray. The pair, for what it's worth, are still on good speaking terms.
Former Romantic Interest
Tommaso D. O’Walsh: a 26 year-old drop-out from Karakura’s college. After developing a friendship with Alois, Tommaso elected to participate in training to become a Priest working within the Archdiocese of Karakura. Incidentally, when Tommaso’s relationship with Ezio C. Togomi-Sterling ostensibly collapsed: Alois immediately seized upon the opportunity and began showering Tommaso with presents, building a romantic relationship with the strong encouragement of some college students close to Tom. The relationship has seemed to fall apart due to Tom's sudden vanishing from Karakura
Friends and Relations
Primrose T Guerra✟ [deceased]: A former shrine maiden from the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, one of Alois' closest friends and, in fact, the individual who walked him 'down the aisle' of the Karakura Church on his wedding day, admonishing her relative [Ezio] for gatecrashing and sitting directly behind Alois during the ceremony. The two would often exchange treats and conversation, finding much in common as the two shared remote and isolated upbringings. Alois was distraught when he heard news of her death.
Milas Tullybellton: The adopted, and ONLY son of Alois. Alois is hardly a model parent: not due to neglect, but, on the contrary, due to his tendency to be a helicopter parent who ends up spoiling their child and being hyper-paranoid about their safety. Milas effectively came to be adopted after volunteering at Church, leading to a discussion where his LACK OF PARENTS and homelessness were raised as issues.
Renee Takada: A counsellor with a history of employment at KHS. She is a friend who has described him as one of her ‘VIPs’. She has made her services available to him after hours. Alois has availed himself of these services on numerous, NUMEROUS occasions. Renee’s patience in these matters has led Alois to describe her as “truly, a paragon of Christian charity: she is not just a counsellor, she is my counsel and I trust her”.
Sakura Nakazumi: a student attending KHS and also an employee within the Archdiocese of Karakura. She serves as an altar server, often accompanying Alois during Church activities. Moreover, she has entertained Alois’ desire to be a better chef, providing him food, and her culinary expertise out of the goodness of her heart.
Serafima Komnena: a religious sister working within the Archdiocese and leading a consecrated life. Arguably one of the best-informed, devoted, and more erudite of the sisters, she takes her commitment to serving Christ incredibly seriously which Alois has always admired. He has acted somewhat of a mentor, encouraging Sera to independently lead Sunday-School services. However, Alois often relies on Sera’s knowledge of scripture which she tends to recall more quickly than he does.
Felix M. Drakos Takada: a student attending KHS. Alois has often delivered communion to Felix outside of the regular context of Mass due to Felix’s schizophrenia which sometimes interferes with his attendance. He finds Felix to show ‘incredible promise’ due to his ‘pretty obvious leadership skills’. However, his encouragement to join one of varying vocations and professions that would further develop such skills has been merely taken on notice, as Felix nebulously suggested he has ‘things to work on first’, refusing to elaborate.
Dooms the Rabbit: A freelance journalist whom Alois has never met and whom he does not know… but regardless, claims to feel a ‘deep kindred spiritual connection’ with in lieu of their ‘exceptional journalism and obvious erudition’.
Milas Tullybellton: The adopted, and ONLY son of Alois. Alois is hardly a model parent: not due to neglect, but, on the contrary, due to his tendency to be a helicopter parent who ends up spoiling their child and being hyper-paranoid about their safety. Milas effectively came to be adopted after volunteering at Church, leading to a discussion where his LACK OF PARENTS and homelessness were raised as issues.
Renee Takada: A counsellor with a history of employment at KHS. She is a friend who has described him as one of her ‘VIPs’. She has made her services available to him after hours. Alois has availed himself of these services on numerous, NUMEROUS occasions. Renee’s patience in these matters has led Alois to describe her as “truly, a paragon of Christian charity: she is not just a counsellor, she is my counsel and I trust her”.
Sakura Nakazumi: a student attending KHS and also an employee within the Archdiocese of Karakura. She serves as an altar server, often accompanying Alois during Church activities. Moreover, she has entertained Alois’ desire to be a better chef, providing him food, and her culinary expertise out of the goodness of her heart.
Serafima Komnena: a religious sister working within the Archdiocese and leading a consecrated life. Arguably one of the best-informed, devoted, and more erudite of the sisters, she takes her commitment to serving Christ incredibly seriously which Alois has always admired. He has acted somewhat of a mentor, encouraging Sera to independently lead Sunday-School services. However, Alois often relies on Sera’s knowledge of scripture which she tends to recall more quickly than he does.
Felix M. Drakos Takada: a student attending KHS. Alois has often delivered communion to Felix outside of the regular context of Mass due to Felix’s schizophrenia which sometimes interferes with his attendance. He finds Felix to show ‘incredible promise’ due to his ‘pretty obvious leadership skills’. However, his encouragement to join one of varying vocations and professions that would further develop such skills has been merely taken on notice, as Felix nebulously suggested he has ‘things to work on first’, refusing to elaborate.
Dooms the Rabbit: A freelance journalist whom Alois has never met and whom he does not know… but regardless, claims to feel a ‘deep kindred spiritual connection’ with in lieu of their ‘exceptional journalism and obvious erudition’.
The Karakura Police Department
Alois is very suspicious of KPD Officers. This is likely due to the dubious interrogation of him by officers of the KPD when he expressly stated he wished to remain silent and not answer questions. But it is also likely due to how much he has learned about the KPD's historic corruption issues, and by simply examining what he has deemed the "Kafkaesque speeches of KPD Commissioners in recent memory". He was also deeply disturbed by police procedures prohibiting visitations 'by default' for 'felons', openly criticizing the policy as "an egregious violation of the rights of those deprived of liberty"... before, of course, he petitioned successfully to have this policy changed!
Moreover, he is disgusted by the 'arrogance' of certain officers he's interacted with attempting to silence his informing of citizens of their constitutional rights on the basis that he is not a lawyer (as though this was somehow a qualifier to knowing the law), and also the 'paltry sums victims of police misconduct are awarded in this prefecture'. He has built a reputation as the professor who "teaches law and therefore thinks he has the right to tell officers how to do their jobs" (unironically something an officer has said).
He has actively helped a student successfully sue the KPD:
Karakura News
Alois is one of the few people in Karakura ever blacklisted from the KaNews building. The blacklist has since been removed.
He was likely banned from the building for not showing the requisite level of compassion as a member of the press (DARIUS IKEMORI) was attacked live on air by a katana-wielding criminal.
Though Alois never celebrated the attack and condemned the violence, he also went ahead and took the time immediately after the violent incident to scold Karakura News as a whole for 'bad journalism' that in his view does a terrible job at holding powerful figures in Karakura to account. He is also personally bitter and angered by the News agency and its failure to report on his petitioning efforts (to repeal the crime of disrespecting government officials) based on what he has dubbed 'elitist concerns' about how the public would respond to such reporting. The Onrain beef between him and the reporters is truly a sight to behold.
Ernesto Martinez
Alois has judged this former police commissioner to be a 'base, trigger-happy, shouty little autocrat' due to his 'scandalous comments' during a speech Alois himself attended where he watched students and an academic be arrested for 'inciting a riot'. At this same speech, Commissioner Martinez took the stand to tell citizens: "Lying during a speech will be considered as instigating riots. Quit it". Alois was astounded by the arrogance of the Commissioner's other suggestions that some citizens "simply want to cause havoc" and that they are "the oppressor". Consequently, Alois would go on to comment, much to the dismay of his colleagues, that it was 'rather unsurprising, and frankly 100% understandable' that some citizens would later go on to cheer gleefully as the Commissioner fainted during court proceedings in the following month "hoping he had died" according to a news report.
Ezri Akai and Goemon Asogi
Stories of Ezri Akai's dismissal of petitioning as an entire concept and refusal to disclose discussions they have had with the mainland government have made them, in Tullybellton's eyes: 'an enemy of transparency and of democracy'. He also has extremely low regard for Ezri's political leadership, finding an executive decision to 'close the powerplant' without consulting the community, the academy, or criminologists to be 'tone deaf and stupid'.
The (former) Attorney-General is equally as reviled as 'a facetious enemy of change and progress', but also due to arguments on social media and comments the Attorney-General has made at Town Hall while Alois was seeking legal advice. To say the pair were on unfriendly terms is an understatement. Alois refused to attend his funeral.
Ezio C. Togomi-Sterling
'An unrepentant sinner, plain and simple. Yet I still find myself longing for an apology that will never come'.
Alois has had nothing but bad dealings with Ezio: both in his role as a journalist and on a more personal level. Alois finds him to be incapable of any morally righteous actions and finds him deeply threatening due to a past violent encounter in the Karakura Church where he was beaten in front of his boyfriend in his place of worship. This traumatic incident left Alois injured: he had to present to paramedics for advice. He was referred for psychiatric treatment. Zolpidem was prescribed to assist with night terrors and general restlessness. However, when Ezio's restraining order came into effect and was served by officers: Alois' mental health deteriorated. He began looking over his shoulder, jumping at the shutting of doors, and experiencing bouts of extreme anxiety upon spotting Ezio in public. He was eventually diagnosed with PTSD. The restraining order has since been rescinded by Mayor Ami Akai. He proceeded to take Ezio to court for wrongfully obtaining this order, causing him financial loss, and for other harassment causing infliction of psychiatric injury. Unfortunately, the court sided with Ezio, but unusually made no orders for Alois to pay for Ezio's legal fees. Consequently, Alois has grown to deeply resent the Karakura judiciary as a whole.
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